import { AwsOptions, AwsState } from "./aws/aws-faast"; import { CostSnapshot } from "./cost"; import { GoogleOptions, GoogleState } from "./google/google-faast"; import { LocalOptions, LocalState } from "./local/local-faast"; import { CleanupOptions, CommonOptions, FunctionStats, Provider, ProviderImpl } from "./provider"; /** * An array of all available provider. * @public */ export declare const providers: Provider[]; /** * `Async` maps regular values to Promises and Iterators to AsyncIterators, * If `T` is already a Promise or an AsyncIterator, it remains the same. This * type is used to infer the return value of cloud functions from the types of * the functions in the user's input module. * @public */ export declare type Async = T extends AsyncGenerator ? AsyncGenerator : T extends Generator ? AsyncGenerator : T extends Promise ? Promise : Promise; /** * `AsyncDetail` is similar to {@link Async} except it maps retun values R to * `Detail`, which is the return value with additional information about each * cloud function invocation. * @public */ export declare type AsyncDetail = T extends AsyncGenerator ? AsyncGenerator> : T extends Generator ? AsyncGenerator> : T extends Promise ? Promise> : Promise>; /** * `ProxyModule` is the type of {@link FaastModule.functions}. * @remarks * `ProxyModule` maps an imported module's functions to promise-returning or * async-iteratable versions of those functions. Non-function exports of the * module are omitted. When invoked, the functions in a `ProxyModule` invoke a * remote cloud function. * @public */ export declare type ProxyModule = { [K in keyof M]: M[K] extends (...args: infer A) => infer R ? (...args: A) => Async : never; }; /** * Similar to {@link ProxyModule} except each function returns a {@link Detail} * object. * @remarks * See {@link FaastModule.functionsDetail}. * @public */ export declare type ProxyModuleDetail = { [K in keyof M]: M[K] extends (...args: infer A) => infer R ? (...args: A) => AsyncDetail : never; }; /** * A function return value with additional detailed information. * @public */ export interface Detail { /** * A Promise for the function's return value. */ value: R; /** * The URL of the logs for the specific execution of this function call. * @remarks * This is different from the general logUrl from * {@link FaastModule.logUrl}, which provides a link to the logs for all * invocations of all functions within that module. Whereas this logUrl is * only for this specific invocation. */ logUrl?: string; /** * If available, the provider-specific execution identifier for this * invocation. * @remarks * This ID may be added to the log entries for this invocation by the cloud * provider. */ executionId?: string; /** * If available, the provider-specific instance identifier for this * invocation. * @remarks * This ID refers to the specific container or VM used to execute this * function invocation. The instance may be reused across multiple * invocations. */ instanceId?: string; } /** * Summarize statistics about cloud function invocations. * @public */ export declare class FunctionStatsEvent { /** The name of the cloud function the statistics are about. */ readonly fn: string; /** See {@link FunctionStats}. */ readonly stats: FunctionStats; /** * @internal */ constructor( /** The name of the cloud function the statistics are about. */ fn: string, /** See {@link FunctionStats}. */ stats: FunctionStats); /** * Returns a string summarizing the statistics event. * @remarks * The string includes number of completed calls, errors, and retries, and * the mean execution time for the calls that completed within the last time * interval (1s). */ toString(): string; } /** * The main interface for invoking, cleaning up, and managing faast.js cloud * functions. Returned by {@link faast}. * @public */ export interface FaastModule { /** See {@link Provider}. */ provider: Provider; /** * Each call of a cloud function creates a separate remote invocation. * @remarks * The module passed into {@link faast} or its provider-specific variants * ({@link faastAws}, {@link faastGoogle}, and {@link faastLocal}) is mapped * to a {@link ProxyModule} version of the module, which performs the * following mapping: * * - All function exports that are generators are mapped to async * generators. * * - All function exports that return async generators are preserved as-is. * * - All function exports that return promises have their type signatures * preserved as-is. * * - All function exports that return type T, where T is not a Promise, * Generator, or AsyncGenerator, are mapped to functions that return * Promise. Argument types are preserved as-is. * * - All non-function exports are omitted in the remote module. * * Arguments and return values are serialized with `JSON.stringify` when * cloud functions are called, therefore what is received on the remote side * might not match what was sent. Faast.js attempts to detect nonsupported * arguments on a best effort basis. * * If the cloud function throws an exception or rejects its promise with an * instance of `Error`, then the function will reject with * {@link FaastError} on the local side. If the exception or rejection * resolves to any value that is not an instance of `Error`, the remote * function proxy will reject with the value of * `JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(err))`. * * Arguments and return values have size limitations that