import { Platform } from '@unimodules/core'; import { Asset } from 'expo-asset'; import ExponentAV from './ExponentAV'; // TODO add: // disableFocusOnAndroid // audio routes (at least did become noisy on android) // pan // pitch // API to explicitly request audio focus / session // API to select stream type on Android // subtitles API export enum PitchCorrectionQuality { Low = ExponentAV && ExponentAV.Qualities && ExponentAV.Qualities.Low, Medium = ExponentAV && ExponentAV.Qualities && ExponentAV.Qualities.Medium, High = ExponentAV && ExponentAV.Qualities && ExponentAV.Qualities.High, } export type AVPlaybackSource = | number | { uri: string; overrideFileExtensionAndroid?: string; headers?: { [fieldName: string]: string }; } | Asset; export type AVPlaybackNativeSource = { uri: string; overridingExtension?: string | null; headers?: { [fieldName: string]: string }; }; export type AVPlaybackStatus = | { isLoaded: false; androidImplementation?: string; error?: string; // populated exactly once when an error forces the object to unload } | { isLoaded: true; androidImplementation?: string; uri: string; progressUpdateIntervalMillis: number; durationMillis?: number; positionMillis: number; playableDurationMillis?: number; seekMillisToleranceBefore?: number; seekMillisToleranceAfter?: number; shouldPlay: boolean; isPlaying: boolean; isBuffering: boolean; rate: number; shouldCorrectPitch: boolean; volume: number; isMuted: boolean; isLooping: boolean; didJustFinish: boolean; // true exactly once when the track plays to finish }; export type AVPlaybackStatusToSet = { androidImplementation?: string; progressUpdateIntervalMillis?: number; positionMillis?: number; seekMillisToleranceBefore?: number; seekMillisToleranceAfter?: number; shouldPlay?: boolean; rate?: number; shouldCorrectPitch?: boolean; volume?: number; isMuted?: boolean; isLooping?: boolean; pitchCorrectionQuality?: PitchCorrectionQuality; }; export const _DEFAULT_PROGRESS_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MILLIS: number = 500; export const _DEFAULT_INITIAL_PLAYBACK_STATUS: AVPlaybackStatusToSet = { positionMillis: 0, progressUpdateIntervalMillis: _DEFAULT_PROGRESS_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MILLIS, shouldPlay: false, rate: 1.0, shouldCorrectPitch: false, volume: 1.0, isMuted: false, isLooping: false, }; export function getNativeSourceFromSource( source?: AVPlaybackSource | null ): AVPlaybackNativeSource | null { let uri: string | null = null; let overridingExtension: string | null = null; let headers: { [fieldName: string]: string } | undefined; if (typeof source === 'string' && Platform.OS === 'web') { return { uri: source, overridingExtension, headers, }; } const asset: Asset | null = _getAssetFromPlaybackSource(source); if (asset != null) { uri = asset.localUri || asset.uri; } else if ( source != null && typeof source !== 'number' && 'uri' in source && typeof source.uri === 'string' ) { uri = source.uri; } if (uri == null) { return null; } if ( source != null && typeof source !== 'number' && 'overrideFileExtensionAndroid' in source && typeof source.overrideFileExtensionAndroid === 'string' ) { overridingExtension = source.overrideFileExtensionAndroid; } if ( source != null && typeof source !== 'number' && 'headers' in source && typeof source.headers === 'object' ) { headers = source.headers; } return { uri, overridingExtension, headers }; } function _getAssetFromPlaybackSource(source?: AVPlaybackSource | null): Asset | null { if (source == null) { return null; } let asset: Asset | null = null; if (typeof source === 'number') { asset = Asset.fromModule(source); } else if (source instanceof Asset) { asset = source; } return asset; } export function assertStatusValuesInBounds(status: AVPlaybackStatusToSet): void { if (typeof status.rate === 'number' && (status.rate < 0 || status.rate > 32)) { throw new RangeError('Rate value must be between 0.0 and 32.0'); } if (typeof status.volume === 'number' && (status.volume < 0 || status.volume > 1)) { throw new RangeError('Volume value must be between 0.0 and 1.0'); } } export async function getNativeSourceAndFullInitialStatusForLoadAsync( source: AVPlaybackSource | null, initialStatus: AVPlaybackStatusToSet | null, downloadFirst: boolean ): Promise<{ nativeSource: AVPlaybackNativeSource; fullInitialStatus: AVPlaybackStatusToSet; }> { // Get the full initial status const fullInitialStatus: AVPlaybackStatusToSet = initialStatus == null ? _DEFAULT_INITIAL_PLAYBACK_STATUS : { ..._DEFAULT_INITIAL_PLAYBACK_STATUS, ...initialStatus, }; assertStatusValuesInBounds(fullInitialStatus); if (typeof source === 'string' && Platform.OS === 'web') { return { nativeSource: { uri: source, overridingExtension: null, }, fullInitialStatus, }; } // Download first if necessary. const asset = _getAssetFromPlaybackSource(source); if (downloadFirst && asset) { // TODO we can download remote uri too once @nikki93 has integrated this into Asset await asset.downloadAsync(); } // Get the native source const nativeSource: AVPlaybackNativeSource | null = getNativeSourceFromSource(source); if (nativeSource === null) { throw new Error(`Cannot load an AV asset from a null playback source`); } return { nativeSource, fullInitialStatus }; } export function getUnloadedStatus(error: string | null = null): AVPlaybackStatus { return { isLoaded: false, ...(error ? { error } : null), }; } export interface AV { setStatusAsync(status: AVPlaybackStatusToSet): Promise; getStatusAsync(): Promise; } export interface Playback extends AV { playAsync(): Promise; loadAsync( source: AVPlaybackSource, initialStatus: AVPlaybackStatusToSet, downloadAsync: boolean ): Promise; unloadAsync(): Promise; playFromPositionAsync( positionMillis: number, tolerances?: { toleranceMillisBefore?: number; toleranceMillisAfter?: number } ): Promise; pauseAsync(): Promise; stopAsync(): Promise; replayAsync(status: AVPlaybackStatusToSet): Promise; setPositionAsync( positionMillis: number, tolerances?: { toleranceMillisBefore?: number; toleranceMillisAfter?: number } ): Promise; setRateAsync( rate: number, shouldCorrectPitch: boolean, pitchCorrectionQuality?: PitchCorrectionQuality ): Promise; setVolumeAsync(volume: number): Promise; setIsMutedAsync(isMuted: boolean): Promise; setIsLoopingAsync(isLooping: boolean): Promise; setProgressUpdateIntervalAsync(progressUpdateIntervalMillis: number): Promise; } /** * A mixin that defines common playback methods for A/V classes so they implement the `Playback` * interface */ export const PlaybackMixin = { async playAsync(): Promise { return ((this as any) as Playback).setStatusAsync({ shouldPlay: true }); }, async playFromPositionAsync( positionMillis: number, tolerances: { toleranceMillisBefore?: number; toleranceMillisAfter?: number } = {} ): Promise { return ((this as any) as Playback).setStatusAsync({ positionMillis, shouldPlay: true, seekMillisToleranceAfter: tolerances.toleranceMillisAfter, seekMillisToleranceBefore: tolerances.toleranceMillisBefore, }); }, async pauseAsync(): Promise { return ((this as any) as Playback).setStatusAsync({ shouldPlay: false }); }, async stopAsync(): Promise { return ((this as any) as Playback).setStatusAsync({ positionMillis: 0, shouldPlay: false }); }, async setPositionAsync( positionMillis: number, tolerances: { toleranceMillisBefore?: number; toleranceMillisAfter?: number } = {} ): Promise { return ((this as any) as Playback).setStatusAsync({ positionMillis, seekMillisToleranceAfter: tolerances.toleranceMillisAfter, seekMillisToleranceBefore: tolerances.toleranceMillisBefore, }); }, async setRateAsync( rate: number, shouldCorrectPitch: boolean = false, pitchCorrectionQuality: PitchCorrectionQuality = PitchCorrectionQuality.Low ): Promise { return ((this as any) as Playback).setStatusAsync({ rate, shouldCorrectPitch, pitchCorrectionQuality, }); }, async setVolumeAsync(volume: number): Promise { return ((this as any) as Playback).setStatusAsync({ volume }); }, async setIsMutedAsync(isMuted: boolean): Promise { return ((this as any) as Playback).setStatusAsync({ isMuted }); }, async setIsLoopingAsync(isLooping: boolean): Promise { return ((this as any) as Playback).setStatusAsync({ isLooping }); }, async setProgressUpdateIntervalAsync( progressUpdateIntervalMillis: number ): Promise { return ((this as any) as Playback).setStatusAsync({ progressUpdateIntervalMillis }); }, };