import { UnavailabilityError } from 'expo-modules-core'; import Sharing from './ExpoSharing'; // @needsAudit export type SharingOptions = { /** * Sets `mimeType` for `Intent` *(Android only)* */ mimeType?: string; /** * ([Uniform Type Identifier]( * the type of the target file *(iOS only)* */ UTI?: string; /** * Sets share dialog title *(Android and Web only)* */ dialogTitle?: string; }; // @needsAudit /** * Determine if the sharing API can be used in this app. * @return A promise that fulfills with `true` if the sharing API can be used, and `false` otherwise. */ export async function isAvailableAsync(): Promise { if (Sharing) { if (Sharing.isAvailableAsync) { return await Sharing.isAvailableAsync(); } return true; } return false; } // @needsAudit /** * Opens action sheet to share file to different applications which can handle this type of file. * @param url Local file URL to share. * @param options A map of share options. */ export async function shareAsync(url: string, options: SharingOptions = {}): Promise { if (!Sharing || !Sharing.shareAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('Sharing', 'shareAsync'); } return await Sharing.shareAsync(url, options); }