import * as http from 'http' import * as http2 from 'http2' import * as https from 'https' import * as LightMyRequest from 'light-my-request' import { FastifyRequest, RequestGenericInterface } from './types/request' import { RawServerBase, RawServerDefault, RawRequestDefaultExpression, RawReplyDefaultExpression } from './types/utils' import { FastifyLoggerInstance, FastifyLoggerOptions } from './types/logger' import { FastifyInstance } from './types/instance' import { FastifyServerFactory } from './types/serverFactory' import * as ajv from 'ajv' import { FastifyError } from 'fastify-error' import { FastifyReply } from './types/reply' import { FastifySchemaValidationError } from './types/schema' /** * Fastify factor function for the standard fastify http, https, or http2 server instance. * * The default function utilizes http * * @param opts Fastify server options * @returns Fastify server instance */ declare function fastify< Server extends http2.Http2SecureServer, Request extends RawRequestDefaultExpression = RawRequestDefaultExpression, Reply extends RawReplyDefaultExpression = RawReplyDefaultExpression, Logger extends FastifyLoggerInstance = FastifyLoggerInstance >(opts: FastifyHttp2SecureOptions): FastifyInstance & PromiseLike> declare function fastify< Server extends http2.Http2Server, Request extends RawRequestDefaultExpression = RawRequestDefaultExpression, Reply extends RawReplyDefaultExpression = RawReplyDefaultExpression, Logger extends FastifyLoggerInstance = FastifyLoggerInstance >(opts: FastifyHttp2Options): FastifyInstance & PromiseLike> declare function fastify< Server extends https.Server, Request extends RawRequestDefaultExpression = RawRequestDefaultExpression, Reply extends RawReplyDefaultExpression = RawReplyDefaultExpression, Logger extends FastifyLoggerInstance = FastifyLoggerInstance >(opts: FastifyHttpsOptions): FastifyInstance & PromiseLike> declare function fastify< Server extends http.Server, Request extends RawRequestDefaultExpression = RawRequestDefaultExpression, Reply extends RawReplyDefaultExpression = RawReplyDefaultExpression, Logger extends FastifyLoggerInstance = FastifyLoggerInstance >(opts?: FastifyServerOptions): FastifyInstance & PromiseLike> export default fastify export type FastifyHttp2SecureOptions< Server extends http2.Http2SecureServer, Logger extends FastifyLoggerInstance = FastifyLoggerInstance > = FastifyServerOptions & { http2: true, https: http2.SecureServerOptions } export type FastifyHttp2Options< Server extends http2.Http2Server, Logger extends FastifyLoggerInstance = FastifyLoggerInstance > = FastifyServerOptions & { http2: true, http2SessionTimeout?: number, } export type FastifyHttpsOptions< Server extends https.Server, Logger extends FastifyLoggerInstance = FastifyLoggerInstance > = FastifyServerOptions & { https: https.ServerOptions } /** * Options for a fastify server instance. Utilizes conditional logic on the generic server parameter to enforce certain https and http2 */ export type FastifyServerOptions< RawServer extends RawServerBase = RawServerDefault, Logger extends FastifyLoggerInstance = FastifyLoggerInstance > = { ignoreTrailingSlash?: boolean, connectionTimeout?: number, keepAliveTimeout?: number, pluginTimeout?: number, bodyLimit?: number, maxParamLength?: number, disableRequestLogging?: boolean, onProtoPoisoning?: 'error' | 'remove' | 'ignore', onConstructorPoisoning?: 'error' | 'remove' | 'ignore', logger?: boolean | FastifyLoggerOptions | Logger, serverFactory?: FastifyServerFactory, caseSensitive?: boolean, requestIdHeader?: string, requestIdLogLabel?: string; genReqId?: (req: FastifyRequest>) => string, trustProxy?: boolean | string | string[] | number | TrustProxyFunction, querystringParser?: (str: string) => { [key: string]: string | string[] }, versioning?: { storage(): { get(version: string): string | null, set(version: string, store: Function): void del(version: string): void, empty(): void }, deriveVersion(req: Object, ctx?: Context): string // not a fan of using Object here. Also what is Context? Can either of these be better defined? }, return503OnClosing?: boolean, ajv?: { customOptions?: ajv.Options, plugins?: Function[] }, frameworkErrors?: ( error: FastifyError, req: FastifyRequest>, res: FastifyReply, RawReplyDefaultExpression> ) => void, rewriteUrl?: (req: RawRequestDefaultExpression) => string, schemaErrorFormatter?: (errors: FastifySchemaValidationError[], dataVar: string) => Error } type TrustProxyFunction = (address: string, hop: number) => boolean /* Export all additional types */ export { FastifyRequest, RequestGenericInterface } from './types/request' export { FastifyReply } from './types/reply' export { FastifyPluginCallback, FastifyPluginAsync, FastifyPluginOptions, FastifyPlugin } from './types/plugin' export { FastifyInstance } from './types/instance' export { FastifyLoggerOptions, FastifyLoggerInstance, FastifyLogFn, LogLevel } from './types/logger' export { FastifyContext } from './types/context' export { RouteHandler, RouteHandlerMethod, RouteOptions, RouteShorthandMethod, RouteShorthandOptions, RouteShorthandOptionsWithHandler } from './types/route' export * from './types/register' export { FastifyBodyParser, FastifyContentTypeParser, AddContentTypeParser, hasContentTypeParser } from './types/content-type-parser' export { FastifyError, ValidationResult } from 'fastify-error' export { FastifySchema, FastifySchemaCompiler } from './types/schema' export { HTTPMethods, RawServerBase, RawRequestDefaultExpression, RawReplyDefaultExpression, RawServerDefault, ContextConfigDefault, RequestBodyDefault, RequestQuerystringDefault, RequestParamsDefault, RequestHeadersDefault } from './types/utils' export * from './types/hooks' export { FastifyServerFactory, FastifyServerFactoryHandler } from './types/serverFactory' export { fastify }