vary by provider * and mode: * * - AWS: 256KB in queue mode, 6MB arguments and 256KB return values in https mode. See * {@link | AWS Lambda Limits}. * * - Google: 10MB in https and queue modes. See * {@link | Google Cloud Function Quotas}. * * - Local: limited only by available memory and the limits of * {@link | childprocess.send}. * * Note that payloads may be base64 encoded for some providers and therefore * different in size than the original payload. Also, some bookkeeping data * are passed along with arguments and contribute to the size limit. */ functions: ProxyModule; /** * Similar to {@link FaastModule.functions} except each function returns a * {@link Detail} object * @remarks * Advanced users of faast.js may want more information about each function * invocation than simply the result of the function call. For example, the * specific logUrl for each invocation, to help with detailed debugging. * This interface provides a way to get this detailed information. */ functionsDetail: ProxyModuleDetail; /** * Stop the faast.js runtime for this cloud function and clean up ephemeral * cloud resources. * @returns a Promise that resolves when the `FaastModule` runtime stops and * ephemeral resources have been deleted. * @remarks * It is best practice to always call `cleanup` when done with a cloud * function. A typical way to ensure this in normal execution is to use the * `finally` construct: * * ```typescript * const faastModule = await faast("aws", m); * try { * // Call faastModule.functions.* * } finally { * // Note the `await` * await faastModule.cleanup(); * } * ``` * * After the cleanup promise resolves, the cloud function instance can no * longer invoke new calls on {@link FaastModule.functions}. However, other * methods on {@link FaastModule} are safe to call, such as * {@link FaastModule.costSnapshot}. * * Cleanup also stops statistics events (See {@link}). * * By default, cleanup will delete all ephemeral cloud resources but leave * behind cached resources for use by future cloud functions. Deleted * resources typically include cloud functions, queues, and queue * subscriptions. Logs are not deleted by cleanup. * * Note that `cleanup` leaves behind some provider-specific resources: * * - AWS: Cloudwatch logs are preserved until the garbage collector in a * future cloud function instance deletes them. The default log expiration * time is 24h (or the value of {@link CommonOptions.retentionInDays}). In * addition, the AWS Lambda IAM role is not deleted by cleanup. This role * is shared across cloud function instances. Lambda layers are also not * cleaned up immediately on AWS when {@link CommonOptions.packageJson} is * used and {@link CommonOptions.useDependencyCaching} is true. Cached * layers are cleaned up by garbage collection. Also see * {@link CleanupOptions.deleteCaches}. * * - Google: Google Stackdriver automatically deletes log entries after 30 * days. * * - Local: Logs are preserved in a temporary directory on local disk. * Garbage collection in a future cloud function instance will delete logs * older than 24h. */ cleanup(options?: CleanupOptions): Promise; /** * The URL of logs generated by this cloud function. * @remarks * Logs are not automatically downloaded because they cause outbound data * transfer, which can be expensive. Also, logs may arrive at the logging * service well after the cloud functions have completed. This log URL * specifically filters the logs for this cloud function instance. * Authentication is required to view cloud provider logs. * * The local provider returns a `file://` url pointing to a file for logs. */ logUrl(): string; /** * Register a callback for statistics events. * @remarks * The callback is invoked once for each cloud function that was invoked * within the last 1s interval, with a {@link FunctionStatsEvent} * summarizing the statistics for each function. Typical usage: * * ```typescript * faastModule.on("stats", console.log); * ``` */ on(name: "stats", listener: (statsEvent: FunctionStatsEvent) => void): void; /** * Deregister a callback for statistics events. * @remarks * Stops the callback listener from receiving future function statistics * events. Calling {@link FaastModule.cleanup} also turns off statistics * events. */ off(name: "stats", listener: (statsEvent: FunctionStatsEvent) => void): void; /** * Get a near real-time cost estimate of cloud function invocations. * @returns a Promise for a {@link CostSnapshot}. * @remarks * A cost snapshot provides a near real-time estimate of the costs of the * cloud functions invoked. The cost estimate only includes the cost of * successfully completed calls. Unsuccessful calls may lack the data * required to provide cost information. Calls that are still in flight are * not included in the cost snapshot. For this reason, it is typically a * good idea to get a cost snapshot after awaiting the result of * {@link FaastModule.cleanup}. * * Code example: * * ```typescript * const faastModule = await faast("aws", m); * try { * // invoke cloud functions on faastModule.functions.