import React, { forwardRef } from 'react'; import { createElement, findNodeHandle, StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'; import { CameraCapturedPicture, CameraMountError, CameraNativeProps, CameraPictureOptions, } from './Camera.types'; import CameraModule, { CameraType } from './CameraModule/CameraModule'; import CameraManager from './ExponentCameraManager.web'; export default class ExponentCamera extends React.Component { video?: number | null; camera?: CameraModule; state = { type: null }; componentWillUnmount() { if ( {; } } componentDidUpdate(nextProps) { this._updateCameraProps(nextProps); } _updateCameraProps = async ({ type, pictureSize, ...webCameraSettings }: CameraNativeProps) => { const { camera } = this; if (!camera) { return; } await camera.setTypeAsync(type as CameraType); await camera.updateWebCameraSettingsAsync(webCameraSettings); // await camera.setPictureSize(pictureSize as string); await camera.ensureCameraIsRunningAsync(); const actualCameraType = camera.getActualCameraType(); if (actualCameraType !== this.state.type) { this.setState({ type: actualCameraType }); } }; getCamera = (): CameraModule => { if ( { return; } throw new Error('Camera is not defined yet!'); }; getAvailablePictureSizes = async (ratio: string): Promise => { const camera = this.getCamera(); return camera.getAvailablePictureSizes(ratio); }; takePicture = async (options: CameraPictureOptions): Promise => { const camera = this.getCamera(); return camera.takePicture({ ...options, // This will always be defined, the option gets added to a queue in the upper-level. We should replace the original so it isn't called twice. onPictureSaved: this.props.onPictureSaved, }); }; resumePreview = async (): Promise => { const camera = this.getCamera(); await camera.resumePreview(); }; pausePreview = async (): Promise => { const camera = this.getCamera(); await camera.stopAsync(); }; onCameraReady = () => { if (this.props.onCameraReady) { this.props.onCameraReady(); } }; onMountError = ({ nativeEvent }: { nativeEvent: CameraMountError }) => { if (this.props.onMountError) { this.props.onMountError({ nativeEvent }); } }; _setRef = ref => { if (!ref) { = null; if ( {; = undefined; } return; } = findNodeHandle(ref); ( as any).webkitPlaysinline = true; = new CameraModule(ref); = this.onCameraReady; = this.onMountError; this._updateCameraProps(this.props); }; render() { const { pointerEvents } = this.props; // TODO: Bacon: Create a universal prop, on native the microphone is only used when recording videos. // Because we don't support recording video in the browser we don't need the user to give microphone permissions. const isMuted = true; const isFrontFacingCamera = this.state.type === CameraManager.Type.front; const style = { // Flip the camera transform: isFrontFacingCamera ? [{ scaleX: -1 }] : undefined, }; return ( ); } } const Video: any = forwardRef((props, ref) => createElement('video', { ...props, ref })); const styles = StyleSheet.create({ videoWrapper: { flex: 1, alignItems: 'stretch', }, video: { width: '100%', height: '100%', objectFit: 'cover', }, });