'use strict'; var crypto = require('crypto'); var wasmcurves = require('wasmcurves'); var os = require('os'); var Worker = require('web-worker'); var wasmbuilder = require('wasmbuilder'); /* global BigInt */ const hexLen = [ 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4 ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4]; function fromString(s, radix) { if ((!radix)||(radix==10)) { return BigInt(s); } else if (radix==16) { if (s.slice(0,2) == "0x") { return BigInt(s); } else { return BigInt("0x"+s); } } } const e = fromString; function fromArray(a, radix) { let acc =BigInt(0); radix = BigInt(radix); for (let i=0; i> BigInt(n); } const shl = shiftLeft; const shr = shiftRight; function isOdd(a) { return (BigInt(a) & BigInt(1)) == BigInt(1); } function naf(n) { let E = BigInt(n); const res = []; while (E) { if (E & BigInt(1)) { const z = 2 - Number(E % BigInt(4)); res.push( z ); E = E - BigInt(z); } else { res.push( 0 ); } E = E >> BigInt(1); } return res; } function bits(n) { let E = BigInt(n); const res = []; while (E) { if (E & BigInt(1)) { res.push(1); } else { res.push( 0 ); } E = E >> BigInt(1); } return res; } function toNumber(s) { if (s>BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER )) { throw new Error("Number too big"); } return Number(s); } function toArray(s, radix) { const res = []; let rem = BigInt(s); radix = BigInt(radix); while (rem) { res.unshift( Number(rem % radix)); rem = rem / radix; } return res; } function add(a, b) { return BigInt(a) + BigInt(b); } function sub(a, b) { return BigInt(a) - BigInt(b); } function neg(a) { return -BigInt(a); } function mul(a, b) { return BigInt(a) * BigInt(b); } function square(a) { return BigInt(a) * BigInt(a); } function pow(a, b) { return BigInt(a) ** BigInt(b); } function exp$1(a, b) { return BigInt(a) ** BigInt(b); } function abs(a) { return BigInt(a) >= 0 ? BigInt(a) : -BigInt(a); } function div(a, b) { return BigInt(a) / BigInt(b); } function mod(a, b) { return BigInt(a) % BigInt(b); } function eq(a, b) { return BigInt(a) == BigInt(b); } function neq(a, b) { return BigInt(a) != BigInt(b); } function lt(a, b) { return BigInt(a) < BigInt(b); } function gt(a, b) { return BigInt(a) > BigInt(b); } function leq(a, b) { return BigInt(a) <= BigInt(b); } function geq(a, b) { return BigInt(a) >= BigInt(b); } function band(a, b) { return BigInt(a) & BigInt(b); } function bor(a, b) { return BigInt(a) | BigInt(b); } function bxor(a, b) { return BigInt(a) ^ BigInt(b); } function land(a, b) { return BigInt(a) && BigInt(b); } function lor(a, b) { return BigInt(a) || BigInt(b); } function lnot(a) { return !BigInt(a); } // Returns a buffer with Little Endian Representation function toRprLE(buff, o, e, n8) { const s = "0000000" + e.toString(16); const v = new Uint32Array(buff.buffer, buff.byteOffset + o, n8/4); const l = (((s.length-7)*4 - 1) >> 5)+1; // Number of 32bit words; for (let i=0; i> 5)+1; // Number of 32bit words; for (let i=0; i a[a.length-i-1] = ch.toString(16).padStart(8,"0") ); return fromString(a.join(""), 16); } // Pases a buffer with Big Endian Representation function fromRprBE(buff, o, n8) { n8 = n8 || buff.byteLength; o = o || 0; const v = new DataView(buff.buffer, buff.byteOffset + o, n8); const a = new Array(n8/4); for (let i=0; i. */ /* This library does operations on polynomials with coefficients in a field F. A polynomial P(x) = p0 + p1 * x + p2 * x^2 + ... + pn * x^n is represented by the array [ p0, p1, p2, ... , pn ]. */ class PolField { constructor (F) { this.F = F; let rem = F.sqrt_t; let s = F.sqrt_s; const five = this.F.add(this.F.add(this.F.two, this.F.two), this.F.one); this.w = new Array(s+1); this.wi = new Array(s+1); this.w[s] = this.F.pow(five, rem); this.wi[s] = this.F.inv(this.w[s]); let n=s-1; while (n>=0) { this.w[n] = this.F.square(this.w[n+1]); this.wi[n] = this.F.square(this.wi[n+1]); n--; } this.roots = []; /* for (let i=0; i<16; i++) { let r = this.F.one; n = 1 << i; const rootsi = new Array(n); for (let j=0; j this.F.sqrt_s) n = this.s; for (let i=n; (i>=0) && (!this.roots[i]); i--) { let r = this.F.one; const nroots = 1 << i; const rootsi = new Array(nroots); for (let j=0; j a.length) { [b, a] = [a, b]; } if ((b.length <= 2) || (b.length < log2$2(a.length))) { return this.mulNormal(a,b); } else { return this.mulFFT(a,b); } } mulNormal(a, b) { let res = []; for (let i=0; i0) { const z = new Array(n).fill(this.F.zero); return z.concat(p); } else { if (-n >= p.length) return []; return p.slice(-n); } } eval2(p, x) { let v = this.F.zero; let ix = this.F.one; for (let i=0; i> 1), F.mul( x, _eval(p, newX, offset+step , step << 1, n >> 1))); return res; } } lagrange(points) { let roots = [this.F.one]; for (let i=0; i> 1; const p1 = this._fft(pall, bits-1, offset, step*2); const p2 = this._fft(pall, bits-1, offset+step, step*2); const out = new Array(n); let m= this.F.one; for (let i=0; i0 && this.F.eq(p[i], this.F.zero) ) i--; return p.slice(0, i+1); } eq(a, b) { const pa = this.reduce(a); const pb = this.reduce(b); if (pa.length != pb.length) return false; for (let i=0; i=0; i--) { res[i] = this.F.add(this.F.mul(res[i+1], r), p[i+1]); } return res; } _next2Power(v) { v--; v |= v >> 1; v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; v++; return v; } toString(p) { const ap = this.normalize(p); let S = ""; for (let i=ap.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if (!this.F.eq(p[i], this.F.zero)) { if (S!="") S += " + "; S = S + p[i].toString(10); if (i>0) { S = S + "x"; if (i>1) { S = S + "^" +i; } } } } return S; } normalize(p) { const res = new Array(p.length); for (let i=0; i // rec = x^(k-2-scaleV)/ v // // res = x^m/v = x^(m + (2*k-2 - scaleV) - (2*k-2 - scaleV)) /v => // res = rec * x^(m - (2*k-2 - scaleV)) => // res = rec * x^(m - 2*k + 2 + scaleV) const rec = this._reciprocal(this.scaleX(v, scaleV), kbits); const res = this.scaleX(rec, m - 2*k + 2 + scaleV); return res; } div(_u, _v) { if (_u.length < _v.length) return []; const kbits = log2$2(_v.length-1)+1; const k = 1 << kbits; const u = this.scaleX(_u, k-_v.length); const v = this.scaleX(_v, k-_v.length); const n = v.length-1; let m = u.length-1; const s = this._reciprocal(v, kbits); let t; if (m>2*n) { t = this.sub(this.scaleX([this.F.one], 2*n), this.mul(s, v)); } let q = []; let rem = u; let us, ut; let finish = false; while (!finish) { us = this.mul(rem, s); q = this.add(q, this.scaleX(us, -2*n)); if ( m > 2*n ) { ut = this.mul(rem, t); rem = this.scaleX(ut, -2*n); m = rem.length-1; } else { finish = true; } } return q; } // returns the ith nth-root of one oneRoot(n, i) { let nbits = log2$2(n-1)+1; let res = this.F.one; let r = i; if(i>=n) { throw new Error("Given 'i' should be lower than 'n'"); } else if (1<0) { if (r & 1 == 1) { res = this.F.mul(res, this.w[nbits]); } r = r >> 1; nbits --; } return res; } computeVanishingPolinomial(bits, t) { const m = 1 << bits; return this.F.sub(this.F.pow(t, m), this.F.one); } evaluateLagrangePolynomials(bits, t) { const m= 1 << bits; const tm = this.F.pow(t, m); const u= new Array(m).fill(this.F.zero); this._setRoots(bits); const omega = this.w[bits]; if (this.F.eq(tm, this.F.one)) { for (let i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (this.F.eq(this.roots[bits][0],t)) { // i.e., t equals omega^i u[i] = this.F.one; return u; } } } const z = this.F.sub(tm, this.F.one); // let l = this.F.mul(z, this.F.pow(this.F.twoinv, m)); let l = this.F.mul(z, this.F.inv(this.F.e(m))); for (let i = 0; i < m; i++) { u[i] = this.F.mul(l, this.F.inv(this.F.sub(t,this.roots[bits][i]))); l = this.F.mul(l, omega); } return u; } log2(V) { return log2$2(V); } } function log2$2( V ) { return( ( ( V & 0xFFFF0000 ) !== 0 ? ( V &= 0xFFFF0000, 16 ) : 0 ) | ( ( V & 0xFF00FF00 ) !== 0 ? ( V &= 0xFF00FF00, 8 ) : 0 ) | ( ( V & 0xF0F0F0F0 ) !== 0 ? ( V &= 0xF0F0F0F0, 4 ) : 0 ) | ( ( V & 0xCCCCCCCC ) !