import omit from 'lodash/omit'; import nullthrows from 'nullthrows'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import * as React from 'react'; import { findNodeHandle, Image, NativeMethods, StyleSheet, View, ViewPropTypes, } from 'react-native'; import { assertStatusValuesInBounds, getNativeSourceAndFullInitialStatusForLoadAsync, getNativeSourceFromSource, getUnloadedStatus, Playback, PlaybackMixin, AVPlaybackSource, AVPlaybackStatus, AVPlaybackStatusToSet, AVPlaybackNativeSource, } from './AV'; import ExpoVideoManager from './ExpoVideoManager'; import ExponentAV from './ExponentAV'; import ExponentVideo from './ExponentVideo'; import { ExponentVideoComponent, VideoFullscreenUpdateEvent, VideoNativeProps, VideoNaturalSize, VideoProps, VideoReadyForDisplayEvent, ResizeMode, VideoState, } from './Video.types'; export { ExponentVideoComponent, VideoFullscreenUpdateEvent, VideoNativeProps, VideoNaturalSize, VideoProps, VideoReadyForDisplayEvent, ResizeMode, VideoState, AVPlaybackStatus, AVPlaybackStatusToSet, AVPlaybackNativeSource, }; export const FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_PRESENT = 0; export const FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_PRESENT = 1; export const FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_DISMISS = 2; export const FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_DISMISS = 3; export const IOS_FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_PRESENT = FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_PRESENT; export const IOS_FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_PRESENT = FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_PRESENT; export const IOS_FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_DISMISS = FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_DISMISS; export const IOS_FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_DISMISS = FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_DISMISS; const _STYLES = StyleSheet.create({ base: { overflow: 'hidden', }, poster: { position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, resizeMode: 'contain', }, video: { position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, }, }); // On a real device UIManager should be present, however when running offline tests with jest-expo // we have to use the provided native module mock to access constants const ExpoVideoManagerConstants = ExpoVideoManager; const ExpoVideoViewManager = ExpoVideoManager; export default class Video extends React.Component implements Playback { static RESIZE_MODE_CONTAIN = ResizeMode.CONTAIN; static RESIZE_MODE_COVER = ResizeMode.COVER; static RESIZE_MODE_STRETCH = ResizeMode.STRETCH; static IOS_FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_PRESENT = IOS_FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_PRESENT; static IOS_FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_PRESENT = IOS_FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_PRESENT; static IOS_FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_DISMISS = IOS_FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_DISMISS; static IOS_FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_DISMISS = IOS_FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_DISMISS; static FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_PRESENT = FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_PRESENT; static FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_PRESENT = FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_PRESENT; static FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_DISMISS = FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_WILL_DISMISS; static FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_DISMISS = FULLSCREEN_UPDATE_PLAYER_DID_DISMISS; static propTypes = { // Source stuff source: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.shape({ uri: PropTypes.string, overrideFileExtensionAndroid: PropTypes.string, }), // remote URI like { uri: 'http://foo/bar.mp4' } PropTypes.number, // asset module like require('./foo/bar.mp4') ]), posterSource: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.shape({ uri: PropTypes.string, }), // remote URI like { uri: 'http://foo/bar.mp4' } PropTypes.number, // asset module like require('./foo/bar.mp4') ]), posterStyle:, // Callbacks onPlaybackStatusUpdate: PropTypes.func, onLoadStart: