import { Arbitrary } from '../check/arbitrary/definition/Arbitrary'; import { JsonSharedConstraints } from './_internals/helpers/JsonConstraintsBuilder'; export { JsonSharedConstraints }; /** * For any JSON compliant values * * Keys and string values rely on {@link string} * * As `JSON.parse` preserves `-0`, `jsonObject` can also have `-0` as a value. * `jsonObject` must be seen as: any value that could have been built by doing a `JSON.parse` on a given string. * * @remarks Since 1.2.3 * @public */ declare function jsonObject(): Arbitrary; /** * For any JSON compliant values with a maximal depth * * Keys and string values rely on {@link string} * * As `JSON.parse` preserves `-0`, `jsonObject` can also have `-0` as a value. * `jsonObject` must be seen as: any value that could have been built by doing a `JSON.parse` on a given string. * * @param maxDepth - Maximal depth of the generated values * * @deprecated * Superceded by `fc.jsonObject({maxDepth})` - see {@link | #992}. * Ease the migration with {@link | our codemod script}. * * @remarks Since 1.2.3 * @public */ declare function jsonObject(maxDepth: number): Arbitrary; /** * For any JSON compliant values * * Keys and string values rely on {@link string} * * As `JSON.parse` preserves `-0`, `jsonObject` can also have `-0` as a value. * `jsonObject` must be seen as: any value that could have been built by doing a `JSON.parse` on a given string. * * @param constraints - Constraints to be applied onto the generated instance * * @remarks Since 2.5.0 * @public */ declare function jsonObject(constraints: JsonSharedConstraints): Arbitrary; export { jsonObject };