== 0 ? ( V &= 0xCCCCCCCC, 2 ) : 0 ) | ( ( V & 0xAAAAAAAA ) !== 0 ) ); } function __fft$1(PF, pall, bits, offset, step) { const n = 1 << bits; if (n==1) { return [ pall[offset] ]; } else if (n==2) { return [ PF.F.add(pall[offset], pall[offset + step]), PF.F.sub(pall[offset], pall[offset + step])]; } const ndiv2 = n >> 1; const p1 = __fft$1(PF, pall, bits-1, offset, step*2); const p2 = __fft$1(PF, pall, bits-1, offset+step, step*2); const out = new Array(n); for (let i=0; i> 1; const p1 = __fft2(PF, pall.slice(0, ndiv2), bits-1); const p2 = __fft2(PF, pall.slice(ndiv2), bits-1); const out = new Array(n); for (let i=0; i>=1; } return res; } function rev(idx, bits) { return ( _revTable$1[idx >>> 24] | (_revTable$1[(idx >>> 16) & 0xFF] << 8) | (_revTable$1[(idx >>> 8) & 0xFF] << 16) | (_revTable$1[idx & 0xFF] << 24) ) >>> (32-bits); } function __bitReverse(p, bits) { for (let k=0; kk) { const tmp= p[k]; p[k] = p[r]; p[r] = tmp; } } } /* Copyright 2018 0kims association. This file is part of snarkjs. snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with snarkjs. If not, see . */ function mulScalar(F, base, e) { let res; if (isZero(e)) return F.zero; const n = naf(e); if (n[n.length-1] == 1) { res = base; } else if (n[n.length-1] == -1) { res = F.neg(base); } else { throw new Error("invlaud NAF"); } for (let i=n.length-2; i>=0; i--) { res = F.double(res); if (n[i] == 1) { res = F.add(res, base); } else if (n[i] == -1) { res = F.sub(res, base); } } return res; } /* exports.mulScalar = (F, base, e) =>{ let res = F.zero; let rem = bigInt(e); let exp = base; while (! rem.eq(bigInt.zero)) { if (rem.and(bigInt.one).eq(bigInt.one)) { res = F.add(res, exp); } exp = F.double(exp); rem = rem.shiftRight(1); } return res; }; */ function exp(F, base, e) { if (isZero(e)) return F.one; const n = bits(e); if (n.length==0) return F.one; let res = base; for (let i=n.length-2; i>=0; i--) { res = F.square(res); if (n[i]) { res = F.mul(res, base); } } return res; } // Check here: https://eprint.iacr.org/2012/685.pdf function buildSqrt (F) { if ((F.m % 2) == 1) { if (eq(mod(F.p, 4), 1 )) { if (eq(mod(F.p, 8), 1 )) { if (eq(mod(F.p, 16), 1 )) { // alg7_muller(F); alg5_tonelliShanks(F); } else if (eq(mod(F.p, 16), 9 )) { alg4_kong(F); } else { throw new Error("Field withot sqrt"); } } else if (eq(mod(F.p, 8), 5 )) { alg3_atkin(F); } else { throw new Error("Field withot sqrt"); } } else if (eq(mod(F.p, 4), 3 )) { alg2_shanks(F); } } else { const pm2mod4 = mod(pow(F.p, F.m/2), 4); if (pm2mod4 == 1) { alg10_adj(F); } else if (pm2mod4 == 3) { alg9_adj(F); } else { alg8_complex(F); } } } function alg5_tonelliShanks(F) { F.sqrt_q = pow(F.p, F.m); F.sqrt_s = 0; F.sqrt_t = sub(F.sqrt_q, 1); while (!isOdd(F.sqrt_t)) { F.sqrt_s = F.sqrt_s + 1; F.sqrt_t = div(F.sqrt_t, 2); } let c0 = F.one; while (F.eq(c0, F.one)) { const c = F.random(); F.sqrt_z = F.pow(c, F.sqrt_t); c0 = F.pow(F.sqrt_z, 2 ** (F.sqrt_s-1) ); } F.sqrt_tm1d2 = div(sub(F.sqrt_t, 1),2); F.sqrt = function(a) { const F=this; if (F.isZero(a)) return F.zero; let w = F.pow(a, F.sqrt_tm1d2); const a0 = F.pow( F.mul(F.square(w), a), 2 ** (F.sqrt_s-1) ); if (F.eq(a0, F.negone)) return null; let v = F.sqrt_s; let x = F.mul(a, w); let b = F.mul(x, w); let z = F.sqrt_z; while (!F.eq(b, F.one)) { let b2k = F.square(b); let k=1; while (!F.eq(b2k, F.one)) { b2k = F.square(b2k); k++; } w = z; for (let i=0; i>> 0; st[d] = (st[d] ^ st[a]) >>> 0; st[d] = ((st[d] << 16) | ((st[d]>>>16) & 0xFFFF)) >>> 0; st[c] = (st[c] + st[d]) >>> 0; st[b] = (st[b] ^ st[c]) >>> 0; st[b] = ((st[b] << 12) | ((st[b]>>>20) & 0xFFF)) >>> 0; st[a] = (st[a] + st[b]) >>> 0; st[d] = (st[d] ^ st[a]) >>> 0; st[d] = ((st[d] << 8) | ((st[d]>>>24) & 0xFF)) >>> 0; st[c] = (st[c] + st[d]) >>> 0; st[b] = (st[b] ^ st[c]) >>> 0; st[b] = ((st[b] << 7) | ((st[b]>>>25) & 0x7F)) >>> 0; } function doubleRound(st) { quarterRound(st, 0, 4, 8,12); quarterRound(st, 1, 5, 9,13); quarterRound(st, 2, 6,10,14); quarterRound(st, 3, 7,11,15); quarterRound(st, 0, 5,10,15); quarterRound(st, 1, 6,11,12); quarterRound(st, 2, 7, 8,13); quarterRound(st, 3, 4, 9,14); } class ChaCha { constructor(seed) { seed = seed || [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; this.state = [ 0x61707865, 0x3320646E, 0x79622D32, 0x6B206574, seed[0], seed[1], seed[2], seed[3], seed[4], seed[5], seed[6], seed[7], 0, 0, 0, 0 ]; this.idx = 16; this.buff = new Array(16); } nextU32() { if (this.idx == 16) this.update(); return this.buff[this.idx++]; } nextU64() { return add(mul(this.nextU32(), 0x100000000), this.nextU32()); } nextBool() { return (this.nextU32() & 1) == 1; } update() { // Copy the state for (let i=0; i<16; i++) this.buff[i] = this.state[i]; // Apply the rounds for (let i=0; i<10; i++) doubleRound(this.buff); // Add to the initial for (let i=0; i<16; i++) this.buff[i] = (this.buff[i] + this.state[i]) >>> 0; this.idx = 0; this.state[12] = (this.state[12] + 1) >>> 0; if (this.state[12] != 0) return; this.state[13] = (this.state[13] + 1) >>> 0; if (this.state[13] != 0) return; this.state[14] = (this.state[14] + 1) >>> 0; if (this.state[14] != 0) return; this.state[15] = (this.state[15] + 1) >>> 0; } } function getRandomBytes(n) { let array = new Uint8Array(n); if (process.browser) { // Browser if (typeof globalThis.crypto !== "undefined") { // Supported globalThis.crypto.getRandomValues(array); } else { // fallback for (let i=0; i>>0; } } } else { // NodeJS crypto.randomFillSync(array); } return array; } function getRandomSeed() { const arr = getRandomBytes(32); const arrV = new Uint32Array(arr.buffer); const seed = []; for (let i=0; i<8; i++) { seed.push(arrV[i]); } return seed; } let threadRng = null; function getThreadRng() { if (threadRng) return threadRng; threadRng = new ChaCha(getRandomSeed()); return threadRng; } /* Copyright 2018 0kims association. This file is part of snarkjs. snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with snarkjs. If not, see . */ /* This library does operations on polynomials with coefficients in a field F. A polynomial P(x) = p0 + p1 * x + p2 * x^2 + ... + pn * x^n is represented by the array [ p0, p1, p2, ... , pn ]. */ class FFT { constructor (G, F, opMulGF) { this.F = F; this.G = G; this.opMulGF = opMulGF; let rem = F.sqrt_t || F.t; let s = F.sqrt_s || F.s; let nqr = F.one; while (F.eq(F.pow(nqr, F.half), F.one)) nqr = F.add(nqr, F.one); this.w = new Array(s+1); this.wi = new Array(s+1); this.w[s] = this.F.pow(nqr, rem); this.wi[s] = this.F.inv(this.w[s]); let n=s-1; while (n>=0) { this.w[n] = this.F.square(this.w[n+1]); this.wi[n] = this.F.square(this.wi[n+1]); n--; } this.roots = []; /* for (let i=0; i<16; i++) { let r = this.F.one; n = 1 << i; const rootsi = new Array(n); for (let j=0; j=0) && (!this.roots[i]); i--) { let r = this.F.one; const nroots = 1 << i; const rootsi = new Array(nroots); for (let j=0; j> 1; const p1 = __fft(PF, pall, bits-1, offset, step*2); const p2 = __fft(PF, pall, bits-1, offset+step, step*2); const out = new Array(n); for (let i=0; i> this.one; this.bitLength = bitLength(this.p); this.mask = (this.one << BigInt(this.bitLength)) - this.one; this.n64 = Math.floor((this.bitLength - 1) / 64)+1; this.n32 = this.n64*2; this.n8 = this.n64*8; this.R = this.e(this.one << BigInt(this.n64*64)); this.Ri = this.inv(this.R); const e = this.negone >> this.one; this.nqr = this.two; let r = this.pow(this.nqr, e); while (!this.eq(r, this.negone)) { this.nqr = this.nqr + this.one; r = this.pow(this.nqr, e); } this.s = 0; this.t = this.negone; while ((this.t & this.one) == this.zero) { this.s = this.s + 1; this.t = this.t >> this.one; } this.nqr_to_t = this.pow(this.nqr, this.t); buildSqrt(this); this.FFT = new FFT(this, this, this.mul.bind(this)); this.fft = this.FFT.fft.bind(this.FFT); this.ifft = this.FFT.ifft.bind(this.FFT); this.w = this.FFT.w; this.wi = this.FFT.wi; this.shift = this.square(this.nqr); this.k = this.exp(this.nqr, 2**this.s); } e(a,b) { let res; if (!b) { res = BigInt(a); } else if (b==16) { res = BigInt("0x"+a); } if (res < 0) { let nres = -res; if (nres >= this.p) nres = nres % this.p; return this.p - nres; } else { return (res>= this.p) ? res%this.p : res; } } add(a, b) { const res = a + b; return res >= this.p ? res-this.p : res; } sub(a, b) { return (a >= b) ? a-b : this.p-b+a; } neg(a) { return a ? this.p-a : a; } mul(a, b) { return (a*b)%this.p; } mulScalar(base, s) { return (base * this.e(s)) % this.p; } square(a) { return (a*a) % this.p; } eq(a, b) { return a==b; } neq(a, b) { return a!