import { pre } from './check/precondition/Pre.js'; import type { IAsyncProperty, IAsyncPropertyWithHooks, AsyncPropertyHookFunction } from './check/property/AsyncProperty.js'; import { asyncProperty } from './check/property/AsyncProperty.js'; import type { IProperty, IPropertyWithHooks, PropertyHookFunction } from './check/property/Property.js'; import { property } from './check/property/Property.js'; import type { IRawProperty, PropertyFailure } from './check/property/IRawProperty.js'; import type { Parameters } from './check/runner/configuration/Parameters.js'; import type { RunDetails, RunDetailsFailureProperty, RunDetailsFailureTooManySkips, RunDetailsFailureInterrupted, RunDetailsSuccess, RunDetailsCommon } from './check/runner/reporter/RunDetails.js'; import { assert, check } from './check/runner/Runner.js'; import { sample, statistics } from './check/runner/Sampler.js'; import type { GeneratorValue } from './arbitrary/gen.js'; import { gen } from './arbitrary/gen.js'; import type { ArrayConstraints } from './arbitrary/array.js'; import { array } from './arbitrary/array.js'; import type { BigIntConstraints } from './arbitrary/bigInt.js'; import { bigInt } from './arbitrary/bigInt.js'; import { bigIntN } from './arbitrary/bigIntN.js'; import type { BigUintConstraints } from './arbitrary/bigUint.js'; import { bigUint } from './arbitrary/bigUint.js'; import { bigUintN } from './arbitrary/bigUintN.js'; import { boolean } from './arbitrary/boolean.js'; import type { FalsyContraints, FalsyValue } from './arbitrary/falsy.js'; import { falsy } from './arbitrary/falsy.js'; import { ascii } from './arbitrary/ascii.js'; import { base64 } from './arbitrary/base64.js'; import { char } from './arbitrary/char.js'; import { char16bits } from './arbitrary/char16bits.js'; import { fullUnicode } from './arbitrary/fullUnicode.js'; import { hexa } from './arbitrary/hexa.js'; import { unicode } from './arbitrary/unicode.js'; import { constant } from './arbitrary/constant.js'; import { constantFrom } from './arbitrary/constantFrom.js'; import type { ContextValue } from './arbitrary/context.js'; import { context } from './arbitrary/context.js'; import type { DateConstraints } from './arbitrary/date.js'; import { date } from './arbitrary/date.js'; import type { CloneValue } from './arbitrary/clone.js'; import { clone } from './arbitrary/clone.js'; import type { DictionaryConstraints } from './arbitrary/dictionary.js'; import { dictionary } from './arbitrary/dictionary.js'; import type { EmailAddressConstraints } from './arbitrary/emailAddress.js'; import { emailAddress } from './arbitrary/emailAddress.js'; import type { DoubleConstraints } from './arbitrary/double.js'; import { double } from './arbitrary/double.js'; import type { FloatConstraints } from './arbitrary/float.js'; import { float } from './arbitrary/float.js'; import { compareBooleanFunc } from './arbitrary/compareBooleanFunc.js'; import { compareFunc } from './arbitrary/compareFunc.js'; import { func } from './arbitrary/func.js'; import type { DomainConstraints } from './arbitrary/domain.js'; import { domain } from './arbitrary/domain.js'; import type { IntegerConstraints } from './arbitrary/integer.js'; import { integer } from './arbitrary/integer.js'; import { maxSafeInteger } from './arbitrary/maxSafeInteger.js'; import { maxSafeNat } from './arbitrary/maxSafeNat.js'; import type { NatConstraints } from './arbitrary/nat.js'; import { nat } from './arbitrary/nat.js'; import { ipV4 } from './arbitrary/ipV4.js'; import { ipV4Extended } from './arbitrary/ipV4Extended.js'; import { ipV6 } from './arbitrary/ipV6.js'; import type { LetrecValue, LetrecLooselyTypedBuilder, LetrecLooselyTypedTie, LetrecTypedBuilder, LetrecTypedTie } from './arbitrary/letrec.js'; import { letrec } from './arbitrary/letrec.js'; import type { LoremConstraints } from './arbitrary/lorem.js'; import { lorem } from './arbitrary/lorem.js'; import { mapToConstant } from './arbitrary/mapToConstant.js'; import type { Memo } from './arbitrary/memo.js'; import { memo } from './arbitrary/memo.js'; import type { MixedCaseConstraints } from './arbitrary/mixedCase.js'; import { mixedCase } from './arbitrary/mixedCase.js'; import type { ObjectConstraints } from './arbitrary/object.js'; import { object } from './arbitrary/object.js'; import type { JsonSharedConstraints } from './arbitrary/json.js'; import type { UnicodeJsonSharedConstraints } from './arbitrary/unicodeJson.js'; import { json } from './arbitrary/json.js'; import { anything } from './arbitrary/anything.js'; import { unicodeJsonValue } from './arbitrary/unicodeJsonValue.js'; import type { JsonValue } from './arbitrary/jsonValue.js'; import { jsonValue } from './arbitrary/jsonValue.js'; import { unicodeJson } from './arbitrary/unicodeJson.js'; import type { OneOfValue, OneOfConstraints, MaybeWeightedArbitrary, WeightedArbitrary } from './arbitrary/oneof.js'; import { oneof } from './arbitrary/oneof.js'; import type { OptionConstraints } from './arbitrary/option.js'; import { option } from './arbitrary/option.js'; import type { RecordConstraints, RecordValue } from './arbitrary/record.js'; import { record } from './arbitrary/record.js'; import type { UniqueArrayConstraints, UniqueArraySharedConstraints, UniqueArrayConstraintsRecommended, UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompare, UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompareSelect } from './arbitrary/uniqueArray.js'; import { uniqueArray } from './arbitrary/uniqueArray.js'; import { infiniteStream } from './arbitrary/infiniteStream.js'; import { asciiString } from './arbitrary/asciiString.js'; import { base64String } from './arbitrary/base64String.js'; import { fullUnicodeString } from './arbitrary/fullUnicodeString.js'; import { hexaString } from './arbitrary/hexaString.js'; import type { StringSharedConstraints, StringConstraints } from './arbitrary/string.js'; import { string } from './arbitrary/string.js'; import { string16bits } from './arbitrary/string16bits.js'; import { stringOf } from './arbitrary/stringOf.js'; import { unicodeString } from './arbitrary/unicodeString.js'; import type { SubarrayConstraints } from './arbitrary/subarray.js'; import { subarray } from './arbitrary/subarray.js'; import type { ShuffledSubarrayConstraints } from './arbitrary/shuffledSubarray.js'; import { shuffledSubarray } from './arbitrary/shuffledSubarray.js'; import { tuple } from './arbitrary/tuple.js'; import { ulid } from './arbitrary/ulid.js'; import { uuid } from './arbitrary/uuid.js'; import type { UuidConstraints } from './arbitrary/uuid.js'; import { uuidV } from './arbitrary/uuidV.js'; import type { WebAuthorityConstraints } from './arbitrary/webAuthority.js'; import { webAuthority } from './arbitrary/webAuthority.js'; import type { WebFragmentsConstraints } from './arbitrary/webFragments.js'; import { webFragments } from './arbitrary/webFragments.js'; import type { WebPathConstraints } from './arbitrary/webPath.js'; import { webPath } from './arbitrary/webPath.js'; import type { WebQueryParametersConstraints } from './arbitrary/webQueryParameters.js'; import { webQueryParameters } from './arbitrary/webQueryParameters.js'; import type { WebSegmentConstraints } from './arbitrary/webSegment.js'; import { webSegment } from './arbitrary/webSegment.js'; import type { WebUrlConstraints } from './arbitrary/webUrl.js'; import { webUrl } from './arbitrary/webUrl.js'; import type { AsyncCommand } from './check/model/command/AsyncCommand.js'; import type { Command } from './check/model/command/Command.js'; import type { ICommand } from './check/model/command/ICommand.js'; import { commands } from './arbitrary/commands.js'; import type { ModelRunSetup, ModelRunAsyncSetup } from './check/model/ModelRunner.js'; import { asyncModelRun, modelRun, scheduledModelRun } from './check/model/ModelRunner.js'; import { Random } from './random/generator/Random.js'; import type { GlobalParameters, GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction, GlobalPropertyHookFunction } from './check/runner/configuration/GlobalParameters.js'; import { configureGlobal, readConfigureGlobal, resetConfigureGlobal } from './check/runner/configuration/GlobalParameters.js'; import { VerbosityLevel } from './check/runner/configuration/VerbosityLevel.js'; import { ExecutionStatus } from './check/runner/reporter/ExecutionStatus.js'; import type { ExecutionTree } from './check/runner/reporter/ExecutionTree.js'; import type { WithCloneMethod } from './check/symbols.js'; import { cloneMethod, cloneIfNeeded, hasCloneMethod } from './check/symbols.js'; import { Stream, stream } from './stream/Stream.js'; import { hash } from './utils/hash.js'; import type { WithToStringMethod, WithAsyncToStringMethod } from './utils/stringify.js'; import { stringify, asyncStringify, toStringMethod, hasToStringMethod, asyncToStringMethod, hasAsyncToStringMethod } from './utils/stringify.js'; import type { Scheduler, SchedulerSequenceItem, SchedulerReportItem, SchedulerConstraints } from './arbitrary/scheduler.js'; import { scheduler, schedulerFor } from './arbitrary/scheduler.js'; import { defaultReportMessage, asyncDefaultReportMessage } from './check/runner/utils/RunDetailsFormatter.js'; import type { CommandsContraints } from './check/model/commands/CommandsContraints.js'; import { PreconditionFailure } from './check/precondition/PreconditionFailure.js'; import type { RandomType } from './check/runner/configuration/RandomType.js'; import type { IntArrayConstraints } from './arbitrary/int8Array.js'; import { int8Array } from './arbitrary/int8Array.js'; import { int16Array } from './arbitrary/int16Array.js'; import { int32Array } from './arbitrary/int32Array.js'; import { uint8Array } from './arbitrary/uint8Array.js'; import { uint8ClampedArray } from './arbitrary/uint8ClampedArray.js'; import { uint16Array } from './arbitrary/uint16Array.js'; import { uint32Array } from './arbitrary/uint32Array.js'; import type { Float32ArrayConstraints } from './arbitrary/float32Array.js'; import { float32Array } from './arbitrary/float32Array.js'; import type { Float64ArrayConstraints } from './arbitrary/float64Array.js'; import { float64Array } from './arbitrary/float64Array.js'; import type { SparseArrayConstraints } from './arbitrary/sparseArray.js'; import { sparseArray } from './arbitrary/sparseArray.js'; import { Arbitrary } from './check/arbitrary/definition/Arbitrary.js'; import { Value } from './check/arbitrary/definition/Value.js'; import type { Size, SizeForArbitrary, DepthSize } from './arbitrary/_internals/helpers/MaxLengthFromMinLength.js'; import type { DepthContext, DepthIdentifier } from './arbitrary/_internals/helpers/DepthContext.js'; import { createDepthIdentifier, getDepthContextFor } from './arbitrary/_internals/helpers/DepthContext.js'; import type { BigIntArrayConstraints } from './arbitrary/bigInt64Array.js'; import { bigInt64Array } from './arbitrary/bigInt64Array.js'; import { bigUint64Array } from './arbitrary/bigUint64Array.js'; import type { SchedulerAct } from './arbitrary/_internals/interfaces/Scheduler.js'; import type { StringMatchingConstraints } from './arbitrary/stringMatching.js'; import { stringMatching } from './arbitrary/stringMatching.js'; import { noShrink } from './arbitrary/noShrink.js'; import { noBias } from './arbitrary/noBias.js'; import { limitShrink } from './arbitrary/limitShrink.js'; /** * Type of module (commonjs or module) * @remarks Since 1.22.0 * @public */ declare const __type: string; /** * Version of fast-check used by your project (eg.: 3.22.0) * @remarks Since 1.22.0 * @public */ declare const __version: string; /** * Commit hash of the current code (eg.: 4e04fda63d913c2b5b1ed604db12341b618b56c5) * @remarks Since 2.7.0 * @public */ declare const __commitHash: string; export type { IRawProperty, IProperty, IPropertyWithHooks, IAsyncProperty, IAsyncPropertyWithHooks, AsyncPropertyHookFunction, PropertyHookFunction, PropertyFailure, AsyncCommand, Command, ICommand, ModelRunSetup, ModelRunAsyncSetup, Scheduler, SchedulerSequenceItem, SchedulerReportItem, SchedulerAct, WithCloneMethod, WithToStringMethod, WithAsyncToStringMethod, DepthContext, ArrayConstraints, BigIntConstraints, BigIntArrayConstraints, BigUintConstraints, CommandsContraints, DateConstraints, DictionaryConstraints, DomainConstraints, DoubleConstraints, EmailAddressConstraints, FalsyContraints, Float32ArrayConstraints, Float64ArrayConstraints, FloatConstraints, IntArrayConstraints, IntegerConstraints, JsonSharedConstraints, UnicodeJsonSharedConstraints, LoremConstraints, MixedCaseConstraints, NatConstraints, ObjectConstraints, OneOfConstraints, OptionConstraints, RecordConstraints, SchedulerConstraints, UniqueArrayConstraints, UniqueArraySharedConstraints, UniqueArrayConstraintsRecommended, UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompare, UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompareSelect, UuidConstraints, SparseArrayConstraints, StringMatchingConstraints, StringConstraints, StringSharedConstraints, SubarrayConstraints, ShuffledSubarrayConstraints, WebAuthorityConstraints, WebFragmentsConstraints, WebPathConstraints, WebQueryParametersConstraints, WebSegmentConstraints, WebUrlConstraints, MaybeWeightedArbitrary, WeightedArbitrary, LetrecTypedTie, LetrecTypedBuilder, LetrecLooselyTypedTie, LetrecLooselyTypedBuilder, CloneValue, ContextValue, FalsyValue, GeneratorValue, JsonValue, LetrecValue, OneOfValue, RecordValue, Memo, Size, SizeForArbitrary, DepthSize, GlobalParameters, GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction, GlobalPropertyHookFunction, Parameters, RandomType, ExecutionTree, RunDetails, RunDetailsFailureProperty, RunDetailsFailureTooManySkips, RunDetailsFailureInterrupted, RunDetailsSuccess, RunDetailsCommon, DepthIdentifier, }; export { __type, __version, __commitHash, sample, statistics, check, assert, pre, PreconditionFailure, property, asyncProperty, boolean, falsy, float, double, integer, nat, maxSafeInteger, maxSafeNat, bigIntN, bigUintN, bigInt, bigUint, char, ascii, char16bits, unicode, fullUnicode, hexa, base64, mixedCase, string, asciiString, string16bits, stringOf, unicodeString, fullUnicodeString, hexaString, base64String, stringMatching, limitShrink, lorem, constant, constantFrom, mapToConstant, option, oneof, clone, noBias, noShrink, shuffledSubarray, subarray, array, sparseArray, infiniteStream, uniqueArray, tuple, record, dictionary, anything, object, json, jsonValue, unicodeJson, unicodeJsonValue, letrec, memo, compareBooleanFunc, compareFunc, func, context, gen, date, ipV4, ipV4Extended, ipV6, domain, webAuthority, webSegment, webFragments, webPath, webQueryParameters, webUrl, emailAddress, ulid, uuid, uuidV, int8Array, uint8Array, uint8ClampedArray, int16Array, uint16Array, int32Array, uint32Array, float32Array, float64Array, bigInt64Array, bigUint64Array, asyncModelRun, modelRun, scheduledModelRun, commands, scheduler, schedulerFor, Arbitrary, Value, cloneMethod, cloneIfNeeded, hasCloneMethod, toStringMethod, hasToStringMethod, asyncToStringMethod, hasAsyncToStringMethod, getDepthContextFor, stringify, asyncStringify, defaultReportMessage, asyncDefaultReportMessage, hash, VerbosityLevel, configureGlobal, readConfigureGlobal, resetConfigureGlobal, ExecutionStatus, Random, Stream, stream, createDepthIdentifier, };