import { UnavailabilityError } from '@unimodules/core'; import { AppState, AppStateStatus, Linking, Platform } from 'react-native'; import ExponentWebBrowser from './ExpoWebBrowser'; import { RedirectEvent, WebBrowserAuthSessionResult, WebBrowserCoolDownResult, WebBrowserCustomTabsResults, WebBrowserMayInitWithUrlResult, WebBrowserOpenOptions, WebBrowserRedirectResult, WebBrowserResult, WebBrowserResultType, WebBrowserWarmUpResult, WebBrowserWindowFeatures, } from './WebBrowser.types'; export { WebBrowserAuthSessionResult, WebBrowserCoolDownResult, WebBrowserCustomTabsResults, WebBrowserMayInitWithUrlResult, WebBrowserOpenOptions, WebBrowserRedirectResult, WebBrowserResult, WebBrowserResultType, WebBrowserWarmUpResult, WebBrowserWindowFeatures, }; const emptyCustomTabsPackages: WebBrowserCustomTabsResults = { defaultBrowserPackage: undefined, preferredBrowserPackage: undefined, browserPackages: [], servicePackages: [], }; export async function getCustomTabsSupportingBrowsersAsync(): Promise { if (!ExponentWebBrowser.getCustomTabsSupportingBrowsersAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('WebBrowser', 'getCustomTabsSupportingBrowsersAsync'); } if (Platform.OS !== 'android') { return emptyCustomTabsPackages; } else { return await ExponentWebBrowser.getCustomTabsSupportingBrowsersAsync(); } } export async function warmUpAsync(browserPackage?: string): Promise { if (!ExponentWebBrowser.warmUpAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('WebBrowser', 'warmUpAsync'); } if (Platform.OS !== 'android') { return {}; } else { return await ExponentWebBrowser.warmUpAsync(browserPackage); } } export async function mayInitWithUrlAsync( url: string, browserPackage?: string ): Promise { if (!ExponentWebBrowser.mayInitWithUrlAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('WebBrowser', 'mayInitWithUrlAsync'); } if (Platform.OS !== 'android') { return {}; } else { return await ExponentWebBrowser.mayInitWithUrlAsync(url, browserPackage); } } export async function coolDownAsync(browserPackage?: string): Promise { if (!ExponentWebBrowser.coolDownAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('WebBrowser', 'coolDownAsync'); } if (Platform.OS !== 'android') { return {}; } else { return await ExponentWebBrowser.coolDownAsync(browserPackage); } } let browserLocked = false; export async function openBrowserAsync( url: string, browserParams: WebBrowserOpenOptions = {} ): Promise { if (!ExponentWebBrowser.openBrowserAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('WebBrowser', 'openBrowserAsync'); } if (browserLocked) { // Prevent multiple sessions from running at the same time, WebBrowser doesn't // support it this makes the behavior predictable. if (__DEV__) { console.warn( 'Attempted to call WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync multiple times while already active. Only one WebBrowser controller can be active at any given time.' ); } return { type: 'locked' }; } browserLocked = true; let result: WebBrowserResult; try { result = await ExponentWebBrowser.openBrowserAsync(url, browserParams); } finally { // WebBrowser session complete, unset lock browserLocked = false; } return result; } export function dismissBrowser(): void { if (!ExponentWebBrowser.dismissBrowser) { throw new UnavailabilityError('WebBrowser', 'dismissBrowser'); } ExponentWebBrowser.dismissBrowser(); } export async function openAuthSessionAsync( url: string, redirectUrl: string, browserParams: WebBrowserOpenOptions = {} ): Promise { if (_authSessionIsNativelySupported()) { if (!ExponentWebBrowser.openAuthSessionAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('WebBrowser', 'openAuthSessionAsync'); } if (Platform.OS === 'web') { return ExponentWebBrowser.openAuthSessionAsync(url, redirectUrl, browserParams); } return ExponentWebBrowser.openAuthSessionAsync(url, redirectUrl); } else { return _openAuthSessionPolyfillAsync(url, redirectUrl, browserParams); } } export function dismissAuthSession(): void { if (_authSessionIsNativelySupported()) { if (!ExponentWebBrowser.dismissAuthSession) { throw new UnavailabilityError('WebBrowser', 'dismissAuthSession'); } ExponentWebBrowser.dismissAuthSession(); } else { if (!ExponentWebBrowser.dismissBrowser) { throw new UnavailabilityError('WebBrowser', 'dismissAuthSession'); } ExponentWebBrowser.dismissBrowser(); } } /** * Attempts to complete an auth session in the browser. * * @param options */ export function maybeCompleteAuthSession( options: { skipRedirectCheck?: boolean } = {} ): { type: 'success' | 'failed'; message: string } { if (ExponentWebBrowser.maybeCompleteAuthSession) { return ExponentWebBrowser.maybeCompleteAuthSession(options); } return { type: 'failed', message: 'Not supported on this platform' }; } /* iOS <= 10 and Android polyfill for SFAuthenticationSession flow */ function _authSessionIsNativelySupported(): boolean { if (Platform.OS === 'android') { return false; } else if (Platform.OS === 'web') { return true; } const versionNumber = parseInt(String(Platform.Version), 10); return versionNumber >= 11; } let _redirectHandler: ((event: RedirectEvent) => void) | null = null; /* * openBrowserAsync on Android doesn't wait until closed, so we need to polyfill * it with AppState */ // Store the `resolve` function from a Promise to fire when the AppState // returns to active let _onWebBrowserCloseAndroid: null | (() => void) = null; // If the initial AppState.currentState is null, we assume that the first call to // AppState#change event is not actually triggered by a real change, // is triggered instead by the bridge capturing the current state // ( let _isAppStateAvailable: boolean = AppState.currentState !== null; function _onAppStateChangeAndroid(state: AppStateStatus) { if (!_isAppStateAvailable) { _isAppStateAvailable = true; return; } if (state === 'active' && _onWebBrowserCloseAndroid) { _onWebBrowserCloseAndroid(); } } async function _openBrowserAndWaitAndroidAsync( startUrl: string, browserParams: WebBrowserOpenOptions = {} ): Promise { const appStateChangedToActive = new Promise(resolve => { _onWebBrowserCloseAndroid = resolve; AppState.addEventListener('change', _onAppStateChangeAndroid); }); let result: WebBrowserResult = { type: 'cancel' }; const { type } = await openBrowserAsync(startUrl, browserParams); if (type === 'opened') { await appStateChangedToActive; result = { type: 'dismiss' }; } AppState.removeEventListener('change', _onAppStateChangeAndroid); _onWebBrowserCloseAndroid = null; return result; } async function _openAuthSessionPolyfillAsync( startUrl: string, returnUrl: string, browserParams: WebBrowserOpenOptions = {} ): Promise { if (_redirectHandler) { throw new Error( `The WebBrowser's auth session is in an invalid state with a redirect handler set when it should not be` ); } if (_onWebBrowserCloseAndroid) { throw new Error(`WebBrowser is already open, only one can be open at a time`); } try { if (Platform.OS === 'android') { return await Promise.race([ _openBrowserAndWaitAndroidAsync(startUrl, browserParams), _waitForRedirectAsync(returnUrl), ]); } else { return await Promise.race([ openBrowserAsync(startUrl, browserParams), _waitForRedirectAsync(returnUrl), ]); } } finally { // We can't dismiss the browser on Android, only call this when it's available. // Users on Android need to manually press the 'x' button in Chrome Custom Tabs, sadly. if (ExponentWebBrowser.dismissBrowser) { ExponentWebBrowser.dismissBrowser(); } _stopWaitingForRedirect(); } } function _stopWaitingForRedirect() { if (!_redirectHandler) { throw new Error( `The WebBrowser auth session is in an invalid state with no redirect handler when one should be set` ); } Linking.removeEventListener('url', _redirectHandler); _redirectHandler = null; } function _waitForRedirectAsync(returnUrl: string): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { _redirectHandler = (event: RedirectEvent) => { if (event.url.startsWith(returnUrl)) { resolve({ url: event.url, type: 'success' }); } }; Linking.addEventListener('url', _redirectHandler); }); }