=b; } lt(a, b) { const aa = (a > this.half) ? a - this.p : a; const bb = (b > this.half) ? b - this.p : b; return aa < bb; } gt(a, b) { const aa = (a > this.half) ? a - this.p : a; const bb = (b > this.half) ? b - this.p : b; return aa > bb; } leq(a, b) { const aa = (a > this.half) ? a - this.p : a; const bb = (b > this.half) ? b - this.p : b; return aa <= bb; } geq(a, b) { const aa = (a > this.half) ? a - this.p : a; const bb = (b > this.half) ? b - this.p : b; return aa >= bb; } div(a, b) { return this.mul(a, this.inv(b)); } idiv(a, b) { if (!b) throw new Error("Division by zero"); return a / b; } inv(a) { if (!a) throw new Error("Division by zero"); let t = this.zero; let r = this.p; let newt = this.one; let newr = a % this.p; while (newr) { let q = r/newr; [t, newt] = [newt, t-q*newt]; [r, newr] = [newr, r-q*newr]; } if (t= this.p ? res-this.p : res; } bor(a, b) { const res = ((a | b) & this.mask); return res >= this.p ? res-this.p : res; } bxor(a, b) { const res = ((a ^ b) & this.mask); return res >= this.p ? res-this.p : res; } bnot(a) { const res = a ^ this.mask; return res >= this.p ? res-this.p : res; } shl(a, b) { if (Number(b) < this.bitLength) { const res = (a << b) & this.mask; return res >= this.p ? res-this.p : res; } else { const nb = this.p - b; if (Number(nb) < this.bitLength) { return a >> nb; } else { return this.zero; } } } shr(a, b) { if (Number(b) < this.bitLength) { return a >> b; } else { const nb = this.p - b; if (Number(nb) < this.bitLength) { const res = (a << nb) & this.mask; return res >= this.p ? res-this.p : res; } else { return 0; } } } land(a, b) { return (a && b) ? this.one : this.zero; } lor(a, b) { return (a || b) ? this.one : this.zero; } lnot(a) { return (a) ? this.zero : this.one; } sqrt_old(n) { if (n == this.zero) return this.zero; // Test that have solution const res = this.pow(n, this.negone >> this.one); if ( res != this.one ) return null; let m = this.s; let c = this.nqr_to_t; let t = this.pow(n, this.t); let r = this.pow(n, this.add(this.t, this.one) >> this.one ); while ( t != this.one ) { let sq = this.square(t); let i = 1; while (sq != this.one ) { i++; sq = this.square(sq); } // b = c ^ m-i-1 let b = c; for (let j=0; j< m-i-1; j ++) b = this.square(b); m = i; c = this.square(b); t = this.mul(t, c); r = this.mul(r, b); } if (r > (this.p >> this.one)) { r = this.neg(r); } return r; } normalize(a, b) { a = BigInt(a,b); if (a < 0) { let na = -a; if (na >= this.p) na = na % this.p; return this.p - na; } else { return (a>= this.p) ? a%this.p : a; } } random() { const nBytes = (this.bitLength*2 / 8); let res =this.zero; for (let i=0; i this.half)&&(base == 10)) { const v = this.p-a; vs = "-"+v.toString(base); } else { vs = a.toString(base); } return vs; } isZero(a) { return a == this.zero; } fromRng(rng) { let v; do { v=this.zero; for (let i=0; i= this.p); v = (v * this.Ri) % this.p; // Convert from montgomery return v; } fft(a) { return this.FFT.fft(a); } ifft(a) { return this.FFT.ifft(a); } // Returns a buffer with Little Endian Representation toRprLE(buff, o, e) { toRprLE(buff, o, e, this.n64*8); } // Returns a buffer with Big Endian Representation toRprBE(buff, o, e) { toRprBE(buff, o, e, this.n64*8); } // Returns a buffer with Big Endian Montgomery Representation toRprBEM(buff, o, e) { return this.toRprBE(buff, o, this.mul(this.R, e)); } toRprLEM(buff, o, e) { return this.toRprLE(buff, o, this.mul(this.R, e)); } // Pases a buffer with Little Endian Representation fromRprLE(buff, o) { return fromRprLE(buff, o, this.n8); } // Pases a buffer with Big Endian Representation fromRprBE(buff, o) { return fromRprBE(buff, o, this.n8); } fromRprLEM(buff, o) { return this.mul(this.fromRprLE(buff, o), this.Ri); } fromRprBEM(buff, o) { return this.mul(this.fromRprBE(buff, o), this.Ri); } toObject(a) { return a; } } /* Copyright 2018 0kims association. This file is part of snarkjs. snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with snarkjs. If not, see . */ class F2Field { constructor(F, nonResidue) { this.type="F2"; this.F = F; this.zero = [this.F.zero, this.F.zero]; this.one = [this.F.one, this.F.zero]; this.negone = this.neg(this.one); this.nonResidue = nonResidue; this.m = F.m*2; this.p = F.p; this.n64 = F.n64*2; this.n32 = this.n64*2; this.n8 = this.n64*8; buildSqrt(this); } _mulByNonResidue(a) { return this.F.mul(this.nonResidue, a); } copy(a) { return [this.F.copy(a[0]), this.F.copy(a[1])]; } add(a, b) { return [ this.F.add(a[0], b[0]), this.F.add(a[1], b[1]) ]; } double(a) { return this.add(a,a); } sub(a, b) { return [ this.F.sub(a[0], b[0]), this.F.sub(a[1], b[1]) ]; } neg(a) { return this.sub(this.zero, a); } conjugate(a) { return [ a[0], this.F.neg(a[1]) ]; } mul(a, b) { const aA = this.F.mul(a[0] , b[0]); const bB = this.F.mul(a[1] , b[1]); return [ this.F.add( aA , this._mulByNonResidue(bB)), this.F.sub( this.F.mul( this.F.add(a[0], a[1]), this.F.add(b[0], b[1])), this.F.add(aA, bB))]; } inv(a) { const t0 = this.F.square(a[0]); const t1 = this.F.square(a[1]); const t2 = this.F.sub(t0, this._mulByNonResidue(t1)); const t3 = this.F.inv(t2); return [ this.F.mul(a[0], t3), this.F.neg(this.F.mul( a[1], t3)) ]; } div(a, b) { return this.mul(a, this.inv(b)); } square(a) { const ab = this.F.mul(a[0] , a[1]); /* [ (a + b) * (a + non_residue * b) - ab - non_residue * ab, ab + ab ]; */ return [ this.F.sub( this.F.mul( this.F.add(a[0], a[1]) , this.F.add( a[0] , this._mulByNonResidue(a[1]))), this.F.add( ab, this._mulByNonResidue(ab))), this.F.add(ab, ab) ]; } isZero(a) { return this.F.isZero(a[0]) && this.F.isZero(a[1]); } eq(a, b) { return this.F.eq(a[0], b[0]) && this.F.eq(a[1], b[1]); } mulScalar(base, e) { return mulScalar(this, base, e); } pow(base, e) { return exp(this, base, e); } exp(base, e) { return exp(this, base, e); } toString(a) { return `[ ${this.F.toString(a[0])} , ${this.F.toString(a[1])} ]`; } fromRng(rng) { const c0 = this.F.fromRng(rng); const c1 = this.F.fromRng(rng); return [c0, c1]; } gt(a, b) { if (this.F.gt(a[0], b[0])) return true; if (this.F.gt(b[0], a[0])) return false; if (this.F.gt(a[1], b[1])) return true; return false; } geq(a, b) { return this.gt(a, b) || this.eq(a, b); } lt(a, b) { return !this.geq(a,b); } leq(a, b) { return !this.gt(a,b); } neq(a, b) { return !this.eq(a,b); } random() { return [this.F.random(), this.F.random()]; } toRprLE(buff, o, e) { this.F.toRprLE(buff, o, e[0]); this.F.toRprLE(buff, o+this.F.n8, e[1]); } toRprBE(buff, o, e) { this.F.toRprBE(buff, o, e[1]); this.F.toRprBE(buff, o+this.F.n8, e[0]); } toRprLEM(buff, o, e) { this.F.toRprLEM(buff, o, e[0]); this.F.toRprLEM(buff, o+this.F.n8, e[1]); } toRprBEM(buff, o, e) { this.F.toRprBEM(buff, o, e[1]); this.F.toRprBEM(buff, o+this.F.n8, e[0]); } fromRprLE(buff, o) { o = o || 0; const c0 = this.F.fromRprLE(buff, o); const c1 = this.F.fromRprLE(buff, o+this.F.n8); return [c0, c1]; } fromRprBE(buff, o) { o = o || 0; const c1 = this.F.fromRprBE(buff, o); const c0 = this.F.fromRprBE(buff, o+this.F.n8); return [c0, c1]; } fromRprLEM(buff, o) { o = o || 0; const c0 = this.F.fromRprLEM(buff, o); const c1 = this.F.fromRprLEM(buff, o+this.F.n8); return [c0, c1]; } fromRprBEM(buff, o) { o = o || 0; const c1 = this.F.fromRprBEM(buff, o); const c0 = this.F.fromRprBEM(buff, o+this.F.n8); return [c0, c1]; } toObject(a) { return a; } } /* Copyright 2018 0kims association. This file is part of snarkjs. snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with snarkjs. If not, see . */ class F3Field { constructor(F, nonResidue) { this.type="F3"; this.F = F; this.zero = [this.F.zero, this.F.zero, this.F.zero]; this.one = [this.F.one, this.F.zero, this.F.zero]; this.negone = this.neg(this.one); this.nonResidue = nonResidue; this.m = F.m*3; this.p = F.p; this.n64 = F.n64*3; this.n32 = this.n64*2; this.n8 = this.n64*8; } _mulByNonResidue(a) { return this.F.mul(this.nonResidue, a); } copy(a) { return [this.F.copy(a[0]), this.F.copy(a[1]), this.F.copy(a[2])]; } add(a, b) { return [ this.F.add(a[0], b[0]), this.F.add(a[1], b[1]), this.F.add(a[2], b[2]) ]; } double(a) { return this.add(a,a); } sub(a, b) { return [ this.F.sub(a[0], b[0]), this.F.sub(a[1], b[1]), this.F.sub(a[2], b[2]) ]; } neg(a) { return this.sub(this.zero, a); } mul(a, b) { const aA = this.F.mul(a[0] , b[0]); const bB = this.F.mul(a[1] , b[1]); const cC = this.F.mul(a[2] , b[2]); return [ this.F.add( aA, this._mulByNonResidue( this.F.sub( this.F.mul( this.F.add(a[1], a[2]), this.F.add(b[1], b[2])), this.F.add(bB, cC)))), // aA + non_residue*((b+c)*(B+C)-bB-cC), this.F.add( this.F.sub( this.F.mul( this.F.add(a[0], a[1]), this.F.add(b[0], b[1])), this.F.add(aA, bB)), this._mulByNonResidue( cC)), // (a+b)*(A+B)-aA-bB+non_residue*cC this.F.add( this.F.sub( this.F.mul( this.F.add(a[0], a[2]), this.F.add(b[0], b[2])), this.F.add(aA, cC)), bB)]; // (a+c)*(A+C)-aA+bB-cC) } inv(a) { const t0 = this.F.square(a[0]); // t0 = a^2 ; const t1 = this.F.square(a[1]); // t1 = b^2 ; const t2 = this.F.square(a[2]); // t2 = c^2; const t3 = this.F.mul(a[0],a[1]); // t3 = ab const t4 = this.F.mul(a[0],a[2]); // t4 = ac const t5 = this.F.mul(a[1],a[2]); // t5 = bc; // c0 = t0 - non_residue * t5; const c0 = this.F.sub(t0, this._mulByNonResidue(t5)); // c1 = non_residue * t2 - t3; const c1 = this.F.sub(this._mulByNonResidue(t2), t3); const c2 = this.F.sub(t1, t4); // c2 = t1-t4 // t6 = (a * c0 + non_residue * (c * c1 + b * c2)).inv(); const t6 = this.F.inv( this.F.add( this.F.mul(a[0], c0), this._mulByNonResidue( this.F.add( this.F.mul(a[2], c1), this.F.mul(a[1], c2))))); return [ this.F.mul(t6, c0), // t6*c0 this.F.mul(t6, c1), // t6*c1 this.F.mul(t6, c2)]; // t6*c2 } div(a, b) { return this.mul(a, this.inv(b)); } square(a) { const s0 = this.F.square(a[0]); // s0 = a^2 const ab = this.F.mul(a[0], a[1]); // ab = a*b const s1 = this.F.add(ab, ab); // s1 = 2ab; const s2 = this.F.square( this.F.add(this.F.sub(a[0],a[1]), a[2])); // s2 = (a - b + c)^2; const bc = this.F.mul(a[1],a[2]); // bc = b*c const s3 = this.F.add(bc, bc); // s3 = 2*bc const s4 = this.F.square(a[2]); // s4 = c^2 return [ this.F.add( s0, this._mulByNonResidue(s3)), // s0 + non_residue * s3, this.F.add( s1, this._mulByNonResidue(s4)), // s1 + non_residue * s4, this.F.sub( this.F.add( this.F.add(s1, s2) , s3 ), this.F.add(s0, s4))]; // s1 + s2 + s3 - s0 - s4 } isZero(a) { return this.F.isZero(a[0]) && this.F.isZero(a[1]) && this.F.isZero(a[2]); } eq(a, b) { return this.F.eq(a[0], b[0]) && this.F.eq(a[1], b[1]) && this.F.eq(a[2], b[2]); } affine(a) { return [this.F.affine(a[0]), this.F.affine(a[1]), this.F.affine(a[2])]; } mulScalar(base, e) { return mulScalar(this, base, e); } pow(base, e) { return exp(this, base, e); } exp(base, e) { return exp(this, base, e); } toString(a) { return `[ ${this.F.toString(a[0])} , ${this.F.toString(a[1])}, ${this.F.toString(a[2])} ]`; } fromRng(rng) { const c0 = this.F.fromRng(rng); const c1 = this.F.fromRng(rng); const c2 = this.F.fromRng(rng); return [c0, c1, c2]; } gt(a, b) { if (this.F.gt(a[0], b[0])) return true; if (this.F.gt(b[0], a[0])) return false; if (this.F.gt(a[1], b[1])) return true; if (this.F.gt(b[1], a[1])) return false; if (this.F.gt(a[2], b[2])) return true; return false; } geq(a, b) { return this.gt(a, b) || this.eq(a, b); } lt(a, b) { return !this.geq(a,b); } leq(a, b) { return !this.gt(a,b); } neq(a, b) { return !this.eq(a,b); } random() { return [this.F.random(), this.F.random(), this.F.random()]; } toRprLE(buff, o, e) { this.F.toRprLE(buff, o, e[0]); this.F.toRprLE(buff, o+this.F.n8, e[1]); this.F.toRprLE(buff, o+this.F.n8*2, e[2]); } toRprBE(buff, o, e) { this.F.toRprBE(buff, o, e[2]); this.F.toRprBE(buff, o+this.F.n8, e[1]); this.F.toRprBE(buff, o+this.F.n8*2, e[0]); } toRprLEM(buff, o, e) { this.F.toRprLEM(buff, o, e[0]); this.F.toRprLEM(buff, o+this.F.n8, e[1]); this.F.toRprLEM(buff, o+this.F.n8*2, e[2]); } toRprBEM(buff, o, e) { this.F.toRprBEM(buff, o, e[2]); this.F.toRprBEM(buff, o+this.F.n8, e[1]); this.F.toRprBEM(buff, o+this.F.n8*2, e[0]); } fromRprLE(buff, o) { o = o || 0; const c0 = this.F.fromRprLE(buff, o); const c1 = this.F.fromRprLE(buff, o+this.n8); const c2 = this.F.fromRprLE(buff, o+this.n8*2); return [c0, c1, c2]; } fromRprBE(buff, o) { o = o || 0; const c2 = this.F.fromRprBE(buff, o); const c1 = this.F.fromRprBE(buff, o+this.n8); const c0 = this.F.fromRprBE(buff, o+this.n8*2); return [c0, c1, c2]; } fromRprLEM(buff, o) { o = o || 0; const c0 = this.F.fromRprLEM(buff, o); const c1 = this.F.fromRprLEM(buff, o+this.n8); const c2 = this.F.fromRprLEM(buff, o+this.n8*2); return [c0, c1, c2]; } fromRprBEM(buff, o) { o = o || 0; const c2 = this.F.fromRprBEM(buff, o); const c1 = this.F.fromRprBEM(buff, o+this.n8); const c0 = this.F.fromRprBEM(buff, o+this.n8*2); return [c0, c1, c2]; } toObject(a) { return a; } } /* Copyright 2018 0kims association. This file is part of snarkjs. snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with snarkjs. If not, see . */ function isGreatest(F, a) { if (Array.isArray(a)) { for (let i=a.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if (!F.F.isZero(a[i])) { return isGreatest(F.F, a[i]); } } return 0; } else { const na = F.neg(a); return gt(a, na); } } class EC { constructor(F, g) { this.F = F; this.g = g; if (this.g.length == 2) this.g[2] = this.F.one; this.zero = [this.F.zero, this.F.one, this.F.zero]; } add(p1, p2) { const F = this.F; if (this.eq(p1, this.zero)) return p2; if (this.eq(p2, this.zero)) return p1; const res = new Array(3); const Z1Z1 = F.square( p1[2] ); const Z2Z2 = F.square( p2[2] ); const U1 = F.mul( p1[0] , Z2Z2 ); // U1 = X1 * Z2Z2 const U2 = F.mul( p2[0] , Z1Z1 ); // U2 = X2 * Z1Z1 const Z1_cubed = F.mul( p1[2] , Z1Z1); const Z2_cubed = F.mul( p2[2] , Z2Z2); const S1 = F.mul( p1[1] , Z2_cubed); // S1 = Y1 * Z2 * Z2Z2 const S2 = F.mul( p2[1] , Z1_cubed); // S2 = Y2 * Z1 * Z1Z1 if (F.eq(U1,U2) && F.eq(S1,S2)) { return this.double(p1); } const H = F.sub( U2 , U1 ); // H = U2-U1 const S2_minus_S1 = F.sub( S2 , S1 ); const I = F.square( F.add(H,H) ); // I = (2 * H)^2 const J = F.mul( H , I ); // J = H * I const r = F.add( S2_minus_S1 , S2_minus_S1 ); // r = 2 * (S2-S1) const V = F.mul( U1 , I ); // V = U1 * I res[0] = F.sub( F.sub( F.square(r) , J ), F.add( V , V )); // X3 = r^2 - J - 2 * V const S1_J = F.mul( S1 , J ); res[1] = F.sub( F.mul( r , F.sub(V,res[0])), F.add( S1_J,S1_J )); // Y3 = r * (V-X3)-2 S1 J res[2] = F.mul( H, F.sub( F.square( F.add(p1[2],p2[2]) ), F.add( Z1Z1 , Z2Z2 ))); // Z3 = ((Z1+Z2)^2-Z1Z1-Z2Z2) * H return res; } neg(p) { return [p[0], this.F.neg(p[1]), p[2]]; } sub(a, b) { return this.add(a, this.neg(b)); } double(p) { const F = this.F; const res = new Array(3); if (this.eq(p, this.zero)) return p; const A = F.square( p[0] ); // A = X1^2 const B = F.square( p[1] ); // B = Y1^2 const C = F.square( B ); // C = B^2 let D = F.sub( F.square( F.add(p[0] , B )), F.add( A , C)); D = F.add(D,D); // D = 2 * ((X1 + B)^2 - A - C) const E = F.add( F.add(A,A), A); // E = 3 * A const FF =F.square( E ); // F = E^2 res[0] = F.sub( FF , F.add(D,D) ); // X3 = F - 2 D let eightC = F.add( C , C ); eightC = F.add( eightC , eightC ); eightC = F.add( eightC , eightC ); res[1] = F.sub( F.mul( E, F.sub( D, res[0] )), eightC); // Y3 = E * (D - X3) - 8 * C const Y1Z1 = F.mul( p[1] , p[2] ); res[2] = F.add( Y1Z1 , Y1Z1 ); // Z3 = 2 * Y1 * Z1 return res; } timesScalar(base, e) { return mulScalar(this, base, e); } mulScalar(base, e) { return mulScalar(this, base, e); } affine(p) { const F = this.F; if (this.isZero(p)) { return this.zero; } else if (F.eq(p[2], F.one)) { return p; } else { const Z_inv = F.inv(p[2]); const Z2_inv = F.square(Z_inv); const Z3_inv = F.mul(Z2_inv, Z_inv); const res = new Array(3); res[0] = F.mul(p[0],Z2_inv); res[1] = F.mul(p[1],Z3_inv); res[2] = F.one; return res; } } multiAffine(arr) { const keys = Object.keys(arr); const F = this.F; const accMul = new Array(keys.length+1); accMul[0] = F.one; for (let i = 0; i< keys.length; i++) { if (F.eq(arr[keys[i]][2], F.zero)) { accMul[i+1] = accMul[i]; } else { accMul[i+1] = F.mul(accMul[i], arr[keys[i]][2]); } } accMul[keys.length] = F.inv(accMul[keys.length]); for (let i = keys.