/*! firebase-admin v10.0.0 */ /*! * Copyright 2021 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Colors that are associated with conditions for display purposes. */ export declare type TagColor = 'BLUE' | 'BROWN' | 'CYAN' | 'DEEP_ORANGE' | 'GREEN' | 'INDIGO' | 'LIME' | 'ORANGE' | 'PINK' | 'PURPLE' | 'TEAL'; /** * Type representing a Remote Config parameter value data type. * Defaults to `STRING` if unspecified. */ export declare type ParameterValueType = 'STRING' | 'BOOLEAN' | 'NUMBER' | 'JSON'; /** * Interface representing a Remote Config condition. * A condition targets a specific group of users. A list of these conditions make up * part of a Remote Config template. */ export interface RemoteConfigCondition { /** * A non-empty and unique name of this condition. */ name: string; /** * The logic of this condition. * See the documentation on * {@link https://firebase.google.com/docs/remote-config/condition-reference | condition expressions} * for the expected syntax of this field. */ expression: string; /** * The color associated with this condition for display purposes in the Firebase Console. * Not specifying this value results in the console picking an arbitrary color to associate * with the condition. */ tagColor?: TagColor; } /** * Interface representing an explicit parameter value. */ export interface ExplicitParameterValue { /** * The `string` value that the parameter is set to. */ value: string; } /** * Interface representing an in-app-default value. */ export interface InAppDefaultValue { /** * If `true`, the parameter is omitted from the parameter values returned to a client. */ useInAppDefault: boolean; } /** * Type representing a Remote Config parameter value. * A `RemoteConfigParameterValue` could be either an `ExplicitParameterValue` or * an `InAppDefaultValue`. */ export declare type RemoteConfigParameterValue = ExplicitParameterValue | InAppDefaultValue; /** * Interface representing a Remote Config parameter. * At minimum, a `defaultValue` or a `conditionalValues` entry must be present for the * parameter to have any effect. */ export interface RemoteConfigParameter { /** * The value to set the parameter to, when none of the named conditions evaluate to `true`. */ defaultValue?: RemoteConfigParameterValue; /** * A `(condition name, value)` map. The condition name of the highest priority * (the one listed first in the Remote Config template's conditions list) determines the value of * this parameter. */ conditionalValues?: { [key: string]: RemoteConfigParameterValue; }; /** * A description for this parameter. Should not be over 100 characters and may contain any * Unicode characters. */ description?: string; /** * The data type for all values of this parameter in the current version of the template. * Defaults to `ParameterValueType.STRING` if unspecified. */ valueType?: ParameterValueType; } /** * Interface representing a Remote Config parameter group. * Grouping parameters is only for management purposes and does not affect client-side * fetching of parameter values. */ export interface RemoteConfigParameterGroup { /** * A description for the group. Its length must be less than or equal to 256 characters. * A description may contain any Unicode characters. */ description?: string; /** * Map of parameter keys to their optional default values and optional conditional values for * parameters that belong to this group. A parameter only appears once per * Remote Config template. An ungrouped parameter appears at the top level, whereas a * parameter organized within a group appears within its group's map of parameters. */ parameters: { [key: string]: RemoteConfigParameter; }; } /** * Interface representing a Remote Config template. */ export interface RemoteConfigTemplate { /** * A list of conditions in descending order by priority. */ conditions: RemoteConfigCondition[]; /** * Map of parameter keys to their optional default values and optional conditional values. */ parameters: { [key: string]: RemoteConfigParameter; }; /** * Map of parameter group names to their parameter group objects. * A group's name is mutable but must be unique among groups in the Remote Config template. * The name is limited to 256 characters and intended to be human-readable. Any Unicode * characters are allowed. */ parameterGroups: { [key: string]: RemoteConfigParameterGroup; }; /** * ETag of the current Remote Config template (readonly). */ readonly etag: string; /** * Version information for the current Remote Config template. */ version?: Version; } /** * Interface representing a Remote Config user. */ export interface RemoteConfigUser { /** * Email address. Output only. */ email: string; /** * Display name. Output only. */ name?: string; /** * Image URL. Output only. */ imageUrl?: string; } /** * Interface representing a Remote Config template version. * Output only, except for the version description. Contains metadata about a particular * version of the Remote Config template. All fields are set at the time the specified Remote * Config template is published. A version's description field may be specified in * `publishTemplate` calls. */ export interface Version { /** * The version number of a Remote Config template. */ versionNumber?: string; /** * The timestamp of when this version of the Remote Config template was written to the * Remote Config backend. */ updateTime?: string; /** * The origin of the template update action. */ updateOrigin?: ('REMOTE_CONFIG_UPDATE_ORIGIN_UNSPECIFIED' | 'CONSOLE' | 'REST_API' | 'ADMIN_SDK_NODE'); /** * The type of the template update action. */ updateType?: ('REMOTE_CONFIG_UPDATE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' | 'INCREMENTAL_UPDATE' | 'FORCED_UPDATE' | 'ROLLBACK'); /** * Aggregation of all metadata fields about the account that performed the update. */ updateUser?: RemoteConfigUser; /** * The user-provided description of the corresponding Remote Config template. */ description?: string; /** * The version number of the Remote Config template that has become the current version * due to a rollback. Only present if this version is the result of a rollback. */ rollbackSource?: string; /** * Indicates whether this Remote Config template was published before version history was * supported. */ isLegacy?: boolean; } /** * Interface representing a list of Remote Config template versions. */ export interface ListVersionsResult { /** * A list of version metadata objects, sorted in reverse chronological order. */ versions: Version[]; /** * Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results * in the list. */ nextPageToken?: string; } /** * Interface representing options for Remote Config list versions operation. */ export interface ListVersionsOptions { /** * The maximum number of items to return per page. */ pageSize?: number; /** * The `nextPageToken` value returned from a previous list versions request, if any. */ pageToken?: string; /** * Specifies the newest version number to include in the results. * If specified, must be greater than zero. Defaults to the newest version. */ endVersionNumber?: string | number; /** * Specifies the earliest update time to include in the results. Any entries updated before this * time are omitted. */ startTime?: Date | string; /** * Specifies the latest update time to include in the results. Any entries updated on or after * this time are omitted. */ endTime?: Date | string; }