import invariant from 'invariant'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import { UnavailabilityError, CodedError } from '@unimodules/core'; import { BaseGLViewProps, GLSnapshot, ExpoWebGLRenderingContext, SnapshotOptions, } from './GLView.types'; export { BaseGLViewProps, ExpoWebGLRenderingContext, SnapshotOptions, GLViewProps }; declare const window: Window; function getImageForAsset(asset: { downloadAsync: () => Promise; uri?: string; localUri?: string; }): HTMLImageElement | any { if (asset != null && typeof asset === 'object' && asset !== null && asset.downloadAsync) { const dataURI = asset.localUri || asset.uri || ''; const image = new Image(); image.src = dataURI; return image; } return asset; } function asExpoContext(gl: ExpoWebGLRenderingContext): WebGLRenderingContext { gl.endFrameEXP = function glEndFrameEXP(): void {}; if (!gl['_expo_texImage2D']) { gl['_expo_texImage2D'] = gl.texImage2D; gl.texImage2D = (...props: any[]): any => { let nextProps = [...props]; nextProps.push(getImageForAsset(nextProps.pop())); return gl['_expo_texImage2D'](...nextProps); }; } if (!gl['_expo_texSubImage2D']) { gl['_expo_texSubImage2D'] = gl.texSubImage2D; gl.texSubImage2D = (...props: any[]): any => { let nextProps = [...props]; nextProps.push(getImageForAsset(nextProps.pop())); return gl['_expo_texSubImage2D'](...nextProps); }; } return gl; } function ensureContext( canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement, contextAttributes?: WebGLContextAttributes ): WebGLRenderingContext { if (!canvas) { throw new CodedError( 'ERR_GL_INVALID', 'Attempting to use the GL context before it has been created.' ); } const context = canvas.getContext('webgl', contextAttributes) || canvas.getContext('webgl-experimental', contextAttributes) || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl', contextAttributes); invariant(context, 'Browser does not support WebGL'); return asExpoContext(context as ExpoWebGLRenderingContext); } function stripNonDOMProps(props: { [key: string]: any }): { [key: string]: any } { for (let k in propTypes) { if (k in props) { delete props[k]; } } return props; } const propTypes = { onContextCreate: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onContextRestored: PropTypes.func, onContextLost: PropTypes.func, webglContextAttributes: PropTypes.object, }; interface GLViewProps extends BaseGLViewProps { onContextCreate: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext) => void; onContextRestored?: (gl?: WebGLRenderingContext) => void; onContextLost?: () => void; webglContextAttributes?: WebGLContextAttributes; } type State = { width: number; height: number; }; export class GLView extends React.Component { state = { width: 0, height: 0, }; static propTypes = propTypes; _hasContextBeenCreated = false; _webglContextAttributes: WebGLContextAttributes | undefined; canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | undefined; container?: HTMLElement; gl?: WebGLRenderingContext; static async createContextAsync(): Promise { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = window.innerWidth * window.devicePixelRatio; canvas.height = window.innerHeight * window.devicePixelRatio; return ensureContext(canvas); } static async destroyContextAsync(exgl?: WebGLRenderingContext | number): Promise { // Do nothing return true; } static async takeSnapshotAsync( exgl: WebGLRenderingContext, options: SnapshotOptions = {} ): Promise { invariant(exgl, 'GLView.takeSnapshotAsync(): canvas is not defined'); const canvas: HTMLCanvasElement = exgl.canvas; return await new Promise(resolve => { canvas.toBlob( (blob: Blob | null) => { // TODO: Bacon: Should we add data URI? resolve({ uri: blob, localUri: '', width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height, }); }, options.format, options.compress ); }); } componentDidMount() { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('resize', this._updateLayout); } } _contextCreated = (): void => { = this._createContext(); this.props.onContextCreate(; if (this.canvas) { this.canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextlost', this._contextLost); this.canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextrestored', this._contextRestored); } }; componentWillUnmount() { if ( { const loseContextExt ='WEBGL_lose_context'); if (loseContextExt) { loseContextExt.loseContext(); } = undefined; } if (this.canvas) { this.canvas.removeEventListener('webglcontextlost', this._contextLost); this.canvas.removeEventListener('webglcontextrestored', this._contextRestored); } window.removeEventListener('resize', this._updateLayout); } _updateLayout = (): void => { if (this.container) { const { clientWidth: width = 0, clientHeight: height = 0 } = this.container; this.setState({ width, height }); } }; render() { const { devicePixelRatio = 1 } = window; const { style, ...props } = this.props; const { width, height } = this.state; const domProps = stripNonDOMProps(props); const containerStyle: any = StyleSheet.flatten([{ flex: 1 }, style]); return (
); } componentDidUpdate() { if (this.canvas && !this._hasContextBeenCreated) { this._hasContextBeenCreated = true; this._contextCreated(); } } _createContext(): WebGLRenderingContext { const { webglContextAttributes } = this.props; const gl = ensureContext(this.canvas, webglContextAttributes); this._webglContextAttributes = webglContextAttributes || {}; return gl; } _getGlOrReject(): WebGLRenderingContext { if (! { throw new CodedError( 'ERR_GL_INVALID', 'Attempting to use the GL context before it has been created.' ); } return; } _contextLost = (event: Event): void => { event.preventDefault(); = undefined; if (this.props.onContextLost) { this.props.onContextLost(); } }; _contextRestored = (): void => { if (this.props.onContextRestored) { = this._createContext(); this.props.onContextRestored(; } }; _assignCanvasRef = (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): void => { this.canvas = canvas; }; _assignContainerRef = (element: HTMLElement | null): void => { if (element) { this.container = element; } else { this.container = undefined; } this._updateLayout(); }; async takeSnapshotAsync(options: SnapshotOptions = {}): Promise { if (!GLView.takeSnapshotAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('expo-gl', 'takeSnapshotAsync'); } const gl = this._getGlOrReject(); return await GLView.takeSnapshotAsync(gl, options); } async startARSessionAsync(): Promise { throw new UnavailabilityError('GLView', 'startARSessionAsync'); } async createCameraTextureAsync(): Promise { throw new UnavailabilityError('GLView', 'createCameraTextureAsync'); } async destroyObjectAsync(glObject: WebGLObject): Promise { throw new UnavailabilityError('GLView', 'destroyObjectAsync'); } }