PropTypes.func, onLoad: PropTypes.func, onError: PropTypes.func, onIOSFullscreenUpdate: PropTypes.func, onFullscreenUpdate: PropTypes.func, onReadyForDisplay: PropTypes.func, // UI stuff useNativeControls: PropTypes.bool, resizeMode: PropTypes.string, usePoster: PropTypes.bool, // Playback API status: PropTypes.shape({ progressUpdateIntervalMillis: PropTypes.number, positionMillis: PropTypes.number, shouldPlay: PropTypes.bool, rate: PropTypes.number, shouldCorrectPitch: PropTypes.bool, volume: PropTypes.number, isMuted: PropTypes.bool, isLooping: PropTypes.bool, }), progressUpdateIntervalMillis: PropTypes.number, positionMillis: PropTypes.number, shouldPlay: PropTypes.bool, rate: PropTypes.number, shouldCorrectPitch: PropTypes.bool, volume: PropTypes.number, isMuted: PropTypes.bool, isLooping: PropTypes.bool, // Required by react-native scaleX: PropTypes.number, scaleY: PropTypes.number, translateX: PropTypes.number, translateY: PropTypes.number, rotation: PropTypes.number, ...ViewPropTypes, }; _nativeRef = React.createRef & NativeMethods>(); _onPlaybackStatusUpdate: ((status: AVPlaybackStatus) => void) | null = null; // componentOrHandle: null | number | React.Component | React.ComponentClass constructor(props: VideoProps) { super(props); this.state = { showPoster: !!props.usePoster, }; } setNativeProps(nativeProps: VideoNativeProps) { const nativeVideo = nullthrows(this._nativeRef.current); nativeVideo.setNativeProps(nativeProps); } // Internal methods _handleNewStatus = (status: AVPlaybackStatus) => { if ( this.state.showPoster && status.isLoaded && (status.isPlaying || status.positionMillis !== 0) ) { this.setState({ showPoster: false }); } if (this.props.onPlaybackStatusUpdate) { this.props.onPlaybackStatusUpdate(status); } if (this._onPlaybackStatusUpdate) { this._onPlaybackStatusUpdate(status); } }; _performOperationAndHandleStatusAsync = async ( operation: (tag: number) => Promise ): Promise => { const video = this._nativeRef.current; if (!video) { throw new Error(`Cannot complete operation because the Video component has not yet loaded`); } const handle = findNodeHandle(this._nativeRef.current)!; const status: AVPlaybackStatus = await operation(handle); this._handleNewStatus(status); return status; }; // ### iOS Fullscreening API ### _setFullscreen = async (value: boolean) => { return this._performOperationAndHandleStatusAsync((tag: number) => ExpoVideoViewManager.setFullscreen(tag, value) ); }; presentFullscreenPlayer = async () => { return this._setFullscreen(true); }; presentIOSFullscreenPlayer = () => { console.warn( "You're using `presentIOSFullscreenPlayer`. Please migrate your code to use `presentFullscreenPlayer` instead." ); return this.presentFullscreenPlayer(); }; presentFullscreenPlayerAsync = async () => { return await this.presentFullscreenPlayer(); }; dismissFullscreenPlayer = async () => { return this._setFullscreen(false); }; dismissIOSFullscreenPlayer = () => { console.warn( "You're using `dismissIOSFullscreenPlayer`. Please migrate your code to use `dismissFullscreenPlayer` instead." ); this.dismissFullscreenPlayer(); }; // ### Unified playback API ### (consistent with Audio.js) // All calls automatically call onPlaybackStatusUpdate as a side effect. // Get status API getStatusAsync = async (): Promise => { return this._performOperationAndHandleStatusAsync((tag: number) => ExponentAV.getStatusForVideo(tag) ); }; // Loading / unloading API loadAsync = async ( source: AVPlaybackSource, initialStatus: AVPlaybackStatusToSet = {}, downloadFirst: boolean = true ): Promise => { const { nativeSource, fullInitialStatus, } = await getNativeSourceAndFullInitialStatusForLoadAsync(source, initialStatus, downloadFirst); return this._performOperationAndHandleStatusAsync((tag: number) => ExponentAV.loadForVideo(tag, nativeSource, fullInitialStatus) ); }; // Equivalent to setting URI to null. unloadAsync = async (): Promise => { return this._performOperationAndHandleStatusAsync((tag: number) => ExponentAV.unloadForVideo(tag) ); }; // Set status API (only available while isLoaded = true) setStatusAsync = async (status: AVPlaybackStatusToSet): Promise => { assertStatusValuesInBounds(status); return this._performOperationAndHandleStatusAsync((tag: number) => ExponentAV.setStatusForVideo(tag, status) ); }; replayAsync = async (status: AVPlaybackStatusToSet = {}): Promise => { if (status.positionMillis && status.positionMillis !