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if (F.eq(arr[keys[i]][2], F.zero)) { accMul[i] = accMul[i+1]; arr[keys[i]] = this.zero; } else { const Z_inv = F.mul(accMul[i], accMul[i+1]); accMul[i] = F.mul(arr[keys[i]][2], accMul[i+1]); const Z2_inv = F.square(Z_inv); const Z3_inv = F.mul(Z2_inv, Z_inv); arr[keys[i]][0] = F.mul(arr[keys[i]][0],Z2_inv); arr[keys[i]][1] = F.mul(arr[keys[i]][1],Z3_inv); arr[keys[i]][2] = F.one; } } } eq(p1, p2) { const F = this.F; if (this.F.eq(p1[2], this.F.zero)) return this.F.eq(p2[2], this.F.zero); if (this.F.eq(p2[2], this.F.zero)) return false; const Z1Z1 = F.square( p1[2] ); const Z2Z2 = F.square( p2[2] ); const U1 = F.mul( p1[0] , Z2Z2 ); const U2 = F.mul( p2[0] , Z1Z1 ); const Z1_cubed = F.mul( p1[2] , Z1Z1); const Z2_cubed = F.mul( p2[2] , Z2Z2); const S1 = F.mul( p1[1] , Z2_cubed); const S2 = F.mul( p2[1] , Z1_cubed); return (F.eq(U1,U2) && F.eq(S1,S2)); } isZero(p) { return this.F.isZero(p[2]); } toString(p) { const cp = this.affine(p); return `[ ${this.F.toString(cp[0])} , ${this.F.toString(cp[1])} ]`; } fromRng(rng) { const F = this.F; let P = []; let greatest; do { P[0] = F.fromRng(rng); greatest = rng.nextBool(); const x3b = F.add(F.mul(F.square(P[0]), P[0]), this.b); P[1] = F.sqrt(x3b); } while ((P[1] == null)||(F.isZero[P])); const s = isGreatest(F, P[1]); if (greatest ^ s) P[1] = F.neg(P[1]); P[2] = F.one; if (this.cofactor) { P = this.mulScalar(P, this.cofactor); } P = this.affine(P); return P; } toRprLE(buff, o, p) { p = this.affine(p); if (this.isZero(p)) { const BuffV = new Uint8Array(buff, o, this.F.n8*2); BuffV.fill(0); return; } this.F.toRprLE(buff, o, p[0]); this.F.toRprLE(buff, o+this.F.n8, p[1]); } toRprBE(buff, o, p) { p = this.affine(p); if (this.isZero(p)) { const BuffV = new Uint8Array(buff, o, this.F.n8*2); BuffV.fill(0); return; } this.F.toRprBE(buff, o, p[0]); this.F.toRprBE(buff, o+this.F.n8, p[1]); } toRprLEM(buff, o, p) { p = this.affine(p); if (this.isZero(p)) { const BuffV = new Uint8Array(buff, o, this.F.n8*2); BuffV.fill(0); return; } this.F.toRprLEM(buff, o, p[0]); this.F.toRprLEM(buff, o+this.F.n8, p[1]); } toRprLEJM(buff, o, p) { p = this.affine(p); if (this.isZero(p)) { const BuffV = new Uint8Array(buff, o, this.F.n8*2); BuffV.fill(0); return; } this.F.toRprLEM(buff, o, p[0]); this.F.toRprLEM(buff, o+this.F.n8, p[1]); this.F.toRprLEM(buff, o+2*this.F.n8, p[2]); } toRprBEM(buff, o, p) { p = this.affine(p); if (this.isZero(p)) { const BuffV = new Uint8Array(buff, o, this.F.n8*2); BuffV.fill(0); return; } this.F.toRprBEM(buff, o, p[0]); this.F.toRprBEM(buff, o+this.F.n8, p[1]); } fromRprLE(buff, o) { o = o || 0; const x = this.F.fromRprLE(buff, o); const y = this.F.fromRprLE(buff, o+this.F.n8); if (this.F.isZero(x) && this.F.isZero(y)) { return this.zero; } return [x, y, this.F.one]; } fromRprBE(buff, o) { o = o || 0; const x = this.F.fromRprBE(buff, o); const y = this.F.fromRprBE(buff, o+this.F.n8); if (this.F.isZero(x) && this.F.isZero(y)) { return this.zero; } return [x, y, this.F.one]; } fromRprLEM(buff, o) { o = o || 0; const x = this.F.fromRprLEM(buff, o); const y = this.F.fromRprLEM(buff, o+this.F.n8); if (this.F.isZero(x) && this.F.isZero(y)) { return this.zero; } return [x, y, this.F.one]; } fromRprLEJM(buff, o) { o = o || 0; const x = this.F.fromRprLEM(buff, o); const y = this.F.fromRprLEM(buff, o+this.F.n8); const z = this.F.fromRprLEM(buff, o+this.F.n8*2); if (this.F.isZero(x) && this.F.isZero(y)) { return this.zero; } return [x, y, z]; } fromRprBEM(buff, o) { o = o || 0; const x = this.F.fromRprBEM(buff, o); const y = this.F.fromRprBEM(buff, o+this.F.n8); if (this.F.isZero(x) && this.F.isZero(y)) { return this.zero; } return [x, y, this.F.one]; } fromRprCompressed(buff, o) { const F = this.F; const v = new Uint8Array(buff.buffer, o, F.n8); if (v[0] & 0x40) return this.zero; const P = new Array(3); const greatest = ((v[0] & 0x80) != 0); v[0] = v[0] & 0x7F; P[0] = F.fromRprBE(buff, o); if (greatest) v[0] = v[0] | 0x80; // set back again the old value const x3b = F.add(F.mul(F.square(P[0]), P[0]), this.b); P[1] = F.sqrt(x3b); if (P[1] === null) { throw new Error("Invalid Point!"); } const s = isGreatest(F, P[1]); if (greatest ^ s) P[1] = F.neg(P[1]); P[2] = F.one; return P; } toRprCompressed(buff, o, p) { p = this.affine(p); const v = new Uint8Array(buff.buffer, o, this.F.n8); if (this.isZero(p)) { v.fill(0); v[0] = 0x40; return; } this.F.toRprBE(buff, o, p[0]); if (isGreatest(this.F, p[1])) { v[0] = v[0] | 0x80; } } fromRprUncompressed(buff, o) { if (buff[0] & 0x40) return this.zero; return this.fromRprBE(buff, o); } toRprUncompressed(buff, o, p) { this.toRprBE(buff, o, p); if (this.isZero(p)) { buff[o] = buff[o] | 0x40; } } } /* global BigInt */ function stringifyBigInts(o) { if (typeof o == "bigint" || o.eq !== undefined) { return o.toString(10); } else if (o instanceof Uint8Array) { return fromRprLE(o, 0); } else if (Array.isArray(o)) { return o.map(stringifyBigInts); } else if (typeof o == "object") { const res = {}; const keys = Object.keys(o); keys.forEach((k) => { res[k] = stringifyBigInts(o[k]); }); return res; } else { return o; } } function unstringifyBigInts(o) { if (typeof o == "string" && /^[0-9]+$/.test(o)) { return BigInt(o); } else if (typeof o == "string" && /^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(o)) { return BigInt(o); } else if (Array.isArray(o)) { return o.map(unstringifyBigInts); } else if (typeof o == "object") { if (o === null) return null; const res = {}; const keys = Object.keys(o); keys.forEach((k) => { res[k] = unstringifyBigInts(o[k]); }); return res; } else { return o; } } function beBuff2int(buff) { let res = BigInt(0); let i = buff.length; let offset = 0; const buffV = new DataView(buff.buffer, buff.byteOffset, buff.byteLength); while (i > 0) { if (i >= 4) { i -= 4; res += BigInt(buffV.getUint32(i)) << BigInt(offset * 8); offset += 4; } else if (i >= 2) { i -= 2; res += BigInt(buffV.getUint16(i)) << BigInt(offset * 8); offset += 2; } else { i -= 1; res += BigInt(buffV.getUint8(i)) << BigInt(offset * 8); offset += 1; } } return res; } function beInt2Buff(n, len) { let r = n; const buff = new Uint8Array(len); const buffV = new DataView(buff.buffer); let o = len; while (o > 0) { if (o - 4 >= 0) { o -= 4; buffV.setUint32(o, Number(r & BigInt(0xffffffff))); r = r >> BigInt(32); } else if (o - 2 >= 0) { o -= 2; buffV.setUint16(o, Number(r & BigInt(0xffff))); r = r >> BigInt(16); } else { o -= 1; buffV.setUint8(o, Number(r & BigInt(0xff))); r = r >> BigInt(8); } } if (r) { throw new Error("Number does not fit in this length"); } return buff; } function leBuff2int(buff) { let res = BigInt(0); let i = 0; const buffV = new DataView(buff.buffer, buff.byteOffset, buff.byteLength); while (i < buff.length) { if (i + 4 <= buff.length) { res += BigInt(buffV.getUint32(i, true)) << BigInt(i * 8); i += 4; } else if (i + 2 <= buff.length) { res += BigInt(buffV.getUint16(i, true)) << BigInt(i * 8); i += 2; } else { res += BigInt(buffV.getUint8(i, true)) << BigInt(i * 8); i += 1; } } return res; } function leInt2Buff(n, len) { let r = n; if (typeof len === "undefined") { len = Math.floor((bitLength(n) - 1) / 8) + 1; if (len == 0) len = 1; } const buff = new Uint8Array(len); const buffV = new DataView(buff.buffer); let o = 0; while (o < len) { if (o + 4 <= len) { buffV.setUint32(o, Number(r & BigInt(0xffffffff)), true); o += 4; r = r >> BigInt(32); } else if (o + 2 <= len) { buffV.setUint16(o, Number(r & BigInt(0xffff)), true); o += 2; r = r >> BigInt(16); } else { buffV.setUint8(o, Number(r & BigInt(0xff)), true); o += 1; r = r >> BigInt(8); } } if (r) { throw new Error("Number does not fit in this length"); } return buff; } function stringifyFElements(F, o) { if (typeof o == "bigint" || o.eq !