import fp from './plugin'; import fastify, { FastifyPlugin } from 'fastify'; import { expectError } from 'tsd' export interface TestOptions { customNumber: number } export const testPluginWithOptions: FastifyPlugin = fp( function (fastify, options, _next) { fastify.decorate('utility', () => options.customNumber) }, '>=1' ); export const testPluginWithCallback: FastifyPlugin = fp( function (fastify, _options, next) { fastify.decorate('utility', () => { }) next(); return; } ) export const testPluginWithAsync = fp( async function (fastify, _options) { fastify.decorate('utility', () => { }) }, { fastify: '>=1', name: 'TestPlugin', decorators: { request: ['log'] } } ); // Register with HTTP const server = fastify() server.register(testPluginWithOptions) // register expects a FastifyPlugin server.register(testPluginWithCallback, { customNumber: 2 }) server.register(testPluginWithAsync, { customNumber: 3 }) expectError(server.register(testPluginWithCallback, { })) // invalid options passed to plugin on registration expectError(server.register(testPluginWithAsync, { customNumber: '2' })) // invalid type in options passed to plugin on registration // Register with HTTP2 const serverWithHttp2 = fastify({ http2: true }); serverWithHttp2.register(testPluginWithOptions) // register expects a FastifyPlugin serverWithHttp2.register(testPluginWithCallback) expectError(serverWithHttp2.register({ no: 'plugin' })) // register only accept valid plugins expectError(serverWithHttp2.register(testPluginWithAsync, { logLevel: 'invalid-log-level' })) // register options need to be valid built in fastify options expectError(serverWithHttp2.register(testPluginWithAsync, { customNumber: 'not-a-number' })) // or valid custom options defined by plugin itself