* * } finally { * await faastModule.cleanup(); * const costSnapshot = await faastModule.costSnapshot(); * console.log(costSnapshot); * } * ``` */ costSnapshot(): Promise; /** * Statistics for a specific function or the entire faast.js module. * * @param functionName - The name of the function to retrieve statistics * for. If the function does not exist or has not been invoked, a new * instance of {@link FunctionStats} is returned with zero values. If * `functionName` omitted (undefined), then aggregate statistics are * returned that summarize all cloud functions within this faast.js module. * @returns an snapshot of {@link FunctionStats} at a point in time. */ stats(functionName?: string): FunctionStats; } /** * Implementation of {@link FaastModule}. * @remarks * `FaastModuleProxy` provides a unified developer experience for faast.js * modules on top of provider-specific runtime APIs. Most users will not create * `FaastModuleProxy` instances themselves; instead use {@link faast}, or * {@link faastAws}, {@link faastGoogle}, or {@link faastLocal}. * `FaastModuleProxy` implements the {@link FaastModule} interface, which is the * preferred public interface for faast modules. `FaastModuleProxy` can be used * to access provider-specific details and state, and is useful for deeper * testing. * @public */ export declare class FaastModuleProxy implements FaastModule { private impl; /** @internal */ readonly state: S; private fmodule; private modulePath; /** The options set for this instance, which includes default values. */ readonly options: Required; /** The {@link Provider}, e.g. "aws" or "google". */ provider: Provider; /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.functions} */ functions: ProxyModule; /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.functionsDetail} */ functionsDetail: ProxyModuleDetail; /** @internal */ private _stats; private _cpuUsage; private _memoryLeakDetector; private _funnel; private _rateLimiter?; private _skew; private _statsTimer?; private _cleanupHooks; private _initialInvocationTime; private _callResultsPending; private _collectorPump; private _emitter; /** * Constructor * @internal */ constructor(impl: ProviderImpl, /** @internal */ state: S, fmodule: M, modulePath: string, /** The options set for this instance, which includes default values. */ options: Required); /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.cleanup} */ cleanup(userCleanupOptions?: CleanupOptions): Promise; /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.logUrl} */ logUrl(): string; private startStats; private stopStats; /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.on} */ on(name: "stats", listener: (statsEvent: FunctionStatsEvent) => void): void; /** {@inheritdoc} */ off(name: "stats", listener: (statsEvent: FunctionStatsEvent) => void): void; private withCancellation; private processResponse; private invoke; private lookupFname; private createCallId; private wrapGenerator; private clearPending; private wrapFunction; /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.costSnapshot} */ costSnapshot(): Promise; /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.stats} */ stats(functionName?: string): FunctionStats; private resultCollector; private adjustCollectorConcurrencyLevel; } /** * The return type of {@link faastAws}. See {@link FaastModuleProxy}. * @public */ export declare type AwsFaastModule = FaastModuleProxy; /** * The return type of {@link faastGoogle}. See {@link FaastModuleProxy}. * @public */ export declare type GoogleFaastModule = FaastModuleProxy; /** * The return type of {@link faastLocal}. See {@link FaastModuleProxy}. * @public */ export declare type LocalFaastModule = FaastModuleProxy; /** * The main entry point for faast with any provider and only common options. * @param provider - One of `"aws"`, `"google"`, or `"local"`. See * {@link Provider}. * @param fmodule - A module imported with `import * as X from "Y";`. Using * `require` also works but loses type information. * @param options - See {@link CommonOptions}. * @returns See {@link FaastModule}. * @remarks * Example of usage: * ```typescript * import { faast } from "faastjs"; * import * as mod from "./path/to/module"; * (async () => { * const faastModule = await faast("aws", mod); * try { * const result = await faastModule.functions.func("arg"); * } finally { * await faastModule.cleanup(); * } * })(); * ``` * @public */ export declare function faast(provider: Provider, fmodule: M, options?: CommonOptions): Promise>; /** * The main entry point for faast with AWS provider. * @param fmodule - A module imported with `import * as X from "Y";`. Using * `require` also works but loses type information. * @param options - Most common options are in {@link CommonOptions}. * Additional AWS-specific options are in {@link AwsOptions}. * @public */ export declare function faastAws(fmodule: M, options?: AwsOptions): Promise>; /** * The main entry point for faast with Google provider. * @param fmodule - A module imported with `import * as X from "Y";`. Using * `require` also works but loses type information. * @param options - Most common options are in {@link CommonOptions}. * Additional Google-specific options are in {@link GoogleOptions}. * @public */ export declare function faastGoogle(fmodule: M, options?: GoogleOptions): Promise>; /** * The main entry point for faast with Local provider. * @param fmodule - A module imported with `import * as X from "Y";`. Using * `require` also works but loses type information. * @param options - Most common options are in {@link CommonOptions}. * Additional Local-specific options are in {@link LocalOptions}. * @returns a Promise for {@link LocalFaastModule}. * @public */ export declare function faastLocal(fmodule: M, options?: LocalOptions): Promise>;