== undefined) { return o.toString(10); } else if (o instanceof Uint8Array) { return F.toString(F.e(o)); } else if (Array.isArray(o)) { return o.map(stringifyFElements.bind(this, F)); } else if (typeof o == "object") { const res = {}; const keys = Object.keys(o); keys.forEach((k) => { res[k] = stringifyFElements(F, o[k]); }); return res; } else { return o; } } function unstringifyFElements(F, o) { if (typeof o == "string" && /^[0-9]+$/.test(o)) { return F.e(o); } else if (typeof o == "string" && /^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(o)) { return F.e(o); } else if (Array.isArray(o)) { return o.map(unstringifyFElements.bind(this, F)); } else if (typeof o == "object") { if (o === null) return null; const res = {}; const keys = Object.keys(o); keys.forEach((k) => { res[k] = unstringifyFElements(F, o[k]); }); return res; } else { return o; } } const _revTable = []; for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) { _revTable[i] = _revSlow(i, 8); } function _revSlow(idx, bits) { let res = 0; let a = idx; for (let i = 0; i < bits; i++) { res <<= 1; res = res | (a & 1); a >>= 1; } return res; } function bitReverse(idx, bits) { return ( (_revTable[idx >>> 24] | (_revTable[(idx >>> 16) & 0xff] << 8) | (_revTable[(idx >>> 8) & 0xff] << 16) | (_revTable[idx & 0xff] << 24)) >>> (32 - bits) ); } function log2(V) { return ( ((V & 0xffff0000) !== 0 ? ((V &= 0xffff0000), 16) : 0) | ((V & 0xff00ff00) !== 0 ? ((V &= 0xff00ff00), 8) : 0) | ((V & 0xf0f0f0f0) !== 0 ? ((V &= 0xf0f0f0f0), 4) : 0) | ((V & 0xcccccccc) !== 0 ? ((V &= 0xcccccccc), 2) : 0) | ((V & 0xaaaaaaaa) !== 0) ); } function buffReverseBits(buff, eSize) { const n = buff.byteLength / eSize; const bits = log2(n); if (n != 1 << bits) { throw new Error("Invalid number of pointers"); } for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { const r = bitReverse(i, bits); if (i > r) { const tmp = buff.slice(i * eSize, (i + 1) * eSize); buff.set(buff.slice(r * eSize, (r + 1) * eSize), i * eSize); buff.set(tmp, r * eSize); } } } function array2buffer(arr, sG) { const buff = new Uint8Array(sG * arr.length); for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { buff.set(arr[i], i * sG); } return buff; } function buffer2array(buff, sG) { const n = buff.byteLength / sG; const arr = new Array(n); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { arr[i] = buff.slice(i * sG, i * sG + sG); } return arr; } var _utils = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, array2buffer: array2buffer, beBuff2int: beBuff2int, beInt2Buff: beInt2Buff, bitReverse: bitReverse, buffReverseBits: buffReverseBits, buffer2array: buffer2array, leBuff2int: leBuff2int, leInt2Buff: leInt2Buff, log2: log2, stringifyBigInts: stringifyBigInts, stringifyFElements: stringifyFElements, unstringifyBigInts: unstringifyBigInts, unstringifyFElements: unstringifyFElements }); const PAGE_SIZE = 1<<30; class BigBuffer { constructor(size) { this.buffers = []; this.byteLength = size; for (let i=0; i0) { // bytes to copy from this page const l = (o+r > PAGE_SIZE) ? (PAGE_SIZE -o) : r; const srcView = new Uint8Array(this.buffers[p].buffer, this.buffers[p].byteOffset+o, l); if (l == len) return srcView.slice(); if (!buff) { if (len <= PAGE_SIZE) { buff = new Uint8Array(len); } else { buff = new BigBuffer(len); } } buff.set(srcView, len-r); r = r-l; p ++; o = 0; } return buff; } set(buff, offset) { if (offset === undefined) offset = 0; const len = buff.byteLength; if (len==0) return; const firstPage = Math.floor(offset / PAGE_SIZE); const lastPage = Math.floor((offset+len-1) / PAGE_SIZE); if (firstPage == lastPage) { if ((buff instanceof BigBuffer)&&(buff.buffers.length==1)) { return this.buffers[firstPage].set(buff.buffers[0], offset % PAGE_SIZE); } else { return this.buffers[firstPage].set(buff, offset % PAGE_SIZE); } } let p = firstPage; let o = offset % PAGE_SIZE; let r = len; while (r>0) { const l = (o+r > PAGE_SIZE) ? (PAGE_SIZE -o) : r; const srcView = buff.slice( len -r, len -r+l); const dstView = new Uint8Array(this.buffers[p].buffer, this.buffers[p].byteOffset + o, l); dstView.set(srcView); r = r-l; p ++; o = 0; } } } function buildBatchConvert(tm, fnName, sIn, sOut) { return async function batchConvert(buffIn) { const nPoints = Math.floor(buffIn.byteLength / sIn); if ( nPoints * sIn !== buffIn.byteLength) { throw new Error("Invalid buffer size"); } const pointsPerChunk = Math.floor(nPoints/tm.concurrency); const opPromises = []; for (let i=0; i=0; i--) { this.w[i] = this.square(this.w[i+1]); } if (!this.eq(this.w[0], this.one)) { throw new Error("Error calculating roots of unity"); } this.batchToMontgomery = buildBatchConvert(tm, prefix + "_batchToMontgomery", this.n8, this.n8); this.batchFromMontgomery = buildBatchConvert(tm, prefix + "_batchFromMontgomery", this.n8, this.n8); } op2(opName, a, b) { this.tm.setBuff(this.pOp1, a); this.tm.setBuff(this.pOp2, b); this.tm.instance.exports[this.prefix + opName](this.pOp1, this.pOp2, this.pOp3); return this.tm.getBuff(this.pOp3, this.n8); } op2Bool(opName, a, b) { this.tm.setBuff(this.pOp1, a); this.tm.setBuff(this.pOp2, b); return !!this.tm.instance.exports[this.prefix + opName](this.pOp1, this.pOp2); } op1(opName, a) { this.tm.setBuff(this.pOp1, a); this.tm.instance.exports[this.prefix + opName](this.pOp1, this.pOp3); return this.tm.getBuff(this.pOp3, this.n8); } op1Bool(opName, a) { this.tm.setBuff(this.pOp1, a); return !!this.tm.instance.exports[this.prefix + opName](this.pOp1, this.pOp3); } add(a,b) { return this.op2("_add", a, b); } eq(a,b) { return this.op2Bool("_eq", a, b); } isZero(a) { return this.op1Bool("_isZero", a); } sub(a,b) { return this.op2("_sub", a, b); } neg(a) { return this.op1("_neg", a); } inv(a) { return this.op1("_inverse", a); } toMontgomery(a) { return this.op1("_toMontgomery", a); } fromMontgomery(a) { return this.op1("_fromMontgomery", a); } mul(a,b) { return this.op2("_mul", a, b); } div(a, b) { this.tm.setBuff(this.pOp1, a); this.tm.setBuff(this.pOp2, b); this.tm.instance.exports[this.prefix + "_inverse"](this.pOp2, this.pOp2); this.tm.instance.exports[this.prefix + "_mul"](this.pOp1, this.pOp2, this.pOp3); return this.tm.getBuff(this.pOp3, this.n8); } square(a) { return this.op1("_square", a); } isSquare(a) { return this.op1Bool("_isSquare", a); } sqrt(a) { return this.op1("_sqrt", a); } exp(a, b) { if (!