import type {ChildProcess} from 'node:child_process'; import type {SignalConstants} from 'node:os'; import type {Readable, Writable, Duplex} from 'node:stream'; import type {Options} from '../arguments/options.js'; import type {Result} from '../return/result.js'; import type {PipableSubprocess} from '../pipe.js'; import type { ReadableOptions, WritableOptions, DuplexOptions, SubprocessAsyncIterable, } from '../convert.js'; import type {IpcMethods, HasIpc} from '../ipc.js'; import type {SubprocessStdioStream} from './stdout.js'; import type {SubprocessStdioArray} from './stdio.js'; import type {SubprocessAll} from './all.js'; type ExecaCustomSubprocess = { /** Process identifier ([PID]( This is `undefined` if the subprocess failed to spawn. */ pid?: number; /** The subprocess [`stdin`]( as a stream. This is `null` if the `stdin` option is set to `'inherit'`, `'ignore'`, `Readable` or `integer`. */ stdin: SubprocessStdioStream<'0', OptionsType>; /** The subprocess [`stdout`]( as a stream. This is `null` if the `stdout` option is set to `'inherit'`, `'ignore'`, `Writable` or `integer`, or if the `buffer` option is `false`. */ stdout: SubprocessStdioStream<'1', OptionsType>; /** The subprocess [`stderr`]( as a stream. This is `null` if the `stderr` option is set to `'inherit'`, `'ignore'`, `Writable` or `integer`, or if the `buffer` option is `false`. */ stderr: SubprocessStdioStream<'2', OptionsType>; /** Stream combining/interleaving `subprocess.stdout` and `subprocess.stderr`. This requires the `all` option to be `true`. This is `undefined` if `stdout` and `stderr` options are set to `'inherit'`, `'ignore'`, `Writable` or `integer`, or if the `buffer` option is `false`. */ all: SubprocessAll; /** The subprocess `stdin`, `stdout`, `stderr` and other files descriptors as an array of streams. Each array item is `null` if the corresponding `stdin`, `stdout`, `stderr` or `stdio` option is set to `'inherit'`, `'ignore'`, `Stream` or `integer`, or if the `buffer` option is `false`. */ stdio: SubprocessStdioArray; /** Sends a [signal]( to the subprocess. The default signal is the `killSignal` option. `killSignal` defaults to `SIGTERM`, which terminates the subprocess. This returns `false` when the signal could not be sent, for example when the subprocess has already exited. When an error is passed as argument, it is set to the subprocess' `error.cause`. The subprocess is then terminated with the default signal. This does not emit the [`error` event]( [More info.]( */ kill(signal?: keyof SignalConstants | number, error?: Error): boolean; kill(error?: Error): boolean; /** Subprocesses are [async iterables]( They iterate over each output line. */ [Symbol.asyncIterator](): SubprocessAsyncIterable; /** Same as `subprocess[Symbol.asyncIterator]` except options can be provided. */ iterable(readableOptions?: IterableOptions): SubprocessAsyncIterable; /** Converts the subprocess to a readable stream. */ readable(readableOptions?: ReadableOptions): Readable; /** Converts the subprocess to a writable stream. */ writable(writableOptions?: WritableOptions): Writable; /** Converts the subprocess to a duplex stream. */ duplex(duplexOptions?: DuplexOptions): Duplex; } & IpcMethods, OptionsType['serialization']> & PipableSubprocess; /** [`child_process` instance]( with additional methods and properties. */ export type Subprocess = & Omit> & ExecaCustomSubprocess; /** The return value of all asynchronous methods is both: - the subprocess. - a `Promise` either resolving with its successful `result`, or rejecting with its `error`. */ export type ResultPromise = & Subprocess & Promise>;