import { CodedError } from '@unimodules/core'; import compareUrls from 'compare-urls'; import { canUseDOM } from 'fbjs/lib/ExecutionEnvironment'; import { AppState, Dimensions, AppStateStatus } from 'react-native'; import { WebBrowserAuthSessionResult, WebBrowserOpenOptions, WebBrowserResult, WebBrowserResultType, WebBrowserWindowFeatures, } from './WebBrowser.types'; const POPUP_WIDTH = 500; const POPUP_HEIGHT = 650; let popupWindow: Window | null = null; const listenerMap = new Map(); const getHandle = () => 'ExpoWebBrowserRedirectHandle'; const getOriginUrlHandle = (hash: string) => `ExpoWebBrowser_OriginUrl_${hash}`; const getRedirectUrlHandle = (hash: string) => `ExpoWebBrowser_RedirectUrl_${hash}`; function dismissPopup() { if (!popupWindow) { return; } popupWindow.close(); if (listenerMap.has(popupWindow)) { const { listener, appStateListener, interval } = listenerMap.get(popupWindow); clearInterval(interval); window.removeEventListener('message', listener); AppState.removeEventListener('change', appStateListener); listenerMap.delete(popupWindow); const handle = window.localStorage.getItem(getHandle()); if (handle) { window.localStorage.removeItem(getHandle()); window.localStorage.removeItem(getOriginUrlHandle(handle)); window.localStorage.removeItem(getRedirectUrlHandle(handle)); } popupWindow = null; } } export default { get name() { return 'ExpoWebBrowser'; }, async openBrowserAsync( url: string, browserParams: WebBrowserOpenOptions = {} ): Promise { if (!canUseDOM) return { type: WebBrowserResultType.CANCEL }; const { windowName = '_blank', windowFeatures } = browserParams; const features = getPopupFeaturesString(windowFeatures);, windowName, features); return { type: WebBrowserResultType.OPENED }; }, dismissAuthSession() { if (!canUseDOM) return; dismissPopup(); }, maybeCompleteAuthSession({ skipRedirectCheck, }: { skipRedirectCheck?: boolean; }): { type: 'success' | 'failed'; message: string } { if (!canUseDOM) { return { type: 'failed', message: 'Cannot use expo-web-browser in a non-browser environment', }; } const handle = window.localStorage.getItem(getHandle()); if (!handle) { return { type: 'failed', message: 'No auth session is currently in progress' }; } const url = window.location.href; if (skipRedirectCheck !== true) { const redirectUrl = window.localStorage.getItem(getRedirectUrlHandle(handle)); // Compare the original redirect url against the current url with it's query params removed. const currentUrl = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname; if (!compareUrls(redirectUrl, currentUrl)) { return { type: 'failed', message: `Current URL "${currentUrl}" and original redirect URL "${redirectUrl}" do not match.`, }; } } // Save the link for app state listener window.localStorage.setItem(getOriginUrlHandle(handle), url); // Get the window that created the current popup const parent = window.opener ?? window.parent; if (!parent) { throw new CodedError( 'ERR_WEB_BROWSER_REDIRECT', `The window cannot complete the redirect request because the invoking window doesn't have a reference to it's parent. This can happen if the parent window was reloaded.` ); } // Send the URL back to the opening window. parent.postMessage({ url, expoSender: handle }, parent.location); return { type: 'success', message: `Attempting to complete auth` }; // Maybe set timer to throw an error if the window is still open after attempting to complete. }, // This method should be invoked from user input. async openAuthSessionAsync( url: string, redirectUrl?: string, openOptions?: WebBrowserOpenOptions ): Promise { if (!canUseDOM) return { type: WebBrowserResultType.CANCEL }; redirectUrl = redirectUrl ?? getRedirectUrlFromUrlOrGenerate(url); const state = await getStateFromUrlOrGenerateAsync(url); // Save handle for session window.localStorage.setItem(getHandle(), state); // Save redirect Url for further verification window.localStorage.setItem(getRedirectUrlHandle(state), redirectUrl); if (popupWindow == null || popupWindow?.closed) { const features = getPopupFeaturesString(openOptions?.windowFeatures); popupWindow =, openOptions?.windowName, features); if (popupWindow) { try { popupWindow.focus(); } catch (e) {} } else { throw new CodedError( 'ERR_WEB_BROWSER_BLOCKED', 'Popup window was blocked by the browser or failed to open. This can happen in mobile browsers when the method was invoked too long after a user input was fired.' ); } } return new Promise(async resolve => { // Create a listener for messages sent from the popup const listener = (event: MessageEvent) => { if (!event.isTrusted) return; // Ensure we trust the sender. if (event.origin !== window.location.origin) { return; } const { data } = event; // Use a crypto hash to invalid message. const handle = window.localStorage.getItem(getHandle()); // Ensure the sender is also from expo-web-browser if (data.expoSender === handle) { dismissPopup(); resolve({ type: 'success', url: data.url }); } }; // Add a listener for receiving messages from the popup. window.addEventListener('message', listener, false); // Create an app state listener as a fallback to the popup listener const appStateListener = (state: AppStateStatus) => { if (state !