import DeviceSensor from './DeviceSensor'; export interface DeviceMotionMeasurement { acceleration: null | { x: number; y: number; z: number; }; accelerationIncludingGravity: { x: number; y: number; z: number; }; rotation: { alpha: number; beta: number; gamma: number; }; /** * Device's rate of rotation in space expressed in degrees per second (deg/s). */ rotationRate: null | { /** * x axis rotation. */ alpha: number; /** * y axis rotation. */ beta: number; /** * z axis rotation. */ gamma: number; }; /** * Interval at which data is obtained from the native platform. Expressed in **milliseconds**. */ interval: number; orientation: number; } declare class DeviceMotionSensor extends DeviceSensor { Gravity: any; } export declare const Gravity: any; declare const _default: DeviceMotionSensor; export default _default;