import type {Options} from '../arguments/options.js'; import type {ResultPromise} from '../subprocess/subprocess.js'; import type {TemplateString} from './template.js'; /** Executes a command using `file ...arguments`. When `command` is a template string, it includes both the `file` and its `arguments`. `execa(options)` can be used to return a new instance of this method but with different default `options`. Consecutive calls are merged to previous ones. @param file - The program/script to execute, as a string or file URL @param arguments - Arguments to pass to `file` on execution. @returns A `ResultPromise` that is both: - the subprocess. - a `Promise` either resolving with its successful `result`, or rejecting with its `error`. @throws `ExecaError` @example Simple syntax ``` import {execa} from 'execa'; const {stdout} = await execa`npm run build`; // Print command's output console.log(stdout); ``` @example Script ``` import {$} from 'execa'; const {stdout: name} = await $`cat package.json`.pipe`grep name`; console.log(name); const branch = await $`git branch --show-current`; await $`dep deploy --branch=${branch}`; await Promise.all([ $`sleep 1`, $`sleep 2`, $`sleep 3`, ]); const directoryName = 'foo bar'; await $`mkdir /tmp/${directoryName}`; ``` @example Local binaries ``` $ npm install -D eslint ``` ``` await execa({preferLocal: true})`eslint`; ``` @example Pipe multiple subprocesses ``` const {stdout, pipedFrom} = await execa`npm run build` .pipe`sort` .pipe`head -n 2`; // Output of `npm run build | sort | head -n 2` console.log(stdout); // Output of `npm run build | sort` console.log(pipedFrom[0].stdout); // Output of `npm run build` console.log(pipedFrom[0].pipedFrom[0].stdout); ``` @example Interleaved output ``` const {all} = await execa({all: true})`npm run build`; // stdout + stderr, interleaved console.log(all); ``` @example Programmatic + terminal output ``` const {stdout} = await execa({stdout: ['pipe', 'inherit']})`npm run build`; // stdout is also printed to the terminal console.log(stdout); ``` @example Simple input ``` const getInputString = () => { /* ... *\/ }; const {stdout} = await execa({input: getInputString()})`sort`; console.log(stdout); ``` @example File input ``` // Similar to: npm run build < input.txt await execa({stdin: {file: 'input.txt'}})`npm run build`; ``` @example File output ``` // Similar to: npm run build > output.txt await execa({stdout: {file: 'output.txt'}})`npm run build`; ``` @example Split into text lines ``` const {stdout} = await execa({lines: true})`npm run build`; // Print first 10 lines console.log(stdout.slice(0, 10).join('\n')); ``` @example Iterate over text lines ``` for await (const line of execa`npm run build`) { if (line.includes('WARN')) { console.warn(line); } } ``` @example Transform/filter output ``` let count = 0; // Filter out secret lines, then prepend the line number const transform = function * (line) { if (!line.includes('secret')) { yield `[${count++}] ${line}`; } }; await execa({stdout: transform})`npm run build`; ``` @example Web streams ``` const response = await fetch(''); await execa({stdin: response.body})`sort`; ``` @example Convert to Duplex stream ``` import {execa} from 'execa'; import {pipeline} from 'node:stream/promises'; import {createReadStream, createWriteStream} from 'node:fs'; await pipeline( createReadStream('./input.txt'), execa`node ./transform.js`.duplex(), createWriteStream('./output.txt'), ); ``` @example Exchange messages ``` // parent.js import {execaNode} from 'execa'; const subprocess = execaNode`child.js`; await subprocess.sendMessage('Hello from parent'); const message = await subprocess.getOneMessage(); console.log(message); // 'Hello from child' ``` ``` // child.js import {getOneMessage, sendMessage} from 'execa'; const message = await getOneMessage(); // 'Hello from parent' const newMessage = message.replace('parent', 'child'); // 'Hello from child' await sendMessage(newMessage); ``` @example