import { requireNativeViewManager } from '@unimodules/core'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import * as React from 'react'; import { View, ViewPropTypes } from 'react-native'; type PropsType = React.ComponentProps & { /** * AdMob iOS library banner size constants * ( * banner (320x50, Standard Banner for Phones and Tablets) * largeBanner (320x100, Large Banner for Phones and Tablets) * mediumRectangle (300x250, IAB Medium Rectangle for Phones and Tablets) * fullBanner (468x60, IAB Full-Size Banner for Tablets) * leaderboard (728x90, IAB Leaderboard for Tablets) * smartBannerPortrait (Screen width x 32|50|90, Smart Banner for Phones and Tablets) * smartBannerLandscape (Screen width x 32|50|90, Smart Banner for Phones and Tablets) * * banner is default */ bannerSize: | 'banner' | 'largeBanner' | 'mediumRectangle' | 'fullBanner' | 'leaderboard' | 'smartBannerPortrait' | 'smartBannerLandscape', /** * AdMob ad unit ID */ adUnitID?: string, /** * Test device ID */ testDeviceID?: string, /** * AdMob iOS library events */ onAdViewDidReceiveAd?: () => void, onDidFailToReceiveAdWithError?: (string) => void, onAdViewWillPresentScreen?: () => void, onAdViewWillDismissScreen?: () => void, onAdViewDidDismissScreen?: () => void, onAdViewWillLeaveApplication?: () => void, }; type StateType = { style: { width?: number, height?: number }, }; export default class AdMobBanner extends React.Component { static propTypes = { bannerSize: PropTypes.oneOf([ 'banner', 'largeBanner', 'mediumRectangle', 'fullBanner', 'leaderboard', 'smartBannerPortrait', 'smartBannerLandscape', ]), adUnitID: PropTypes.string, testDeviceID: PropTypes.string, onAdViewDidReceiveAd: PropTypes.func, onDidFailToReceiveAdWithError: PropTypes.func, onAdViewWillPresentScreen: PropTypes.func, onAdViewWillDismissScreen: PropTypes.func, onAdViewDidDismissScreen: PropTypes.func, onAdViewWillLeaveApplication: PropTypes.func, ...ViewPropTypes, }; static defaultProps = { bannerSize: 'smartBannerPortrait' }; state = { style: {} }; _handleSizeChange = ({ nativeEvent }: { nativeEvent: { width: number, height: number } }) => { const { height, width } = nativeEvent; this.setState({ style: { width, height } }); }; _handleDidFailToReceiveAdWithError = ({ nativeEvent }: { nativeEvent: { error: string } }) => this.props.onDidFailToReceiveAdWithError && this.props.onDidFailToReceiveAdWithError(nativeEvent.error); render() { return ( ); } } const ExpoBannerView = requireNativeViewManager('ExpoAdsAdMobBannerView');