import 'reflect-metadata'; import kernel from '../inversify.config'; import {expect} from 'chai'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import path = require('path'); import {Spawn} from "../interfaces/spawn"; import {SpawnOptions2} from "../custom-typings"; const pathToScripts = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../ts/test/shell-scripts'); const testScript = path.resolve(pathToScripts, ''); const testArgs = [ 'arg1', 'arg2' ]; function checkError(error, code: number = 0, signal: string = '', stdOut: string = '', stdErr: string = '') { expect(error).to.exist; expect(error.message); checkResult(error.message, code, signal, stdOut, stdErr); } function checkResult(result, code: number = 0, signal: string = '', stdOut: string = '', stdErr: string = '') { const resultObj = JSON.parse(result); expect(resultObj.code).to.equal(code); expect(resultObj.signal).to.equal(signal); expect(resultObj.stderrText).to.equal(stdErr); expect(resultObj.stdoutText).to.equal(stdOut); } function getNewSpawnOptions(): SpawnOptions2 { return _.clone({ preSpawnMessage: 'PreSpawn Message', postSpawnMessage: 'PostSpawn Message', suppressDiagnostics: true, suppressStdErr: true, suppressStdOut: true, cacheStdErr: true, cacheStdOut: true, suppressResult: true, suppressFinalError: true }); } function getArgArray(): string[] { return [ testScript, 'writeToStdOutErrExitWithErrCode', '0', 'writeToStdOut', 'writeToStdErr', ...testArgs ]; } describe('Testing Spawn Creation/Force Error', () => { it('should be created by kernel', (done) => { const spawn = kernel.get('Spawn'); expect(spawn).to.exist; done(); }); it('should have final callback with error', (done) => { const spawn = kernel.get('Spawn'); spawn.forceError = true; spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync(null, null, null, (err) => { expect(err).to.exist; expect(err.message).to.equal('force error: spawnShellCommandAsync'); done(); }); }); }); describe('Testing Spawn ', () => { let spawn: Spawn; let argArray: string[]; let spawnOptions: SpawnOptions2; let sinonSandbox; let cbStdOutSpy; let cbStdErrSpy; let cbDiagnosticSpy; function cbStatusMock(err, result) { if (err) { cbStdErrSpy(err, result); } else { cbStdOutSpy(err, result); } } const o = { cbStdOutCall: () => { }, cbStdErrCall: () => { }, cbStatus: () => { }, cbDiagnostic: () => { } }; beforeEach(() => { spawn = kernel.get('Spawn'); argArray = getArgArray(); spawnOptions = getNewSpawnOptions(); sinonSandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); cbDiagnosticSpy = sinonSandbox.spy(o, 'cbDiagnostic'); cbStdOutSpy = sinonSandbox.spy(o, 'cbStdOutCall'); cbStdErrSpy = sinonSandbox.spy(o, 'cbStdErrCall'); }); afterEach(() => { sinonSandbox.restore(); }); it('no result, exit with code 0', (done) => { argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode'; spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync( argArray, spawnOptions, o.cbStatus, (err, result) => { expect(err).to.not.exist; expect(result); expect(cbStdErrSpy.called); expect(cbStdOutSpy.called); expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called); done(); }, o.cbDiagnostic ); }); it('no result, yes diagnostics, exit with code 0', (done) => { argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode'; spawnOptions.suppressDiagnostics = false; spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync( argArray, spawnOptions, o.cbStatus, (err, result) => { expect(err).to.not.exist; expect(result); expect(cbStdErrSpy.called); expect(cbStdOutSpy.called); expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called); done(); }, o.cbDiagnostic ); }); it('yes result, exit with code 0', (done) => { argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode'; spawnOptions.suppressResult = false; spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync( argArray, spawnOptions, o.cbStatus, (err, result) => { expect(err).to.not.exist; checkResult(result); expect(cbStdErrSpy.called); expect(cbStdOutSpy.called); expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called); done(); }, o.cbDiagnostic ); }); it('no result, no finalError, exit with code 3', (done) => { argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode'; argArray[2] = '3'; spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync( argArray, spawnOptions, o.cbStatus, (err, result) => { expect(err).to.not.exist; expect(result); expect(cbStdErrSpy.called); expect(cbStdOutSpy.called); expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called); done(); }, o.cbDiagnostic ); }); it('no result, yes finalError, exit with code 3', (done) => { argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode'; argArray[2] = '3'; spawnOptions.suppressFinalError = false; spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync( argArray, spawnOptions, o.cbStatus, (err, result) => { checkError(err, 3); expect(result); expect(cbStdErrSpy.called); expect(cbStdOutSpy.called); expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called); done(); }, o.cbDiagnostic ); }); it('yes result, yes finalError, exit with code 3', (done) => { argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode'; argArray[2] = '3'; spawnOptions.suppressFinalError = false; spawnOptions.suppressResult = false; spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync( argArray, spawnOptions, o.cbStatus, (err, result) => { checkError(err, 3); checkResult(result, 3); expect(cbStdErrSpy.called); expect(cbStdOutSpy.called); expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called); done(); }, o.cbDiagnostic ); }); it('yes result, no finalError, exit with code 3', (done) => { argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode'; argArray[2] = '3'; spawnOptions.suppressResult = false; spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync( argArray, spawnOptions, o.cbStatus, (err, result) => { expect(err).to.not.exist; checkResult(result, 3); expect(cbStdErrSpy.called); expect(cbStdOutSpy.called); expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called); done(); }, o.cbDiagnostic ); }); it('yes result, no finalError, yes stdout, yes stderr, exit with code 0', (done) => { spawnOptions.suppressStdOut = false; spawnOptions.suppressStdErr = false; spawnOptions.suppressResult = false; spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync( argArray, spawnOptions, cbStatusMock, (err, result) => { expect(err).to.not.exist; const concatArgs = testArgs.join(''); checkResult(result, 0, '', concatArgs, concatArgs); expect(cbStdErrSpy.called); expect(cbStdOutSpy.called); expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called); done(); }, o.cbDiagnostic ); }); it('edge: yes suppressStdErr, no cacheStdErr', (done) => { spawnOptions.suppressResult = false; spawnOptions.cacheStdOut = false; spawnOptions.cacheStdErr = false; spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync( argArray, spawnOptions, cbStatusMock, (err, result) => { expect(err).to.not.exist; checkResult(result); expect(cbStdErrSpy.called); expect(cbStdOutSpy.called); expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called); done(); }, o.cbDiagnostic ); }); it(`edge: fire 'error' event on child process`, (done) => { spawnOptions.suppressResult = false; spawnOptions.suppressFinalError = false; const cp = spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync( argArray, spawnOptions, o.cbStatus, (err, result) => { checkResult(result, 30, 'SIGUSR1'); checkError(err, 30, 'SIGUSR1'); expect(cbStdErrSpy.called); expect(cbStdOutSpy.called); expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called); done(); }, o.cbDiagnostic ); cp.emit('error', 30, 'SIGUSR1'); }); it(`edge: fire 'error' event on child process`, (done) => { argArray[0] = '/'; spawnOptions.suppressResult = false; spawnOptions.suppressFinalError = false; spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync( argArray, spawnOptions, o.cbStatus, (err, result) => { expect(result).to.not.exist; expect(err['code']).to.equal('EACCES'); expect(err['errno']).to.equal('EACCES'); expect(err.message).to.equal('spawn EACCES'); expect(cbStdErrSpy.called); expect(cbStdOutSpy.called); expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called); done(); }, o.cbDiagnostic ); }); });