== 0) { throw new Error('Requested position after replay has to be 0.'); } return this._performOperationAndHandleStatusAsync((tag: number) => ExponentAV.replayVideo(tag, { ...status, positionMillis: 0, shouldPlay: true, }) ); }; setOnPlaybackStatusUpdate(onPlaybackStatusUpdate: ((status: AVPlaybackStatus) => void) | null) { this._onPlaybackStatusUpdate = onPlaybackStatusUpdate; this.getStatusAsync(); } // Methods of the Playback interface that are set via PlaybackMixin playAsync!: () => Promise; playFromPositionAsync!: ( positionMillis: number, tolerances?: { toleranceMillisBefore?: number; toleranceMillisAfter?: number } ) => Promise; pauseAsync!: () => Promise; stopAsync!: () => Promise; setPositionAsync!: ( positionMillis: number, tolerances?: { toleranceMillisBefore?: number; toleranceMillisAfter?: number } ) => Promise; setRateAsync!: (rate: number, shouldCorrectPitch: boolean) => Promise; setVolumeAsync!: (volume: number) => Promise; setIsMutedAsync!: (isMuted: boolean) => Promise; setIsLoopingAsync!: (isLooping: boolean) => Promise; setProgressUpdateIntervalAsync!: ( progressUpdateIntervalMillis: number ) => Promise; // ### Callback wrappers ### _nativeOnPlaybackStatusUpdate = (event: { nativeEvent: AVPlaybackStatus }) => { this._handleNewStatus(event.nativeEvent); }; // TODO make sure we are passing the right stuff _nativeOnLoadStart = () => { if (this.props.onLoadStart) { this.props.onLoadStart(); } }; _nativeOnLoad = (event: { nativeEvent: AVPlaybackStatus }) => { if (this.props.onLoad) { this.props.onLoad(event.nativeEvent); } this._handleNewStatus(event.nativeEvent); }; _nativeOnError = (event: { nativeEvent: { error: string } }) => { const error: string = event.nativeEvent.error; if (this.props.onError) { this.props.onError(error); } this._handleNewStatus(getUnloadedStatus(error)); }; _nativeOnReadyForDisplay = (event: { nativeEvent: VideoReadyForDisplayEvent }) => { if (this.props.onReadyForDisplay) { this.props.onReadyForDisplay(event.nativeEvent); } }; _nativeOnFullscreenUpdate = (event: { nativeEvent: VideoFullscreenUpdateEvent }) => { if (this.props.onIOSFullscreenUpdate && this.props.onFullscreenUpdate) { console.warn( "You've supplied both `onIOSFullscreenUpdate` and `onFullscreenUpdate`. You're going to receive updates on both the callbacks." ); } else if (this.props.onIOSFullscreenUpdate) { console.warn( "You're using `onIOSFullscreenUpdate`. Please migrate your code to use `onFullscreenUpdate` instead." ); } if (this.props.onIOSFullscreenUpdate) { this.props.onIOSFullscreenUpdate(event.nativeEvent); } if (this.props.onFullscreenUpdate) { this.props.onFullscreenUpdate(event.nativeEvent); } }; _renderPoster = () => this.props.usePoster && this.state.showPoster ? ( // @ts-ignore: the react-native type declarations are overly restrictive ) : null; render() { const source = getNativeSourceFromSource(this.props.source) || undefined; let nativeResizeMode = ExpoVideoManagerConstants.ScaleNone; if (this.props.resizeMode) { const resizeMode = this.props.resizeMode; if (resizeMode === ResizeMode.STRETCH) { nativeResizeMode = ExpoVideoManagerConstants.ScaleToFill; } else if (resizeMode === ResizeMode.CONTAIN) { nativeResizeMode = ExpoVideoManagerConstants.ScaleAspectFit; } else if (resizeMode === ResizeMode.COVER) { nativeResizeMode = ExpoVideoManagerConstants.ScaleAspectFill; } } // Set status via individual props const status: AVPlaybackStatusToSet = { ...this.props.status }; [ 'progressUpdateIntervalMillis', 'positionMillis', 'shouldPlay', 'rate', 'shouldCorrectPitch', 'volume', 'isMuted', 'isLooping', ].forEach(prop => { if (prop in this.props) { status[prop] = this.props[prop]; } }); // Replace selected native props // @ts-ignore: TypeScript thinks "children" is not in the list of props const nativeProps: VideoNativeProps = { ...omit( this.props, 'source', 'onPlaybackStatusUpdate', 'usePoster', 'posterSource', ...Object.keys(status) ), style: StyleSheet.flatten([_STYLES.base,]), source, resizeMode: nativeResizeMode, status, onStatusUpdate: this._nativeOnPlaybackStatusUpdate, onLoadStart: this._nativeOnLoadStart, onLoad: this._nativeOnLoad, onError: this._nativeOnError, onReadyForDisplay: this._nativeOnReadyForDisplay, onFullscreenUpdate: this._nativeOnFullscreenUpdate, }; return ( {this._renderPoster()} ); } } Object.assign(Video.prototype, PlaybackMixin);