(b instanceof Uint8Array)) { b = toLEBuff(e(b)); } this.tm.setBuff(this.pOp1, a); this.tm.setBuff(this.pOp2, b); this.tm.instance.exports[this.prefix + "_exp"](this.pOp1, this.pOp2, b.byteLength, this.pOp3); return this.tm.getBuff(this.pOp3, this.n8); } isNegative(a) { return this.op1Bool("_isNegative", a); } e(a, b) { if (a instanceof Uint8Array) return a; let ra = e(a, b); if (isNegative(ra)) { ra = neg(ra); if (gt(ra, this.p)) { ra = mod(ra, this.p); } ra = sub(this.p, ra); } else { if (gt(ra, this.p)) { ra = mod(ra, this.p); } } const buff = leInt2Buff(ra, this.n8); return this.toMontgomery(buff); } toString(a, radix) { const an = this.fromMontgomery(a); const s = fromRprLE(an, 0); return toString(s, radix); } fromRng(rng) { let v; const buff = new Uint8Array(this.n8); do { v = zero; for (let i=0; i memory.buffer.byteLength) { const currentPages = memory.buffer.byteLength / 0x10000; let requiredPages = Math.floor((u32[0] + length) / 0x10000)+1; if (requiredPages>MAXMEM) requiredPages=MAXMEM; memory.grow(requiredPages-currentPages); } return res; } function allocBuffer(buffer) { const p = alloc(buffer.byteLength); setBuffer(p, buffer); return p; } function getBuffer(pointer, length) { const u8 = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer); return new Uint8Array(u8.buffer, u8.byteOffset + pointer, length); } function setBuffer(pointer, buffer) { const u8 = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer); u8.set(new Uint8Array(buffer), pointer); } function runTask(task) { if (task[0].cmd == "INIT") { return init(task[0]); } const ctx = { vars: [], out: [] }; const u32a = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer, 0, 1); const oldAlloc = u32a[0]; for (let i=0; i. */ // const MEM_SIZE = 1000; // Memory size in 64K Pakes (512Mb) const MEM_SIZE = 25; // Memory size in 64K Pakes (1600Kb) class Deferred { constructor() { this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=> { this.reject = reject; this.resolve = resolve; }); } } function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } let workerSource; const threadStr = `(${thread.toString()})(self)`; if(process.browser) { if(globalThis?.Blob) { const threadBytes= new TextEncoder().encode(threadStr); const workerBlob = new Blob([threadBytes], { type: "application/javascript" }) ; workerSource = URL.createObjectURL(workerBlob); } else { workerSource = "data:application/javascript;base64," + globalThis.btoa(threadStr); } } else { workerSource = "data:application/javascript;base64," + Buffer.from(threadStr).toString("base64"); } async function buildThreadManager(wasm, singleThread) { const tm = new ThreadManager(); tm.memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({initial:MEM_SIZE}); tm.u8 = new Uint8Array(tm.memory.buffer); tm.u32 = new Uint32Array(tm.memory.buffer); const wasmModule = await WebAssembly.compile(wasm.code); tm.instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmModule, { env: { "memory": tm.memory } }); if(process.browser && !globalThis?.Worker) { singleThread = true; } tm.singleThread = singleThread; tm.initalPFree = tm.u32[0]; // Save the Pointer to free space. tm.pq = wasm.pq; tm.pr = wasm.pr; tm.pG1gen = wasm.pG1gen; tm.pG1zero = wasm.pG1zero; tm.pG2gen = wasm.pG2gen; tm.pG2zero = wasm.pG2zero; tm.pOneT = wasm.pOneT; // tm.pTmp0 = tm.alloc(curve.G2.F.n8*3); // tm.pTmp1 = tm.alloc(curve.G2.F.n8*3); if (singleThread) { tm.code = wasm.code; tm.taskManager = thread(); await tm.taskManager([{ cmd: "INIT", init: MEM_SIZE, code: tm.code.slice() }]); tm.concurrency = 1; } else { tm.workers = []; tm.pendingDeferreds = []; tm.working = []; let concurrency = 2; if (process.browser) { if (typeof navigator === "object" && navigator.hardwareConcurrency) { concurrency = navigator.hardwareConcurrency; } } else { concurrency = os.cpus().length; } if(concurrency == 0){ concurrency = 2; } // Limit to 64 threads for memory reasons. if (concurrency>64) concurrency=64; tm.concurrency = concurrency; for (let i = 0; i 0); i++) { if (this.working[i] == false) { const work = this.actionQueue.shift(); this.postAction(i, work.data, work.transfers, work.deferred); } } } queueAction(actionData, transfers) { const d = new Deferred(); if (this.singleThread) { const res = this.taskManager(actionData); d.resolve(res); } else { this.actionQueue.push({ data: actionData, transfers: transfers, deferred: d }); this.processWorks(); } return d.promise; } resetMemory() { this.u32[0] = this.initalPFree; } allocBuff(buff) { const pointer = this.alloc(buff.byteLength); this.setBuff(pointer, buff); return pointer; } getBuff(pointer, length) { return this.u8.slice(pointer, pointer+ length); } setBuff(pointer, buffer) { this.u8.set(new Uint8Array(buffer), pointer); } alloc(length) { while (this.u32[0] & 3) this.u32[0]++; // Return always aligned pointers const res = this.u32[0]; this.u32[0] += length; return res; } async terminate() { for (let i=0; i=0; i--) { if (!G.isZero(res)) { for (let j=0; jMAX_CHUNK_SIZE) chunkSize = MAX_CHUNK_SIZE; if (chunkSize { if (logger) logger.debug(`Multiexp end: ${logText}: ${i}/${nPoints}`); return r; })); } const result = await Promise.all(opPromises); let res = G.zero; for (let i=result.length-1; i>=0; i--) { res = G.add(res, result[i]); } return res; } G.multiExp = async function multiExpAffine(buffBases, buffScalars, logger, logText) { return await _multiExp(buffBases, buffScalars, "jacobian", logger, logText); }; G.multiExpAffine = async function multiExpAffine(buffBases, buffScalars, logger, logText) { return await _multiExp(buffBases, buffScalars, "affine", logger, logText); }; } function buildFFT(curve, groupName) { const G = curve[groupName]; const Fr = curve.Fr; const tm = G.tm; async function _fft(buff, inverse, inType, outType, logger, loggerTxt) { inType = inType || "affine"; outType = outType || "affine"; const MAX_BITS_THREAD = 14; let sIn, sMid, sOut, fnIn2Mid, fnMid2Out, fnFFTMix, fnFFTJoin, fnFFTFinal; if (groupName == "G1") { if (inType == "affine") { sIn = G.F.n8*2; fnIn2Mid = "g1m_batchToJacobian"; } else { sIn = G.F.n8*3; } sMid = G.F.n8*3; if (inverse) { fnFFTFinal = "g1m_fftFinal"; } fnFFTJoin = "g1m_fftJoin"; fnFFTMix = "g1m_fftMix"; if (outType == "affine") { sOut = G.F.n8*2; fnMid2Out = "g1m_batchToAffine"; } else { sOut = G.F.n8*3; } } else if (groupName == "G2") { if (inType == "affine") { sIn = G.F.n8*2; fnIn2Mid = "g2m_batchToJacobian"; } else { sIn = G.F.n8*3; } sMid = G.F.n8*3; if (inverse) { fnFFTFinal = "g2m_fftFinal"; } fnFFTJoin = "g2m_fftJoin"; fnFFTMix = "g2m_fftMix"; if (outType == "affine") { sOut = G.F.n8*2; fnMid2Out = "g2m_batchToAffine"; } else { sOut = G.F.n8*3; } } else if (groupName == "Fr") { sIn = G.n8; sMid = G.n8; sOut = G.n8; if (inverse) { fnFFTFinal = "frm_fftFinal"; } fnFFTMix = "frm_fftMix"; fnFFTJoin = "frm_fftJoin"; } let returnArray = false; if (Array.isArray(buff)) { buff = array2buffer(buff, sIn); returnArray = true; } else { buff = buff.slice(0, buff.byteLength); } const nPoints = buff.byteLength / sIn; const bits = log2(nPoints); if ((1 << bits) != nPoints) { throw new Error("fft must be multiple of 2" ); } if (bits == Fr.s +1) { let buffOut; if (inverse) { buffOut = await _fftExtInv(buff, inType, outType, logger, loggerTxt); } else { buffOut = await _fftExt(buff, inType, outType, logger, loggerTxt); } if (returnArray) { return buffer2array(buffOut, sOut); } else { return buffOut; } } let inv; if (inverse) { inv = Fr.inv(Fr.e(nPoints)); } let buffOut; buffReverseBits(buff, sIn); let chunks; let pointsInChunk = Math.min(1 << MAX_BITS_THREAD, nPoints); let nChunks = nPoints / pointsInChunk; while ((nChunks < tm.concurrency)&&(pointsInChunk>=16)) { nChunks *= 2; pointsInChunk /= 2; } const l2Chunk = log2(pointsInChunk); const promises = []; for (let i = 0; i< nChunks; i++) { if (logger) logger.debug(`${loggerTxt}: fft ${bits} mix start: ${i}/${nChunks}`); const task = []; task.push({cmd: "ALLOC", var: 0, len: sMid*pointsInChunk}); const buffChunk = buff.slice( (pointsInChunk * i)*sIn, (pointsInChunk * (i+1))*sIn); task.push({cmd: "SET", var: 0, buff: buffChunk}); if (fnIn2Mid) { task.push({cmd: "CALL", fnName:fnIn2Mid, params: [{var:0}, {val: pointsInChunk}, {var: 0}]}); } for (let j=1; j<=l2Chunk;j++) { task.push({cmd: "CALL", fnName:fnFFTMix, params: [{var:0}, {val: pointsInChunk}, {val: j}]}); } if (l2Chunk==bits) { if (fnFFTFinal) { task.push({cmd: "ALLOCSET", var: 1, buff: inv}); task.push({cmd: "CALL", fnName: fnFFTFinal, params:[ {var: 0}, {val: pointsInChunk}, {var: 1}, ]}); } if (fnMid2Out) { task.push({cmd: "CALL", fnName:fnMid2Out, params: [{var:0}, {val: pointsInChunk}, {var: 0}]}); } task.push({cmd: "GET", out: 0, var: 0, len: pointsInChunk*sOut}); } else { task.push({cmd: "GET", out:0, var: 0, len: sMid*pointsInChunk}); } promises.push(tm.queueAction(task).then( (r) => { if (logger) logger.debug(`${loggerTxt}: fft ${bits} mix end: ${i}/${nChunks}`); return r; })); } chunks = await Promise.all(promises); for (let i = 0; i< nChunks; i++) chunks[i] = chunks[i][0]; for (let i = l2Chunk+1; i<=bits; i++) { if (logger) logger.debug(`${loggerTxt}: fft ${bits} join: ${i}/${bits}`); const nGroups = 1 << (bits - i); const nChunksPerGroup = nChunks / nGroups; const opPromises = []; for (let j=0; j { if (logger) logger.debug(`${loggerTxt}: fft ${bits} join ${i}/${bits} ${j+1}/${nGroups} ${k}/${nChunksPerGroup/2}`); return r; })); } } const res = await Promise.all(opPromises); for (let j=0; j0; i--) { buffOut.set(chunks[i], p); p += pointsInChunk*sOut; delete chunks[i]; // Liberate mem } buffOut.set(chunks[0].slice(0, (pointsInChunk-1)*sOut), p); delete chunks[0]; } else { for (let i=0; i (1<<28)) { buffOut = new BigBuffer(res1[0].byteLength*2); } else { buffOut = new Uint8Array(res1[0].byteLength*2); } buffOut.set(res1[0]); buffOut.set(res1[1], res1[0].byteLength); return buffOut; } async function _fftExtInv(buff, inType, outType, logger, loggerTxt) { let b1, b2; b1 = buff.slice( 0 , buff.byteLength/2); b2 = buff.slice( buff.byteLength/2, buff.byteLength); const promises = []; promises.push( _fft(b1, true, inType, "jacobian", logger, loggerTxt)); promises.push( _fft(b2, true, inType, "jacobian", logger, loggerTxt)); [b1, b2] = await Promise.all(promises); const res1 = await _fftJoinExt(b1, b2, "fftJoinExtInv", Fr.one, Fr.shiftInv, "jacobian", outType, logger, loggerTxt); let buffOut; if (res1[0].byteLength > (1<<28)) { buffOut = new BigBuffer(res1[0].byteLength*2); } else { buffOut = new Uint8Array(res1[0].byteLength*2); } buffOut.set(res1[0]); buffOut.set(res1[1], res1[0].byteLength); return buffOut; } async function _fftJoinExt(buff1, buff2, fn, first, inc, inType, outType, logger, loggerTxt) { const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 1<<16; const MIN_CHUNK_SIZE = 1<<4; let fnName; let fnIn2Mid, fnMid2Out; let sOut, sIn, sMid; if (groupName == "G1") { if (inType == "affine") { sIn = G.F.n8*2; fnIn2Mid = "g1m_batchToJacobian"; } else { sIn = G.F.n8*3; } sMid = G.F.n8*3; fnName = "g1m_"+fn; if (outType == "affine") { fnMid2Out = "g1m_batchToAffine"; sOut = G.F.n8*2; } else { sOut = G.F.n8*3; } } else if (groupName == "G2") { if (inType == "affine") { sIn = G.F.n8*2; fnIn2Mid = "g2m_batchToJacobian"; } else { sIn = G.F.n8*3; } fnName = "g2m_"+fn; sMid = G.F.n8*3; if (outType == "affine") { fnMid2Out = "g2m_batchToAffine"; sOut = G.F.n8*2; } else { sOut = G.F.n8*3; } } else if (groupName == "Fr") { sIn = Fr.n8; sOut = Fr.n8; sMid = Fr.n8; fnName = "frm_" + fn; } else { throw new Error("Invalid group"); } if (buff1.byteLength != buff2.byteLength) { throw new Error("Invalid buffer size"); } const nPoints = Math.floor(buff1.byteLength / sIn); if (nPoints != 1 << log2(nPoints)) { throw new Error("Invalid number of points"); } let chunkSize = Math.floor(nPoints /tm.concurrency); if (chunkSize < MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) chunkSize = MIN_CHUNK_SIZE; if (chunkSize > MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) chunkSize = MAX_CHUNK_SIZE; const opPromises = []; for (let i=0; i { if (logger) logger.debug(`${loggerTxt}: fftJoinExt End: ${i}/${nPoints}`); return r; }) ); } const result = await Promise.all(opPromises); let fullBuffOut1; let fullBuffOut2; if (nPoints * sOut > 1<<28) { fullBuffOut1 = new BigBuffer(nPoints*sOut); fullBuffOut2 = new BigBuffer(nPoints*sOut); } else { fullBuffOut1 = new Uint8Array(nPoints*sOut); fullBuffOut2 = new Uint8Array(nPoints*sOut); } let p =0; for (let i=0; i Fr.s+1) { if (logger) logger.error("lagrangeEvaluations input too big"); throw new Error("lagrangeEvaluations input too big"); } let t0 = buff.slice(0, buff.byteLength/2); let t1 = buff.slice(buff.byteLength/2, buff.byteLength); const shiftToSmallM = Fr.exp(Fr.shift, nPoints/2); const sConst = Fr.inv( Fr.sub(Fr.one, shiftToSmallM)); [t0, t1] = await _fftJoinExt(t0, t1, "prepareLagrangeEvaluation", sConst, Fr.shiftInv, inType, "jacobian", logger, loggerTxt + " prep"); const promises = []; promises.push( _fft(t0, true, "jacobian", outType, logger, loggerTxt + " t0")); promises.push( _fft(t1, true, "jacobian", outType, logger, loggerTxt + " t1")); [t0, t1] = await Promise.all(promises); let buffOut; if (t0.byteLength > (1<<28)) { buffOut = new BigBuffer(t0.byteLength*2); } else { buffOut = new Uint8Array(t0.byteLength*2); } buffOut.set(t0); buffOut.set(t1, t0.byteLength); return buffOut; }; G.fftMix = async function fftMix(buff) { const sG = G.F.n8*3; let fnName, fnFFTJoin; if (groupName == "G1") { fnName = "g1m_fftMix"; fnFFTJoin = "g1m_fftJoin"; } else if (groupName == "G2") { fnName = "g2m_fftMix"; fnFFTJoin = "g2m_fftJoin"; } else if (groupName == "Fr") { fnName = "frm_fftMix"; fnFFTJoin = "frm_fftJoin"; } else { throw new Error("Invalid group"); } const nPoints = Math.floor(buff.byteLength / sG); const power = log2(nPoints); let nChunks = 1 << log2(tm.concurrency); if (nPoints <= nChunks*2) nChunks = 1; const pointsPerChunk = nPoints / nChunks; const powerChunk = log2(pointsPerChunk); const opPromises = []; for (let i=0; i=0; i--) { fullBuffOut.set(result[i][0], p); p+=result[i][0].byteLength; } return fullBuffOut; }; } async function buildEngine(params) { const tm = await buildThreadManager(params.wasm, params.singleThread); const curve = {}; curve.q = e(params.wasm.q.toString()); curve.r = e(params.wasm.r.toString()); curve.name = params.name; curve.tm = tm; curve.prePSize = params.wasm.prePSize; curve.preQSize = params.wasm.preQSize; curve.Fr = new WasmField1(tm, "frm", params.n8r, params.r); curve.F1 = new WasmField1(tm, "f1m", params.n8q, params.q); curve.F2 = new WasmField2(tm, "f2m", curve.F1); curve.G1 = new WasmCurve(tm, "g1m", curve.F1, params.wasm.pG1gen, params.wasm.pG1b, params.cofactorG1); curve.G2 = new WasmCurve(tm, "g2m", curve.F2, params.wasm.pG2gen, params.wasm.pG2b, params.cofactorG2); curve.F6 = new WasmField3(tm, "f6m", curve.F2); curve.F12 = new WasmField2(tm, "ftm", curve.F6); curve.Gt = curve.F12; buildBatchApplyKey(curve, "G1"); buildBatchApplyKey(curve, "G2"); buildBatchApplyKey(curve, "Fr"); buildMultiexp(curve, "G1"); buildMultiexp(curve, "G2"); buildFFT(curve, "G1"); buildFFT(curve, "G2"); buildFFT(curve, "Fr"); buildPairing(curve); curve.array2buffer = function(arr, sG) { const buff = new Uint8Array(sG*arr.length); for (let i=0; i= 0) { curve = await buildBn128(singleThread, plugins); } else if (["BLS12381"].indexOf(normName) >= 0) { curve = await buildBls12381(singleThread, plugins); } else { throw new Error(`Curve not supported: ${name}`); } return curve; function normalizeName(n) { return n.toUpperCase().match(/[A-Za-z0-9]+/g).join(""); } } const Scalar=_Scalar; const utils = _utils; exports.BigBuffer = BigBuffer; exports.ChaCha = ChaCha; exports.EC = EC; exports.F1Field = ZqField; exports.F2Field = F2Field; exports.F3Field = F3Field; exports.PolField = PolField; exports.Scalar = Scalar; exports.ZqField = ZqField; exports.buildBls12381 = buildBls12381; exports.buildBn128 = buildBn128; exports.getCurveFromName = getCurveFromName; exports.getCurveFromQ = getCurveFromQ; exports.getCurveFromR = getCurveFromR; exports.utils = utils;