import { Asset } from 'expo-asset'; import Constants from 'expo-constants'; import { Platform } from '@unimodules/core'; import ExpoFontLoader from './ExpoFontLoader'; /** * A font source can be a URI, a module ID, or an Expo Asset. */ type FontSource = string | number | Asset; const isWeb = Platform.OS === 'web'; const isInClient = !isWeb && Constants.appOwnership === 'expo'; const isInIOSStandalone = Constants.appOwnership === 'standalone' && Platform.OS === 'ios'; const loaded: { [name: string]: boolean } = {}; const loadPromises: { [name: string]: Promise } = {}; function fontFamilyNeedsScoping(name: string): boolean { return ( (isInClient || isInIOSStandalone) && !Constants.systemFonts.includes(name) && name !== 'System' && !name.includes(Constants.sessionId) ); } /** * Used to transform font family names to the scoped name. This does not need to * be called in standalone or bare apps but it will return unscoped font family * names if it is called in those contexts. * note(brentvatne): at some point we may want to warn if this is called * outside of a managed app. */ export function processFontFamily(name: string | null): string | null { if (!name || !fontFamilyNeedsScoping(name)) { return name; } if (!isLoaded(name)) { if (__DEV__) { if (isLoading(name)) { console.error( `You started loading the font "${name}", but used it before it finished loading.\n - You need to wait for Font.loadAsync to complete before using the font.\n - We recommend loading all fonts before rendering the app, and rendering only Expo.AppLoading while waiting for loading to complete.` ); } else { console.error( `fontFamily "${name}" is not a system font and has not been loaded through Font.loadAsync.\n - If you intended to use a system font, make sure you typed the name correctly and that it is supported by your device operating system.\n - If this is a custom font, be sure to load it with Font.loadAsync.` ); } } return 'System'; } return `ExpoFont-${_getNativeFontName(name)}`; } export function isLoaded(name: string): boolean { return loaded.hasOwnProperty(name); } export function isLoading(name: string): boolean { return loadPromises.hasOwnProperty(name); } export async function loadAsync( nameOrMap: string | { [name: string]: FontSource }, source?: FontSource ): Promise { if (typeof nameOrMap === 'object') { const fontMap = nameOrMap; const names = Object.keys(fontMap); await Promise.all( => loadAsync(name, fontMap[name]))); return; } const name = nameOrMap; if (loaded[name]) { return; } if (loadPromises[name]) { return loadPromises[name]; } // Important: we want all callers that concurrently try to load the same font to await the same // promise. If we're here, we haven't created the promise yet. To ensure we create only one // promise in the program, we need to create the promise synchronously without yielding the event // loop from this point. if (!source) { throw new Error(`No source from which to load font "${name}"`); } const asset = _getAssetForSource(source); loadPromises[name] = (async () => { try { await _loadSingleFontAsync(name, asset); loaded[name] = true; } finally { delete loadPromises[name]; } })(); await loadPromises[name]; } function _getAssetForSource(source: FontSource): Asset { if (source instanceof Asset) { return source; } if (!isWeb && typeof source === 'string') { return Asset.fromURI(source); } if (isWeb || typeof source === 'number') { return Asset.fromModule(source); } // @ts-ignore Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'Asset' // We can't have a string here, we would have thrown an error if !isWeb // or returned Asset.fromModule if isWeb. return source; } async function _loadSingleFontAsync(name: string, asset: Asset): Promise { await asset.downloadAsync(); if (!asset.downloaded) { throw new Error(`Failed to download asset for font "${name}"`); } await ExpoFontLoader.loadAsync(_getNativeFontName(name), asset.localUri); } function _getNativeFontName(name: string): string { if (fontFamilyNeedsScoping(name)) { return `${Constants.sessionId}-${name}`; } else { return name; } } declare var module: any; if (module && module.exports) { let wasImportWarningShown = false; // @ts-ignore: Temporarily define an export named "Font" for legacy compatibility Object.defineProperty(exports, 'Font', { get() { if (!wasImportWarningShown) { console.warn( `The syntax "import { Font } from 'expo-font'" is deprecated. Use "import * as Font from 'expo-font'" or import named exports instead. Support for the old syntax will be removed in SDK 33.` ); wasImportWarningShown = true; } return { processFontFamily, isLoaded, isLoading, loadAsync, }; }, }); }