import { PermissionResponse, PermissionStatus } from 'unimodules-permissions-interface'; import { LocationLastKnownOptions, LocationObject, LocationOptions, LocationAccuracy, } from './Location.types'; import { LocationEventEmitter } from './LocationEventEmitter'; class GeocoderError extends Error { code: string; constructor() { super('Geocoder service is not available for this device.'); this.code = 'E_NO_GEOCODER'; } } /** * Converts `GeolocationPosition` to JavaScript object. */ function geolocationPositionToJSON(position: LocationObject): LocationObject { const { coords, timestamp } = position; return { coords: { latitude: coords.latitude, longitude: coords.longitude, altitude: coords.altitude, accuracy: coords.accuracy, altitudeAccuracy: coords.altitudeAccuracy, heading: coords.heading, speed: coords.speed, }, timestamp, }; } /** * Checks whether given location didn't exceed given `maxAge` and fits in the required accuracy. */ function isLocationValid(location: LocationObject, options: LocationLastKnownOptions): boolean { const maxAge = typeof options.maxAge === 'number' ? options.maxAge : Infinity; const requiredAccuracy = typeof options.requiredAccuracy === 'number' ? options.requiredAccuracy : Infinity; const locationAccuracy = location.coords.accuracy ?? Infinity; return - location.timestamp <= maxAge && locationAccuracy <= requiredAccuracy; } /** * Gets the permission details. The implementation is not very good as it actually requests * for the current location, but there is no better way on web so far :( */ async function getPermissionsAsync(): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { const resolveWithStatus = status => resolve({ status, granted: status === PermissionStatus.GRANTED, canAskAgain: true, expires: 0, }); navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( () => resolveWithStatus(PermissionStatus.GRANTED), ({ code }) => { if (code === 1 /* PERMISSION_DENIED */) { resolveWithStatus(PermissionStatus.DENIED); } else { resolveWithStatus(PermissionStatus.UNDETERMINED); } }, { enableHighAccuracy: false, maximumAge: Infinity } ); }); } let lastKnownPosition: LocationObject | null = null; export default { get name(): string { return 'ExpoLocation'; }, async getProviderStatusAsync(): Promise<{ locationServicesEnabled: boolean }> { return { locationServicesEnabled: 'geolocation' in navigator, }; }, async getLastKnownPositionAsync( options: LocationLastKnownOptions = {} ): Promise { if (lastKnownPosition && isLocationValid(lastKnownPosition, options)) { return lastKnownPosition; } return null; }, async getCurrentPositionAsync(options: LocationOptions): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const resolver = position => { lastKnownPosition = geolocationPositionToJSON(position); resolve(lastKnownPosition); }; navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(resolver, reject, { maximumAge: Infinity, enableHighAccuracy: (options.accuracy ?? 0) > LocationAccuracy.Balanced, ...options, }); }); }, async removeWatchAsync(watchId): Promise { navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchId); }, async watchDeviceHeading(headingId): Promise { console.warn('Location.watchDeviceHeading: is not supported on web'); }, async hasServicesEnabledAsync(): Promise { return 'geolocation' in navigator; }, async geocodeAsync(): Promise { throw new GeocoderError(); }, async reverseGeocodeAsync(): Promise { throw new GeocoderError(); }, async watchPositionImplAsync(watchId: string, options: LocationOptions): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { // @ts-ignore watchId = global.navigator.geolocation.watchPosition( position => { lastKnownPosition = geolocationPositionToJSON(position); LocationEventEmitter.emit('Expo.locationChanged', { watchId, location: lastKnownPosition, }); }, null, options ); resolve(watchId); }); }, getPermissionsAsync, async requestPermissionsAsync(): Promise { return getPermissionsAsync(); }, // no-op startObserving() {}, stopObserving() {}, };