import * as express from "express"; import { ResetValue } from "../common/options"; import { Expression } from "../params/types"; import { EventContext } from "./cloud-functions"; import { DeploymentOptions, RuntimeOptions, SUPPORTED_REGIONS } from "./function-configuration"; import * as analytics from "./providers/analytics"; import * as auth from "./providers/auth"; import * as database from "./providers/database"; import * as firestore from "./providers/firestore"; import * as https from "./providers/https"; import * as pubsub from "./providers/pubsub"; import * as remoteConfig from "./providers/remoteConfig"; import * as storage from "./providers/storage"; import * as tasks from "./providers/tasks"; import * as testLab from "./providers/testLab"; /** * Configure the regions that the function is deployed to. * @param regions One of more region strings. * @example * functions.region('us-east1') * @example * functions.region('us-east1', 'us-central1') */ export declare function region(...regions: Array<(typeof SUPPORTED_REGIONS)[number] | string | Expression | ResetValue>): FunctionBuilder; /** * Configure runtime options for the function. * @param runtimeOptions Object with optional fields: * 1. `memory`: amount of memory to allocate to the function, possible values * are: '128MB', '256MB', '512MB', '1GB', '2GB', '4GB', and '8GB'. * 2. `timeoutSeconds`: timeout for the function in seconds, possible values are * 0 to 540. * 3. `failurePolicy`: failure policy of the function, with boolean `true` being * equivalent to providing an empty retry object. * 4. `vpcConnector`: id of a VPC connector in same project and region. * 5. `vpcConnectorEgressSettings`: when a vpcConnector is set, control which * egress traffic is sent through the vpcConnector. * 6. `serviceAccount`: Specific service account for the function. * 7. `ingressSettings`: ingress settings for the function, which control where a HTTPS * function can be called from. * * Value must not be null. */ export declare function runWith(runtimeOptions: RuntimeOptions): FunctionBuilder; export declare class FunctionBuilder { private options; constructor(options: DeploymentOptions); /** * Configure the regions that the function is deployed to. * @param regions One or more region strings. * @example * functions.region('us-east1') * @example * functions.region('us-east1', 'us-central1') */ region(...regions: Array<(typeof SUPPORTED_REGIONS)[number] | string | Expression | ResetValue>): FunctionBuilder; /** * Configure runtime options for the function. * @param runtimeOptions Object with optional fields: * 1. `memory`: amount of memory to allocate to the function, possible values * are: '128MB', '256MB', '512MB', '1GB', '2GB', '4GB', and '8GB'. * 2. `timeoutSeconds`: timeout for the function in seconds, possible values are * 0 to 540. * 3. `failurePolicy`: failure policy of the function, with boolean `true` being * equivalent to providing an empty retry object. * 4. `vpcConnector`: id of a VPC connector in the same project and region * 5. `vpcConnectorEgressSettings`: when a `vpcConnector` is set, control which * egress traffic is sent through the `vpcConnector`. * * Value must not be null. */ runWith(runtimeOptions: RuntimeOptions): FunctionBuilder; get https(): { /** * Handle HTTP requests. * @param handler A function that takes a request and response object, * same signature as an Express app. */ onRequest: (handler: (req: https.Request, resp: express.Response) => void | Promise) => import("./cloud-functions").HttpsFunction; /** * Declares a callable method for clients to call using a Firebase SDK. * @param handler A method that takes a data and context and returns a value. */ onCall: (handler: (data: any, context: https.CallableContext) => any | Promise) => import("./cloud-functions").HttpsFunction & import("./cloud-functions").Runnable; }; get tasks(): { /** * Declares a task queue function for clients to call using a Firebase Admin SDK. * @param options Configurations for the task queue function. */ /** @hidden */ taskQueue: (options?: tasks.TaskQueueOptions) => tasks.TaskQueueBuilder; }; get database(): { /** * Selects a database instance that will trigger the function. If omitted, * will pick the default database for your project. * @param instance The Realtime Database instance to use. */ instance: (instance: string) => database.InstanceBuilder; /** * Select Firebase Realtime Database Reference to listen to. * * This method behaves very similarly to the method of the same name in * the client and Admin Firebase SDKs. Any change to the Database that * affects the data at or below the provided `path` will fire an event in * Cloud Functions. * * There are three important differences between listening to a Realtime * Database event in Cloud Functions and using the Realtime Database in * the client and Admin SDKs: * 1. Cloud Functions allows wildcards in the `path` name. Any `path` * component in curly brackets (`{}`) is a wildcard that matches all * strings. The value that matched a certain invocation of a Cloud * Function is returned as part of the `context.params` object. For * example, `ref("messages/{messageId}")` matches changes at * `/messages/message1` or `/messages/message2`, resulting in * `context.params.messageId` being set to `"message1"` or * `"message2"`, respectively. * 2. Cloud Functions do not fire an event for data that already existed * before the Cloud Function was deployed. * 3. Cloud Function events have access to more information, including * information about the user who triggered the Cloud Function. * @param ref Path of the database to listen to. */ ref: (path: Ref) => database.RefBuilder; }; get firestore(): { /** * Select the Firestore document to listen to for events. * @param path Full database path to listen to. This includes the name of * the collection that the document is a part of. For example, if the * collection is named "users" and the document is named "Ada", then the * path is "/users/Ada". */ document: (path: Path) => firestore.DocumentBuilder; /** @hidden */ namespace: (namespace: string) => firestore.NamespaceBuilder; /** @hidden */ database: (database: string) => firestore.DatabaseBuilder; }; get analytics(): { /** * Select analytics events to listen to for events. * @param analyticsEventType Name of the analytics event type. */ event: (analyticsEventType: string) => analytics.AnalyticsEventBuilder; }; get remoteConfig(): { /** * Handle all updates (including rollbacks) that affect a Remote Config * project. * @param handler A function that takes the updated Remote Config template * version metadata as an argument. */ onUpdate: (handler: (version: remoteConfig.TemplateVersion, context: EventContext) => PromiseLike | any) => import("./cloud-functions").CloudFunction; }; get storage(): { /** * The optional bucket function allows you to choose which buckets' events * to handle. This step can be bypassed by calling object() directly, * which will use the default Cloud Storage for Firebase bucket. * @param bucket Name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket to listen to. */ bucket: (bucket?: string) => storage.BucketBuilder; /** * Handle events related to Cloud Storage objects. */ object: () => storage.ObjectBuilder; }; get pubsub(): { /** * Select Cloud Pub/Sub topic to listen to. * @param topic Name of Pub/Sub topic, must belong to the same project as * the function. */ topic: (topic: string) => pubsub.TopicBuilder; schedule: (schedule: string) => pubsub.ScheduleBuilder; }; get auth(): { /** * Handle events related to Firebase authentication users. */ user: (userOptions?: auth.UserOptions) => auth.UserBuilder; }; get testLab(): { /** * Handle events related to Test Lab test matrices. */ testMatrix: () => testLab.TestMatrixBuilder; }; }