import { UnavailabilityError } from '@unimodules/core'; import { EventEmitter, Subscription } from '@unimodules/core'; import UUID from 'uuid-js'; import ExponentFileSystem from './ExponentFileSystem'; import { Platform } from 'react-native'; import { DownloadOptions, DownloadResult, DownloadProgressCallback, DownloadProgressData, DownloadPauseState, FileInfo, EncodingType, ReadingOptions, WritingOptions, ProgressEvent, } from './FileSystem.types'; if (!ExponentFileSystem) { console.warn( "No native ExponentFileSystem module found, are you sure the expo-file-system's module is linked properly?" ); } // Prevent webpack from pruning this. const _unused = new EventEmitter(ExponentFileSystem); export { DownloadOptions, DownloadResult, DownloadProgressCallback, DownloadProgressData, DownloadPauseState, FileInfo, EncodingType, ReadingOptions, WritingOptions, ProgressEvent, }; function normalizeEndingSlash(p: string | null): string | null { if (p != null) { return p.replace(/\/*$/, '') + '/'; } return null; } export const documentDirectory = normalizeEndingSlash(ExponentFileSystem.documentDirectory); export const cacheDirectory = normalizeEndingSlash(ExponentFileSystem.cacheDirectory); export const { bundledAssets, bundleDirectory } = ExponentFileSystem; export async function getInfoAsync( fileUri: string, options: { md5?: boolean; size?: boolean } = {} ): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.getInfoAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'getInfoAsync'); } return await ExponentFileSystem.getInfoAsync(fileUri, options); } export async function readAsStringAsync( fileUri: string, options?: ReadingOptions ): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.readAsStringAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'readAsStringAsync'); } return await ExponentFileSystem.readAsStringAsync(fileUri, options || {}); } export async function getContentUriAsync(fileUri: string): Promise { if (Platform.OS === 'android') { if (!ExponentFileSystem.getContentUriAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'getContentUriAsync'); } return await ExponentFileSystem.getContentUriAsync(fileUri); } else { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(fileUri); }); } } export async function writeAsStringAsync( fileUri: string, contents: string, options: WritingOptions = {} ): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.writeAsStringAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'writeAsStringAsync'); } return await ExponentFileSystem.writeAsStringAsync(fileUri, contents, options); } export async function deleteAsync( fileUri: string, options: { idempotent?: boolean } = {} ): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.deleteAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'deleteAsync'); } return await ExponentFileSystem.deleteAsync(fileUri, options); } export async function moveAsync(options: { from: string; to: string }): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.moveAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'moveAsync'); } return await ExponentFileSystem.moveAsync(options); } export async function copyAsync(options: { from: string; to: string }): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.copyAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'copyAsync'); } return await ExponentFileSystem.copyAsync(options); } export async function makeDirectoryAsync( fileUri: string, options: { intermediates?: boolean } = {} ): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.makeDirectoryAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'makeDirectoryAsync'); } return await ExponentFileSystem.makeDirectoryAsync(fileUri, options); } export async function readDirectoryAsync(fileUri: string): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.readDirectoryAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'readDirectoryAsync'); } return await ExponentFileSystem.readDirectoryAsync(fileUri, {}); } export async function getFreeDiskStorageAsync(): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.getFreeDiskStorageAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'getFreeDiskStorageAsync'); } return await ExponentFileSystem.getFreeDiskStorageAsync(); } export async function getTotalDiskCapacityAsync(): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.getTotalDiskCapacityAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'getTotalDiskCapacityAsync'); } return await ExponentFileSystem.getTotalDiskCapacityAsync(); } export async function downloadAsync( uri: string, fileUri: string, options: DownloadOptions = {} ): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.downloadAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'downloadAsync'); } return await ExponentFileSystem.downloadAsync(uri, fileUri, options); } export function createDownloadResumable( uri: string, fileUri: string, options?: DownloadOptions, callback?: DownloadProgressCallback, resumeData?: string ): DownloadResumable { return new DownloadResumable(uri, fileUri, options, callback, resumeData); } export class DownloadResumable { _uuid: string; _url: string; _fileUri: string; _options: DownloadOptions; _resumeData?: string; _callback?: DownloadProgressCallback; _subscription?: Subscription | null; _emitter: EventEmitter; constructor( url: string, fileUri: string, options: DownloadOptions = {}, callback?: DownloadProgressCallback, resumeData?: string ) { this._uuid = UUID.create(4).toString(); this._url = url; this._fileUri = fileUri; this._options = options; this._resumeData = resumeData; this._callback = callback; this._subscription = null; this._emitter = new EventEmitter(ExponentFileSystem); } async downloadAsync(): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.downloadResumableStartAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'downloadResumableStartAsync'); } this._addSubscription(); return await ExponentFileSystem.downloadResumableStartAsync( this._url, this._fileUri, this._uuid, this._options, this._resumeData ); } async pauseAsync(): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.downloadResumablePauseAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'downloadResumablePauseAsync'); } const pauseResult = await ExponentFileSystem.downloadResumablePauseAsync(this._uuid); this._removeSubscription(); if (pauseResult) { this._resumeData = pauseResult.resumeData; return this.savable(); } else { throw new Error('Unable to generate a savable pause state'); } } async resumeAsync(): Promise { if (!ExponentFileSystem.downloadResumableStartAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-file-system', 'downloadResumableStartAsync'); } this._addSubscription(); return await ExponentFileSystem.downloadResumableStartAsync( this._url, this._fileUri, this._uuid, this._options, this._resumeData ); } savable(): DownloadPauseState { return { url: this._url, fileUri: this._fileUri, options: this._options, resumeData: this._resumeData, }; } _addSubscription(): void { if (this._subscription) { return; } this._subscription = this._emitter.addListener( 'Exponent.downloadProgress', (event: ProgressEvent) => { if (event.uuid === this._uuid) { const callback = this._callback; if (callback) { callback(; } } } ); } _removeSubscription(): void { if (!this._subscription) { return; } this._emitter.removeSubscription(this._subscription); this._subscription = null; } }