== 'active') { return; } const handle = window.localStorage.getItem(getHandle()); if (handle) { const url = window.localStorage.getItem(getOriginUrlHandle(handle)); if (url) { dismissPopup(); resolve({ type: 'success', url }); } } }; AppState.addEventListener('change', appStateListener); // Check if the window has been closed every second. const interval = setInterval(() => { if (popupWindow?.closed) { if (resolve) resolve({ type: WebBrowserResultType.DISMISS }); clearInterval(interval); dismissPopup(); } }, 1000); // Store the listener and interval for clean up. listenerMap.set(popupWindow, { listener, interval, appStateListener, }); }); }, }; // Crypto function isCryptoAvailable(): boolean { if (!canUseDOM) return false; return !!(window?.crypto as any); } function isSubtleCryptoAvailable(): boolean { if (!isCryptoAvailable()) return false; return !!(window.crypto.subtle as any); } async function getStateFromUrlOrGenerateAsync(inputUrl: string): Promise { const url = new URL(inputUrl); if (url.searchParams.has('state') && typeof url.searchParams.get('state') === 'string') { // Ensure we reuse the auth state if it's passed in. return url.searchParams.get('state')!; } // Generate a crypto state for verifying the return popup. return await generateStateAsync(); } function getRedirectUrlFromUrlOrGenerate(inputUrl: string): string { const url = new URL(inputUrl); if ( url.searchParams.has('redirect_uri') && typeof url.searchParams.get('redirect_uri') === 'string' ) { // Ensure we reuse the redirect_uri if it's passed in the input url. return url.searchParams.get('redirect_uri')!; } // Emulate how native uses Constants.linkingUrl return location.origin + location.pathname; } const CHARSET = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; async function generateStateAsync(): Promise { if (!isSubtleCryptoAvailable()) { throw new CodedError( 'ERR_WEB_BROWSER_CRYPTO', `The current environment doesn't support crypto. Ensure you are running from a secure origin (https).` ); } const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const data = generateRandom(10); const buffer = encoder.encode(data); const hashedData = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', buffer); const state = btoa(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(hashedData))); return state; } function generateRandom(size: number): string { let arr = new Uint8Array(size); if (arr.byteLength !== arr.length) { arr = new Uint8Array(arr.buffer); } const array = new Uint8Array(arr.length); if (isCryptoAvailable()) { window.crypto.getRandomValues(array); } else { for (let i = 0; i < size; i += 1) { array[i] = (Math.random() * CHARSET.length) | 0; } } return bufferToString(array); } function bufferToString(buffer): string { const state: string[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < buffer.byteLength; i += 1) { const index = buffer[i] % CHARSET.length; state.push(CHARSET[index]); } return state.join(''); } // Window Features // Ensure feature string is an object function normalizePopupFeaturesString( options?: WebBrowserWindowFeatures | string ): Record { let windowFeatures: Record = {}; // This should be avoided because it adds extra time to the popup command. if (typeof options === 'string') { // Convert string of `key=value,foo=bar` into an object const windowFeaturePairs = options.split(','); for (const pair of windowFeaturePairs) { const [key, value] = pair.trim().split('='); if (key && value) { windowFeaturePairs[key] = value; } } } else if (options) { windowFeatures = options; } return windowFeatures; } // Apply default values to the input feature set function getPopupFeaturesString(options?: WebBrowserWindowFeatures | string): string { const windowFeatures = normalizePopupFeaturesString(options); const width = windowFeatures.width ?? POPUP_WIDTH; const height = windowFeatures.height ?? POPUP_HEIGHT; const dimensions = Dimensions.get('screen'); const top = ?? Math.max(0, (dimensions.height - height) * 0.5); const left = windowFeatures.left ?? Math.max(0, (dimensions.width - width) * 0.5); // Create a reasonable popup // return featureObjectToString({ ...windowFeatures, // Toolbar buttons (Back, Forward, Reload, Stop buttons). toolbar: windowFeatures.toolbar ?? 'no', menubar: windowFeatures.menubar ?? 'no', // Shows the location bar or the address bar. location: windowFeatures.location ?? 'yes', resizable: windowFeatures.resizable ?? 'yes', // If this feature is on, then the new secondary window has a status bar. status: windowFeatures.status ?? 'no', scrollbars: windowFeatures.scrollbars ?? 'yes', top, left, width, height, }); } export function featureObjectToString(features: Record): string { return Object.keys(features).reduce((prev, current) => { let value = features[current]; if (typeof value === 'boolean') { value = value ? 'yes' : 'no'; } if (current && value) { if (prev) prev += ','; return `${prev}${current}=${value}`; } return prev; }, ''); }