/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * */ import type { AsymmetricMatcher as AsymmetricMatcherInterface, MatcherState } from './types'; export declare abstract class AsymmetricMatcher implements AsymmetricMatcherInterface { protected sample: T; protected inverse: boolean; $$typeof: symbol; constructor(sample: T, inverse?: boolean); protected getMatcherContext(): State; abstract asymmetricMatch(other: unknown): boolean; abstract toString(): string; getExpectedType?(): string; toAsymmetricMatcher?(): string; } declare class Any extends AsymmetricMatcher { constructor(sample: unknown); asymmetricMatch(other: unknown): boolean; toString(): string; getExpectedType(): string; toAsymmetricMatcher(): string; } declare class Anything extends AsymmetricMatcher { asymmetricMatch(other: unknown): boolean; toString(): string; toAsymmetricMatcher(): string; } declare class ArrayContaining extends AsymmetricMatcher> { constructor(sample: Array, inverse?: boolean); asymmetricMatch(other: Array): boolean; toString(): string; getExpectedType(): string; } declare class ObjectContaining extends AsymmetricMatcher> { constructor(sample: Record, inverse?: boolean); asymmetricMatch(other: any): boolean; toString(): string; getExpectedType(): string; } declare class StringContaining extends AsymmetricMatcher { constructor(sample: string, inverse?: boolean); asymmetricMatch(other: string): boolean; toString(): string; getExpectedType(): string; } declare class StringMatching extends AsymmetricMatcher { constructor(sample: string | RegExp, inverse?: boolean); asymmetricMatch(other: string): boolean; toString(): string; getExpectedType(): string; } export declare const any: (expectedObject: unknown) => Any; export declare const anything: () => Anything; export declare const arrayContaining: (sample: Array) => ArrayContaining; export declare const arrayNotContaining: (sample: Array) => ArrayContaining; export declare const objectContaining: (sample: Record) => ObjectContaining; export declare const objectNotContaining: (sample: Record) => ObjectContaining; export declare const stringContaining: (expected: string) => StringContaining; export declare const stringNotContaining: (expected: string) => StringContaining; export declare const stringMatching: (expected: string | RegExp) => StringMatching; export declare const stringNotMatching: (expected: string | RegExp) => StringMatching; export {};