export declare type AdLogLevel = 'none' | 'debug' | 'verbose' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'notification'; declare const _default: { /** * Contains hash of the device id */ readonly currentDeviceHash: string; /** * Registers given device with `deviceHash` to receive test Facebook ads. */ addTestDevice(deviceHash: string): void; /** * Clears previously set test devices */ clearTestDevices(): void; /** * Sets current SDK log level */ setLogLevel(logLevel: AdLogLevel): void; /** * Specifies whether ads are treated as child-directed */ setIsChildDirected(isDirected: boolean): void; /** * Sets mediation service name */ setMediationService(mediationService: string): void; /** * Sets URL prefix */ setUrlPrefix(urlPrefix: string): void; }; export default _default;