/* @flow */ /** * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ import accepts from 'accepts'; import { Source, parse, validate, execute, formatError, getOperationAST, specifiedRules, } from 'graphql'; import httpError from 'http-errors'; import url from 'url'; import { parseBody } from './parseBody'; import { renderGraphiQL } from './renderGraphiQL'; import type { DocumentNode, GraphQLError, GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql'; import type { $Request, $Response } from 'express'; /** * Used to configure the graphqlHTTP middleware by providing a schema * and other configuration options. * * Options can be provided as an Object, a Promise for an Object, or a Function * that returns an Object or a Promise for an Object. */ export type Options = | (( request: $Request, response: $Response, params?: GraphQLParams, ) => OptionsResult) | OptionsResult; export type OptionsResult = OptionsData | Promise; export type OptionsData = { /** * A GraphQL schema from graphql-js. */ schema: GraphQLSchema, /** * A value to pass as the context to the graphql() function. */ context?: ?mixed, /** * An object to pass as the rootValue to the graphql() function. */ rootValue?: ?mixed, /** * A boolean to configure whether the output should be pretty-printed. */ pretty?: ?boolean, /** * An optional function which will be used to format any errors produced by * fulfilling a GraphQL operation. If no function is provided, GraphQL's * default spec-compliant `formatError` function will be used. */ formatError?: ?(error: GraphQLError) => mixed, /** * An optional array of validation rules that will be applied on the document * in additional to those defined by the GraphQL spec. */ validationRules?: ?Array, /** * An optional function for adding additional metadata to the GraphQL response * as a key-value object. The result will be added to "extensions" field in * the resulting JSON. This is often a useful place to add development time * info such as the runtime of a query or the amount of resources consumed. * * Information about the request is provided to be used. * * This function may be async. */ extensions?: ?(info: RequestInfo) => { [key: string]: mixed }, /** * A boolean to optionally enable GraphiQL mode. */ graphiql?: ?boolean, }; /** * All information about a GraphQL request. */ export type RequestInfo = { /** * The parsed GraphQL document. */ document: DocumentNode, /** * The variable values used at runtime. */ variables: ?{ [name: string]: mixed }, /** * The (optional) operation name requested. */ operationName: ?string, /** * The result of executing the operation. */ result: ?mixed, }; type Middleware = (request: $Request, response: $Response) => Promise; /** * Middleware for express; takes an options object or function as input to * configure behavior, and returns an express middleware. */ module.exports = graphqlHTTP; function graphqlHTTP(options: Options): Middleware { if (!options) { throw new Error('GraphQL middleware requires options.'); } return (request: $Request, response: $Response) => { // Higher scoped variables are referred to at various stages in the // asynchronous state machine below. let params; let pretty; let formatErrorFn; let extensionsFn; let showGraphiQL; let query; let documentAST; let variables; let operationName; // Promises are used as a mechanism for capturing any thrown errors during // the asynchronous process below. // Parse the Request to get GraphQL request parameters. return getGraphQLParams(request) .then(graphQLParams => { params = graphQLParams; // Then, resolve the Options to get OptionsData. return new Promise(resolve => resolve( typeof options === 'function' ? options(request, response, params) : options, ), ); }) .then(optionsData => { // Assert that optionsData is in fact an Object. if (!optionsData || typeof optionsData !== 'object') { throw new Error( 'GraphQL middleware option function must return an options object ' + 'or a promise which will be resolved to an options object.', ); } // Assert that schema is required. if (!optionsData.schema) { throw new Error('GraphQL middleware options must contain a schema.'); } // Collect information from the options data object. const schema = optionsData.schema; const context = optionsData.context || request; const rootValue = optionsData.rootValue; const graphiql = optionsData.graphiql; pretty = optionsData.pretty; formatErrorFn = optionsData.formatError; extensionsFn = optionsData.extensions; let validationRules = specifiedRules; if (optionsData.validationRules) { validationRules = validationRules.concat(optionsData.validationRules); } // GraphQL HTTP only supports GET and POST methods. if (request.method !== 'GET' && request.method !== 'POST') { response.setHeader('Allow', 'GET, POST'); throw httpError(405, 'GraphQL only supports GET and POST requests.'); } // Get GraphQL params from the request and POST body data. query = params.query; variables = params.variables; operationName = params.operationName; showGraphiQL = graphiql && canDisplayGraphiQL(request, params); // If there is no query, but GraphiQL will be displayed, do not produce // a result, otherwise return a 400: Bad Request. if (!query) { if (showGraphiQL) { return null; } throw httpError(400, 'Must provide query string.'); } // GraphQL source. const source = new Source(query, 'GraphQL request'); // Parse source to AST, reporting any syntax error. try { documentAST = parse(source); } catch (syntaxError) { // Return 400: Bad Request if any syntax errors errors exist. response.statusCode = 400; return { errors: [syntaxError] }; } // Validate AST, reporting any errors. const validationErrors = validate(schema, documentAST, validationRules); if (validationErrors.length > 0) { // Return 400: Bad Request if any validation errors exist. response.statusCode = 400; return { errors: validationErrors }; } // Only query operations are allowed on GET requests. if (request.method === 'GET') { // Determine if this GET request will perform a non-query. const operationAST = getOperationAST(documentAST, operationName); if (operationAST && operationAST.operation !