Any input type ``` // main.js import {execaNode} from 'execa'; const ipcInput = [ {task: 'lint', ignore: /test\.js/}, {task: 'copy', files: new Set(['main.js', 'index.js']), }]; await execaNode({ipcInput})`build.js`; ``` ``` // build.js import {getOneMessage} from 'execa'; const ipcInput = await getOneMessage(); ``` @example Any output type ``` // main.js import {execaNode} from 'execa'; const {ipcOutput} = await execaNode`build.js`; console.log(ipcOutput[0]); // {kind: 'start', timestamp: date} console.log(ipcOutput[1]); // {kind: 'stop', timestamp: date} ``` ``` // build.js import {sendMessage} from 'execa'; const runBuild = () => { /* ... *\/ }; await sendMessage({kind: 'start', timestamp: new Date()}); await runBuild(); await sendMessage({kind: 'stop', timestamp: new Date()}); ``` @example Graceful termination ``` // main.js import {execaNode} from 'execa'; const controller = new AbortController(); setTimeout(() => { controller.abort(); }, 5000); await execaNode({ cancelSignal: controller.signal, gracefulCancel: true, })`build.js`; ``` ``` // build.js import {getCancelSignal} from 'execa'; const cancelSignal = await getCancelSignal(); const url = ''; const response = await fetch(url, {signal: cancelSignal}); ``` @example Detailed error ``` import {execa, ExecaError} from 'execa'; try { await execa`unknown command`; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof ExecaError) { console.log(error); } /* ExecaError: Command failed with ENOENT: unknown command spawn unknown ENOENT at ... at ... { shortMessage: 'Command failed with ENOENT: unknown command\nspawn unknown ENOENT', originalMessage: 'spawn unknown ENOENT', command: 'unknown command', escapedCommand: 'unknown command', cwd: '/path/to/cwd', durationMs: 28.217566, failed: true, timedOut: false, isCanceled: false, isTerminated: false, isMaxBuffer: false, code: 'ENOENT', stdout: '', stderr: '', stdio: [undefined, '', ''], pipedFrom: [] [cause]: Error: spawn unknown ENOENT at ... at ... { errno: -2, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'spawn unknown', path: 'unknown', spawnargs: [ 'command' ] } } *\/ } ``` @example Verbose mode ``` await execa`npm run build`; await execa`npm run test`; ``` ``` $ NODE_DEBUG=execa node build.js [00:57:44.581] [0] $ npm run build [00:57:44.653] [0] Building application... [00:57:44.653] [0] Done building. [00:57:44.658] [0] ✔ (done in 78ms) [00:57:44.658] [1] $ npm run test [00:57:44.740] [1] Running tests... [00:57:44.740] [1] Error: the entrypoint is invalid. [00:57:44.747] [1] ✘ Command failed with exit code 1: npm run test [00:57:44.747] [1] ✘ (done in 89ms) ``` @example Custom logging ``` import {execa as execa_} from 'execa'; import {createLogger, transports} from 'winston'; // Log to a file using Winston const transport = new transports.File({filename: 'logs.txt'}); const logger = createLogger({transports: [transport]}); const LOG_LEVELS = { command: 'info', output: 'verbose', ipc: 'verbose', error: 'error', duration: 'info', }; const execa = execa_({ verbose(verboseLine, {message, ...verboseObject}) { const level = LOG_LEVELS[verboseObject.type]; logger[level](message, verboseObject); }, }); await execa`npm run build`; await execa`npm run test`; ``` */ export declare const execa: ExecaMethod<{}>; /** `execa()` method either exported by Execa, or bound using `execa(options)`. */ export type ExecaMethod = & ExecaBind & ExecaTemplate & ExecaArrayLong & ExecaArrayShort; // `execa(options)` binding type ExecaBind = (options: NewOptionsType) => ExecaMethod; // `execa`command`` template syntax type ExecaTemplate = (...templateString: TemplateString) => ResultPromise; // `execa('file', ['argument'], {})` array syntax type ExecaArrayLong = (file: string | URL, arguments?: readonly string[], options?: NewOptionsType) => ResultPromise; // `execa('file', {})` array syntax type ExecaArrayShort = (file: string | URL, options?: NewOptionsType) => ResultPromise;