import { ExpoConfig } from '@expo/config-types'; export declare enum AppOwnership { Standalone = "standalone", Expo = "expo", Guest = "guest" } export declare enum ExecutionEnvironment { Bare = "bare", Standalone = "standalone", StoreClient = "storeClient" } export declare enum UserInterfaceIdiom { Handset = "handset", Tablet = "tablet", Unsupported = "unsupported" } export interface IOSManifest { buildNumber: string; platform: string; /** * @deprecated Moved to `expo-device` - `Device.modelName` */ model: string | null; userInterfaceIdiom: UserInterfaceIdiom; systemVersion: string; [key: string]: any; } export interface AndroidManifest { versionCode: number; [key: string]: any; } export interface WebManifest { [key: string]: any; } export interface ManifestAsset { url: string; } /** * A modern manifest. */ export declare type Manifest = { id: string; createdAt: string; runtimeVersion: string; launchAsset: ManifestAsset; assets: ManifestAsset[]; metadata: object; extra?: ClientScopingConfig & { expoClient?: ExpoClientConfig; expoGo?: ExpoGoConfig; eas?: EASConfig; }; }; export declare type EASConfig = { /** * The ID for this project if it's using EAS. UUID. This value will not change when a project is transferred * between accounts or renamed. */ projectId?: string; }; export declare type ClientScopingConfig = { /** * An opaque unique string for scoping client-side data to this project. This value * will not change when a project is transferred between accounts or renamed. */ scopeKey?: string; }; export declare type ExpoGoConfig = { mainModuleName?: string; debuggerHost?: string; logUrl?: string; developer?: { tool?: string; [key: string]: any; }; packagerOpts?: { hostType?: string; dev?: boolean; strict?: boolean; minify?: boolean; urlType?: string; urlRandomness?: string; lanType?: string; [key: string]: any; }; }; export declare type ExpoClientConfig = ExpoConfig & { /** Published Apps Only */ releaseId?: string; revisionId?: string; releaseChannel?: string; bundleUrl: string; hostUri?: string; publishedTime?: string; /** * The Expo account name and slug for this project. * @deprecated - Prefer `projectId` or `originalFullName` instead for identification and `scopeKey` for * scoping due to immutability. */ id?: string; /** * The original Expo account name and slug for this project. Formatted like `@username/slug`. * When unauthenticated, the username is `@anonymous`. For published projects, this value * will not change when a project is transferred between accounts or renamed. */ originalFullName?: string; /** * The Expo account name and slug used for display purposes. Formatted like `@username/slug`. * When unauthenticated, the username is `@anonymous`. For published projects, this value * may change when a project is transferred between accounts or renamed. */ currentFullName?: string; }; /** * A classic manifest */ export declare type AppManifest = ExpoClientConfig & ExpoGoConfig & EASConfig & ClientScopingConfig & { [key: string]: any; }; export interface PlatformManifest { ios?: IOSManifest; android?: AndroidManifest; web?: WebManifest; detach?: { scheme?: string; [key: string]: any; }; logUrl?: string; scheme?: string; hostUri?: string; developer?: string; [key: string]: any; } export interface NativeConstants { name: 'ExponentConstants'; appOwnership: AppOwnership | null; debugMode: boolean; deviceName?: string; /** * @deprecated Moved to `expo-device` - `Device.deviceYearClass` */ deviceYearClass: number | null; executionEnvironment: ExecutionEnvironment; experienceUrl: string; expoRuntimeVersion: string | null; /** * The version string of the Expo client currently running. * Returns `null` in bare workflow and web. */ expoVersion: string | null; isDetached?: boolean; intentUri?: string; /** * @deprecated Constants.installationId is deprecated in favor of generating your own ID and * storing it. This API will be removed in SDK 44. */ installationId: string; isDevice: boolean; isHeadless: boolean; linkingUri: string; nativeAppVersion: string | null; nativeBuildVersion: string | null; /** * Classic manifest for Expo apps using classic updates. * Returns `null` in bare workflow and when `manifest2` is non-null. */ manifest: AppManifest | null; /** * New manifest for Expo apps using modern Expo Updates. * Returns `null` in bare workflow and when `manifest` is non-null. */ manifest2: Manifest | null; sessionId: string; statusBarHeight: number; systemFonts: string[]; systemVersion?: number; platform?: PlatformManifest; [key: string]: any; getWebViewUserAgentAsync: () => Promise; } export interface Constants extends NativeConstants { /** * @deprecated Constants.deviceId is deprecated in favor of generating your own ID and storing it. * This API will be removed in SDK 44. */ deviceId?: string; /** * @deprecated Constants.linkingUrl has been renamed to Constants.linkingUri. Consider using the * Linking API directly. Constants.linkingUrl will be removed in SDK 44. */ linkingUrl?: string; /** * @warning do not use this property. Use `manifest` by default. * * In certain cases accessing manifest via this property * suppresses important warning about missing manifest. */ __unsafeNoWarnManifest?: AppManifest; /** * @warning do not use this property. Use `manifest2` by default. * * In certain cases accessing manifest via this property * suppresses important warning about missing manifest. */ __unsafeNoWarnManifest2?: Manifest; }