== 'query') { // If GraphiQL can be shown, do not perform this query, but // provide it to GraphiQL so that the requester may perform it // themselves if desired. if (showGraphiQL) { return null; } // Otherwise, report a 405: Method Not Allowed error. response.setHeader('Allow', 'POST'); throw httpError( 405, `Can only perform a ${operationAST.operation} operation ` + 'from a POST request.', ); } } // Perform the execution, reporting any errors creating the context. try { return execute( schema, documentAST, rootValue, context, variables, operationName, ); } catch (contextError) { // Return 400: Bad Request if any execution context errors exist. response.statusCode = 400; return { errors: [contextError] }; } }) .then(result => { // Collect and apply any metadata extensions if a function was provided. // http://facebook.github.io/graphql/#sec-Response-Format if (result && extensionsFn) { return Promise.resolve( extensionsFn({ document: documentAST, variables, operationName, result, }), ).then(extensions => { if (extensions && typeof extensions === 'object') { (result: any).extensions = extensions; } return result; }); } return result; }) .catch(error => { // If an error was caught, report the httpError status, or 500. response.statusCode = error.status || 500; return { errors: [error] }; }) .then(result => { // If no data was included in the result, that indicates a runtime query // error, indicate as such with a generic status code. // Note: Information about the error itself will still be contained in // the resulting JSON payload. // http://facebook.github.io/graphql/#sec-Data if (result && result.data === null) { response.statusCode = 500; } // Format any encountered errors. if (result && result.errors) { (result: any).errors = result.errors.map( formatErrorFn || formatError, ); } // If allowed to show GraphiQL, present it instead of JSON. if (showGraphiQL) { const payload = renderGraphiQL({ query, variables, operationName, result, }); return sendResponse(response, 'text/html', payload); } // At this point, result is guaranteed to exist, as the only scenario // where it will not is when showGraphiQL is true. if (!result) { throw httpError(500, 'Internal Error'); } // If "pretty" JSON isn't requested, and the server provides a // response.json method (express), use that directly. // Otherwise use the simplified sendResponse method. if (!pretty && typeof response.json === 'function') { response.json(result); } else { const payload = JSON.stringify(result, null, pretty ? 2 : 0); sendResponse(response, 'application/json', payload); } }); }; } export type GraphQLParams = { query: ?string, variables: ?{ [name: string]: mixed }, operationName: ?string, raw: ?boolean, }; /** * Provided a "Request" provided by express or connect (typically a node style * HTTPClientRequest), Promise the GraphQL request parameters. */ module.exports.getGraphQLParams = getGraphQLParams; function getGraphQLParams(request: $Request): Promise { return parseBody(request).then(bodyData => { const urlData = (request.url && url.parse(request.url, true).query) || {}; return parseGraphQLParams(urlData, bodyData); }); } /** * Helper function to get the GraphQL params from the request. */ function parseGraphQLParams( urlData: { [param: string]: mixed }, bodyData: { [param: string]: mixed }, ): GraphQLParams { // GraphQL Query string. let query = urlData.query || bodyData.query; if (typeof query !== 'string') { query = null; } // Parse the variables if needed. let variables = urlData.variables || bodyData.variables; if (variables && typeof variables === 'string') { try { variables = JSON.parse(variables); } catch (error) { throw httpError(400, 'Variables are invalid JSON.'); } } else if (typeof variables !== 'object') { variables = null; } // Name of GraphQL operation to execute. let operationName = urlData.operationName || bodyData.operationName; if (typeof operationName !== 'string') { operationName = null; } const raw = urlData.raw !== undefined || bodyData.raw !== undefined; return { query, variables, operationName, raw }; } /** * Helper function to determine if GraphiQL can be displayed. */ function canDisplayGraphiQL(request: $Request, params: GraphQLParams): boolean { // If `raw` exists, GraphiQL mode is not enabled. // Allowed to show GraphiQL if not requested as raw and this request // prefers HTML over JSON. return !params.raw && accepts(request).types(['json', 'html']) === 'html'; } /** * Helper function for sending a response using only the core Node server APIs. */ function sendResponse(response: $Response, type: string, data: string): void { const chunk = new Buffer(data, 'utf8'); response.setHeader('Content-Type', type + '; charset=utf-8'); response.setHeader('Content-Length', String(chunk.length)); response.end(chunk); }