declare namespace FomanticUI { interface API { settings: APISettings; /** * Execute query using existing API settings. */ (behavior: 'query'): JQuery; /** * Adds data to existing templated url and returns full url string. */ (behavior: 'add url data', url: string, data: any): JQuery; /** * Gets promise for current API request. */ (behavior: 'get request'): JQuery; /** * Aborts current API request. */ (behavior: 'abort'): JQuery; /** * Returns whether last request was cancelled. */ (behavior: 'was cancelled'): boolean; /** * Returns whether last request was failure. */ (behavior: 'was failure'): boolean; /** * Returns whether last request was successful. */ (behavior: 'was successful'): boolean; /** * Returns whether last request was completed. */ (behavior: 'was complete'): boolean; /** * Returns whether element is disabled. */ (behavior: 'is disabled'): boolean; /** * Returns whether element response is mocked. */ (behavior: 'is mocked'): boolean; /** * Returns whether element is loading. */ (behavior: 'is loading'): boolean; /** * Sets loading state to element. */ (behavior: 'set loading'): void; /** * Sets error state to element. */ (behavior: 'set error'): void; /** * Removes loading state to element. */ (behavior: 'remove loading'): void; /** * Removes error state to element. */ (behavior: 'remove error'): void; /** * Gets event that API request will occur on. */ (behavior: 'get event'): string; /** * Returns 'encodeURIComponent' value only if value passed is not already encoded. */ (behavior: 'get url encoded value', value: any): string; /** * Reads a locally cached response for a URL. */ (behavior: 'read cached response', url: string): any; /** * Writes a cached response for a URL. */ (behavior: 'write cached response', url: string, response: any): void; /** * Creates new cache, removing all locally cached URLs. */ (behavior: 'create cache'): void; /** * Removes API settings from the page and all events. */ (behavior: 'destroy'): JQuery; (behavior: 'setting', name: K, value?: undefined, ): Partial> | Partial>; (behavior: 'setting', name: K, value: APISettings[K]): JQuery; (behavior: 'setting', value: Partial> | Partial>): JQuery; (settings?: Partial> | Partial>): JQuery; } /** * @see {@link} */ interface APISettings { // region API Settings /** * When API event should occur. * @default 'auto' */ on: string; /** * Can be set to 'local' to cache successful returned AJAX responses when using a JSON API. * This helps avoid server roundtrips when API endpoints will return the same results when accessed repeatedly. * Setting to 'false', will add cache busting parameters to the URL. * @default true */ cache: boolean | 'local'; /** * UI state will be applied to this element, defaults to triggering element. * @default false */ stateContext: false | JQuery; /** * Whether to encode parameters with 'encodeURIComponent' before adding into url string. * @default true */ encodeParameters: boolean; /** * Whether to automatically include default data like {value} and {text}. * @default true */ defaultData: boolean; /** * Whether to serialize closest form and include in request. * Use `true` to convert complex named keys like `a[b][1][c][]` into a nested object * Use `formdata` for formdata web api * @default false */ serializeForm: boolean; /** * How long to wait when a request is made before triggering request, useful for rate limiting 'oninput'. * @default 0 */ throttle: number; /** * When set to false will not delay the first request made, when no others are queued. * @default true */ throttleFirstRequest: boolean; /** * Whether an API request can occur while another request is still pending. * @default false */ interruptRequests: boolean; /** * Minimum duration to show loading indication. * @default 0 */ loadingDuration: number; /** * The default 'auto' will automatically remove error state after error duration, unless the element is a 'form'. * @default 'auto' */ hideError: 'auto' | boolean; /** * Setting to 'true', will not remove error. Setting to a duration in milliseconds to show error state after request error. * @default 2000 */ errorDuration: true | number; // endregion // region API Settings /** * Named API action for query, originally specified in '$.fn.settings.api'. * @default false */ action: string | false; /** * Templated URL for query, will override specified action. * @default false */ url: string | false; /** * base URL to apply to all endpoints. Will be prepended to each given url. * @default '' */ base: string; /** * Variables to use for replacement. * @default false */ urlData: any; /** * Can be set to a Javascript object which will be returned automatically instead of requesting JSON from server. * @default false */ response: any; /** * When specified, this function can be used to retrieve content from a server and return it asynchronously instead of a standard AJAX call. * The callback function should return the server response. * @default false */ responseAsync: ((settings: APISettings, callback: (response: any) => void) => void) | false; /** * Alias of 'response'. * @default false */ mockResponse: any; /** * Alias of 'responseAsync'. * @default false */ mockResponseAsync: ((settings: APISettings, callback: (response: any) => void) => void) | false; /** * If set, the onResponse event handler is able to handle an raw Array Object, which is probably returned by the requested source. * Even if the datatype is json, it won't be force converted into an object anymore then. * @default true */ rawResponse: boolean; /** * Method for transmitting request to server. * @default 'get' */ method: 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'head' | 'options' | 'patch'; /** * Expected data type of response. * @default 'json' */ dataType: 'xml' | 'json' | 'jsonp' | 'script' | 'html' | 'text'; /** * Expected data type of response. * @default {} */ data: any; // endregion // region Callbacks /** * Allows modifying settings before request, or cancelling request. */ beforeSend(settings: APISettings): any; /** * Allows modifying XHR object for request. */ beforeXHR(xhrObject: JQuery.jqXHR): any; /** * Callback that occurs when request is made. Receives both the API success promise and the XHR request promise. */ onRequest(promise: JQuery.Deferred, xhr: JQuery.jqXHR): void; /** * Allows modifying the server's response before parsed by other callbacks to determine API event success. */ onResponse(response: any): void; /** * Determines whether completed JSON response should be treated as successful. * * @see {@link} */ successTest(response: any): boolean; /** * Callback after successful response, JSON response must pass 'successTest'. */ onSuccess(response: any, element: JQuery, xhr: JQuery.jqXHR): void; /** * Callback on request complete regardless of conditions. */ onComplete(response: any, element: JQuery, xhr: JQuery.jqXHR): void; /** * Callback on failed response, or JSON response that fails 'successTest'. */ onFailure(response: any, element: JQuery): void; /** * Callback on server error from returned status code, or XHR failure. */ onError(errorMessage: string, element: JQuery, xhr: JQuery.jqXHR): void; /** * Callback on abort caused by user clicking a link or manually cancelling request. */ onAbort(errorMessage: string, element: JQuery, xhr: JQuery.jqXHR): void; // endregion // region DOM Settings /** * Selectors used to find parts of a module. */ selector: API.SelectorSettings; /** * Class names used to determine element state. */ className: API.ClassNameSettings; /** * Regular expressions used for template matching. */ regExp: API.RegExpSettings; /** * Metadata used to store XHR and response promise. */ metadata: API.MetadataSettings; // endregion // region Debug Settings /** * Name used in log statements. * @default 'API' */ name: string; /** * Event namespace. Makes sure module teardown does not effect other events attached to an element. * @default 'api' */ namespace: string; /** * Silences all console output including error messages, regardless of other debug settings. * @default false */ silent: boolean; /** * Debug output to console. * @default false */ debug: boolean; /** * Show 'console.table' output with performance metrics. * @default true */ performance: boolean; /** * Debug output includes all internal behaviors. * @default false */ verbose: boolean; errors: API.ErrorSettings; // endregion } namespace API { type SelectorSettings = Partial>; type ClassNameSettings = Partial>; type RegExpSettings = Partial>; type MetadataSettings = Partial>; type ErrorSettings = Partial>; namespace Settings { interface Selectors { /** * @default '.disabled' */ disabled: string; /** * @default 'form' */ form: string; } interface ClassNames { /** * @default 'loading' */ loading: string; /** * @default 'error' */ error: string; } interface RegExps { /** * @default /{\$*[\da-z]+}/gi */ required: RegExp; /** * @default /{\/\$*[\da-z]+}/gi */ optional: RegExp; /** * @default /^[_a-z][\w-]*(?:\[[\w-]*])*$/i */ validate: RegExp; /** * /[\w-]+|(?=\[])/gi */ key: RegExp; /** * @default /^$/ */ push: RegExp; /** * @default /^\d+$/ */ fixed: RegExp; /** * @default /^[\w-]+$/i */ named: RegExp; } interface Metadatas { /** * @default 'action' */ action: string; /** * @default 'url' */ url: string; } interface Errors { /** * @default 'The before send function has aborted the request.' */ beforeSend: string; /** * @default 'There was an error with your request.' */ error: string; /** * @default 'API Request Aborted. Exit conditions met.' */ exitConditions: string; /** * @default 'JSON could not be parsed during error handling.' */ JSONParse: string; /** * @default 'You are using legacy API success callback names.' */ legacyParameters: string; /** * @default 'The method you called is not defined.' */ method: string; /** * @default 'API action used but no url was defined.' */ missingAction: string; /** * @default 'No URL specified for API event.' */ missingURL: string; /** * @default 'The beforeSend callback must return a settings object, beforeSend ignored.' */ noReturnedValue: string; /** * @default 'There was an error with your request.' */ parseError: string; /** * @default 'Caching responses locally requires session storage.' */ noStorage: string; /** * @default 'Missing a required URL parameter: ' */ requiredParameter: string; /** * @default 'Server gave an error: ' */ statusMessage: string; /** * @default 'Your request timed out.' */ timeout: string; } } } }