// Type definitions for express-expeditious 3.x // Project: http://github.com/evanshortiss/express-expeditious // Definitions by: Evan Shortiss // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.2 /// import * as express from 'express'; /** * This declaration is required to appease the TypeScript compiler */ declare namespace ExpressExpeditious { /** * Expiry values can either be a number of milliseconds. For example to cache entries for 60 seconds you can pass the * number 60000, string, "1 minute" or the string "60 seconds" */ type ExpeditiousExpire = number|string /** * Function that determines if we should attempt to read the cache to serve the incoming request. Will also determine * if the response to the request is written to the cache in the event that a "miss" occurred */ type ShouldCacheFunction = (req: express.Request) => boolean /** * Function that can be used to generate a custom caching key for an incoming request. This key will be used to read * and write from the cache */ type GenreateCacheKeyFunction = (req: express.Request) => string /** * Options that must be passed to the factory function of express-expeditious */ interface ExpeditiousOptions { defaultTtl: ExpeditiousExpire namespace: string engine?: any sessionAware?: boolean genCacheKey?: GenreateCacheKeyFunction shouldCache?: ShouldCacheFunction statusCodeExpires?: { [key: number]: ExpeditiousExpire } } /** * The representation of a returned express-expeditious instance */ interface ExpressExpeditiousInstance extends express.RequestHandler { /** * Creates a clone of this cache instance, but with a new defaultTtl */ withTtl: (ttl: ExpeditiousExpire) => ExpressExpeditiousInstance /** * Creates a clone of this cache instance, but with a new expiry value for the given status code. Will inherit all * other settings including existing status code expire values */ withTtlForStatus: (ttl: ExpeditiousExpire, statusCode: number) => ExpressExpeditiousInstance /** * Create a clone of this cache instance, but with the newly passed shouldCache condition */ withCondition: (condition: ShouldCacheFunction) => ExpressExpeditiousInstance /** * Create a clone of this cache instance, but override certain configuration options used the passed configuration */ withConfigOverrides: (opts: ExpeditiousOptions) => ExpressExpeditiousInstance /** * Create a clone of this cache instance, but with the newly passed namespace */ withNamespace: (ns: string) => ExpressExpeditiousInstance /** * Create a clone of this cache instance, but with the newly cache key generator function */ withCacheKey: (genCacheKey: GenreateCacheKeyFunction) => ExpressExpeditiousInstance /** * Flush all cache entries for the given namespace. The callback will receive an error if one occurred */ flush: (ns: string, callback: (err: Error) => void) => void /** * Create a clone of this cache instance that is either session aware (true) or not session aware (false) */ withSessionAwareness: (awareness: boolean) => ExpressExpeditiousInstance /** * The underlying expeditious instance used by this cache */ expeditious: any } } /** * Default export. This function will create a middleware instance. */ declare function ExpressExpeditious(opts: ExpressExpeditious.ExpeditiousOptions): ExpressExpeditious.ExpressExpeditiousInstance export = ExpressExpeditious;