
'use strict';

import * as THREE from 'three';

* Class to represent a WebGL context which can render for multiple viewports
* @class  FluxRenderContext
export default function FluxRenderContext () {
    * Pointer to the shared THREE.js renderer
    try {
        this._hasWebGL = true;
        this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
            antialias: true,
            preserveDrawingBuffer: true,
            alpha: true
        this.renderer.autoClear = false;
        this.renderer.autoClearStencil = false;
        this.renderer.gammaInput = false;
        this.renderer.gammaOutput = false;
        this.renderer.physicallyCorrectLights = true;

        // Allow interactive canvas to overlap other canvas
        this.renderer.domElement.style.position = "absolute";
    } catch (err) {
        // Replace renderer with mock renderer for tests
        this.renderer = {
            render: function () {},
            setSize: function () {},
            clear: function () {},
            setViewport: function () {},
            setClearColor: function (color, alpha) {
                this.color = color;
                this.alpha = alpha;
            getClearAlpha: function() { return this.alpha; },
            getSize: function () { return {width: 100, height: 100}; },
            getPixelRatio: function () { return 1; },
            domElement: document.createElement('div')
        this._hasWebGL = false;
    // Pointer to the three-viewport-renderer instance that is currently being rendered.
    this.currentHost = null;

* Maximum number of WebGL contexts allowed.
* Should be less than or equal to 16, the limit on recent systems.
FluxRenderContext.MAX_CONTEXTS = 16;

// List of all render contexts shared globally
FluxRenderContext.contexts = [];

// Counter so new viewports know which context to create or reuse.
FluxRenderContext.nextContext = 0;

* Each viewport uses the next available render context defined by this function
* @return {FluxRenderContext} The context instance
FluxRenderContext.getNextContext = function () {
    var i = FluxRenderContext.nextContext;
    FluxRenderContext.nextContext += 1;
    FluxRenderContext.nextContext = FluxRenderContext.nextContext % FluxRenderContext.MAX_CONTEXTS;
    return FluxRenderContext.contexts[i];

FluxRenderContext.getNewContext = function () {
    var context;
    if (FluxRenderContext.contexts.length >= FluxRenderContext.MAX_CONTEXTS) {
        context = FluxRenderContext.getNextContext();
    } else {
        context = new FluxRenderContext();
    return context;

FluxRenderContext.prototype.hasWebGL = function() {
    return this._hasWebGL;