import { AdapterBase } from '@feathersjs/adapter-commons'; import type { PaginationOptions } from '@feathersjs/adapter-commons'; import type { SequelizeAdapterOptions, SequelizeAdapterParams } from './declarations'; import type { Id, NullableId, Paginated, Query } from '@feathersjs/feathers'; import type { FindOptions } from 'sequelize'; export declare class SequelizeAdapter, ServiceParams extends SequelizeAdapterParams = SequelizeAdapterParams, PatchData = Partial> extends AdapterBase { constructor(options: SequelizeAdapterOptions); get raw(): boolean; get Op(): any; get Model(): import("sequelize").ModelStatic; getModel(_params?: ServiceParams): import("sequelize").ModelStatic; /** * @deprecated use 'service.ModelWithScope' instead. 'applyScope' will be removed in a future release. */ applyScope(params?: ServiceParams): import("sequelize").ModelStatic; ModelWithScope(params: ServiceParams): import("sequelize").ModelStatic; convertOperators(q: any): Query; filterQuery(params: ServiceParams): { filters: { [key: string]: any; }; query: Query; paginate: import("@feathersjs/adapter-commons").PaginationParams; }; paramsToAdapter(id: NullableId, _params?: ServiceParams): FindOptions; /** * returns either the model instance / jsonified object for an id or all unpaginated * items for `params` if id is null */ _getOrFind(id: Id, _params?: ServiceParams): Promise; _getOrFind(id: null, _params?: ServiceParams): Promise; _find(params?: ServiceParams & { paginate?: PaginationOptions; }): Promise>; _find(params?: ServiceParams & { paginate: false; }): Promise; _find(params?: ServiceParams): Promise | Result[]>; _get(id: Id, params?: ServiceParams): Promise; _create(data: Data, params?: ServiceParams): Promise; _create(data: Data[], params?: ServiceParams): Promise; _create(data: Data | Data[], params?: ServiceParams): Promise; _patch(id: null, data: PatchData, params?: ServiceParams): Promise; _patch(id: Id, data: PatchData, params?: ServiceParams): Promise; _update(id: Id, data: Data, params?: ServiceParams): Promise; _remove(id: null, params?: ServiceParams): Promise; _remove(id: Id, params?: ServiceParams): Promise; }