import type {FdGenericOption} from './arguments/specific.js'; import type {Options, SyncOptions} from './arguments/options.js'; import type {Result, SyncResult} from './return/result.js'; type VerboseOption = FdGenericOption< | 'none' | 'short' | 'full' | VerboseFunction >; type VerboseFunction = (verboseLine: string, verboseObject: MinimalVerboseObject) => string | void; type GenericVerboseObject = { /** Event type. This can be: - `'command'`: subprocess start - `'output'`: `stdout`/`stderr` output - `'ipc'`: IPC output - `'error'`: subprocess failure - `'duration'`: subprocess success or failure */ type: 'command' | 'output' | 'ipc' | 'error' | 'duration'; /** Depending on `verboseObject.type`, this is: - `'command'`: the `result.escapedCommand` - `'output'`: one line from `result.stdout` or `result.stderr` - `'ipc'`: one IPC message from `result.ipcOutput` - `'error'`: the `error.shortMessage` - `'duration'`: the `result.durationMs` */ message: string; /** The file and arguments that were run. This is the same as `result.escapedCommand`. */ escapedCommand: string; /** Serial number identifying the subprocess within the current process. It is incremented from `'0'`. This is helpful when multiple subprocesses are running at the same time. This is similar to a [PID]( except it has no maximum limit, which means it never repeats. Also, it is usually shorter. */ commandId: string; /** Event date/time. */ timestamp: Date; /** Whether another subprocess is piped into this subprocess. This is `false` when `result.pipedFrom` is empty. */ piped: boolean; }; type MinimalVerboseObject = GenericVerboseObject & { // We cannot use the `CommonOptions` type because it would make this type recursive options: object; result?: never; }; /** Subprocess event object, for logging purpose, using the `verbose` option and `execa()`. */ export type VerboseObject = GenericVerboseObject & { /** The options passed to the subprocess. */ options: Options; /** Subprocess result. This is `undefined` if `verboseObject.type` is `'command'`, `'output'` or `'ipc'`. */ result?: Result; }; /** Subprocess event object, for logging purpose, using the `verbose` option and `execaSync()`. */ export type SyncVerboseObject = GenericVerboseObject & { /** The options passed to the subprocess. */ options: SyncOptions; /** Subprocess result. This is `undefined` if `verboseObject.type` is `'command'`, `'output'` or `'ipc'`. */ result?: SyncResult; };