declare namespace FomanticUI { interface Calendar { settings: CalendarSettings; /** * Refresh the calendar */ (behavior: 'refresh'): JQuery; /** * Call the popup module (e.g. passing show will show the calendar popup) */ (behavior: 'popup', arguments: any): JQuery; /** * Focus the calendar input */ (behavior: 'focus'): JQuery; /** * Blur the calendar input */ (behavior: 'blur'): JQuery; /** * Clear the selected date */ (behavior: 'clear'): JQuery; /** * Get the selected date */ (behavior: 'get date'): Date | string; /** * Set the selected date. * Pass false to updateInput to disable updating the input. * Pass false to fireChange to disable the onBeforeChange and onChange callbacks for this change */ (behavior: 'set date', date: string, updateInput: boolean, fireChange: boolean): JQuery; /** * Get the current selection mode (year, month, day, hour, minute) */ (behavior: 'get mode'): 'year' | 'month' | 'day' | 'hour' | 'minute'; /** * Set the current selection mode (year, month, day, hour, minute) */ (behavior: 'set mode', mode: 'year' | 'month' | 'day' | 'hour' | 'minute'): JQuery; /** * Get the start date for range selection */ (behavior: 'get startDate'): Date | string; /** * Set the start date for range selection */ (behavior: 'set startDate', date: Date | string): JQuery; /** * Get the end date for range selection */ (behavior: 'get endDate'): Date | string; /** * Set the end date for range selection */ (behavior: 'set endDate', date: Date | string): JQuery; /** * Get the currently focused date */ (behavior: 'get focusDate'): Date | string; /** * Set the currently focused date */ (behavior: 'set focusDate', date: Date | string): JQuery; /** * Set the minimal selectable date */ (behavior: 'set minDate', date: Date | string): JQuery; /** * Set the maximal selectable date */ (behavior: 'set maxDate', date: Date | string): JQuery; (behavior: 'destroy'): JQuery; (behavior: 'setting', name: K, value?: undefined): Partial>; (behavior: 'setting', name: K, value: CalendarSettings[K]): JQuery; (behavior: 'setting', value: Partial>): JQuery; (settings?: Partial>): JQuery; } /** * @see {@link} */ interface CalendarSettings { // region Toast Settings /** * Picker type, can be 'datetime', 'date', 'time', 'month', or 'year'. * * @default 'datetime' */ type: 'datetime' | 'date' | 'time' | 'month' | 'year'; /** * Day for first day column (0 = Sunday). * * @default 0 */ firstDayOfWeek: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7; /** * Add row(s) to shorter months to keep day calendar height consistent (6 rows). * * @default 'true' */ constantHeight: boolean; /** * Show a 'today/now' button at the bottom of the calendar. * * @default false */ today: boolean; /** * Close the popup after selecting a date/time. * * @default false */ closable: true; /** * Month before day when parsing/converting date from/to text. * * @default true */ monthFirst: boolean; /** * Set input to readonly on touch devices. * * @default true */ touchReadonly: boolean; /** * Create the calendar inline instead of inside a popup. * * @default false */ inline: boolean; /** * Display the week number on the left. * * @default false */ showWeekNumbers: boolean; /** * Disable some days of the week from selection (0= Sunday, 1=Monday, ...). * * @default [] */ disabledDaysOfWeek: number[]; /** * An array of Date-Objects or Objects with given message to show in a popup when hovering over the appropriate date '{date: Date, message: string}'. * * @default [] */ disabledDates: object[]; /** * An array of Date-Objects to be enabled for selection. All other dates are disabled. * * @default [] */ enabledDates: object[]; /** * An array of Date-Objects or Objects with given message to show in a popup when hovering over the appropriate date * and an individual class for the cell '{date: Date, message: string, class: string}'. * * @default [] */ eventDates: object[]; /** * Default class to be added to each cell of an eventDate date element when no specific class is given to the eventDate element. * * @default 'blue' */ eventClass: string; /** * Choose when to show the popup (defaults to 'focus' for input, 'click' for others). * * @default null */ on: null | 'focus' | 'click'; /** * Date to display initially when no date is selected (null = now). * * @default null */ initialDate: null | Date; /** * Display mode to start in, can be 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute' (false = 'day'). * * @default false */ startMode: false | 'year' | 'month' | 'day' | 'hour' | 'minute'; /** * Minimum date/time that can be selected, dates/times before are disabled. * * @default null */ minDate: null | Date; /** * Maximum date/time that can be selected, dates/times after are disabled. * * @default null */ maxDate: null | Date; /** * Show am/pm in time mode. * * @default true */ ampm: boolean; /** * Disable year selection mode. * * @default false */ disableYear: boolean; /** * Disable month selection mode. * * @default false */ disableMonth: boolean; /** * Disable minute selection mode. * * @default false */ disableMinute: boolean; /** * Format the input text upon input blur and module creation. * * @default true */ formatInput: boolean; /** * jQuery object or selector for another calendar that represents the start date of a date range. * * @default null */ startCalendar: null | JQuery | string; /** * jQuery object or selector for another calendar that represents the end date of a date range. * * @default null */ endCalendar: null | JQuery | string; /** * Show multiple months when in 'day' mode. * * @default 1 */ multiMonth: number; /** * Minimum time gap, can only be 5, 10, 15, 20, 30. * * @default 5 */ minTimeGap: 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30; /** * Starting short year until 99 where it will be assumed to belong to the last century. * * @default 60 */ centuryBreak: number; /** * Century to be added to 2-digit years (00 to 'centuryBreak' -1). * * @default 2000 */ currentCentury: number; /** * Make adjacent days from previous and next month also selectable. * * @default false */ selectAdjacentDays: 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30; popupOptions: Calendar.PopupSettings; text: Calendar.TextSettings; // endregion // region Callbacks /** * Is called before a calendar date changes. 'return false;' will cancel the change. * @since 2.8.0 */ onBeforeChange(this: JQuery): void; /** * Is called after a calendar date has changed. */ onChange(this: JQuery): void; /** * Is called before a calendar is shown. 'return false;' will prevent the calendar to be shown. */ onShow(this: JQuery): void; /** * Is called when the calendar is shown. */ onVisible(this: JQuery): void; /** * Is called before a calendar is hidden. 'return false;' will prevent the calendar to be hidden. */ onHide(this: JQuery): void; /** * Is called when the calendar is hidden. */ onHidden(this: JQuery): void; /** * Is called when a cell of the calendar is selected providing its value and current mode. * 'return false;' will prevent the selection. */ onSelect(this: JQuery, date: Date, mode: string): void; // endregion // region DOM Settings /** * DOM Selectors used internally. * If the calendars parent node matches the append selector, the calendar is appended to the input field instead of prepended. */ selector: Calendar.SelectorSettings; /** * Class names used to attach style to state. */ className: Calendar.ClassNameSettings; /** * Icon names used internally. */ regExp: Calendar.RegExpSettings; metadata: Calendar.MetadataSettings; // endregion // region Debug Settings /** * Name used in log statements * @default 'Calendar' */ name: string; /** * Event namespace. Makes sure module teardown does not effect other events attached to an element. * @default 'calendar' */ namespace: string; /** * Silences all console output including error messages, regardless of other debug settings. * @default false */ silent: boolean; /** * Debug output to console * @default false */ debug: boolean; /** * Show console.table output with performance metrics * @default true */ performance: boolean; /** * Debug output includes all internal behaviors * @default false */ verbose: boolean; error: Calendar.ErrorSettings; // endregion } namespace Calendar { type PopupSettings = Partial>; type TextSettings = Partial>; type SelectorSettings = Partial>; type ClassNameSettings = Partial>; type RegExpSettings = Partial>; type MetadataSettings = Partial>; type ErrorSettings = Partial>; namespace Settings { interface Popup { /** * @default 'bottom left' */ position: string; /** * @default 'bottom left' */ lastResort: string; /** * @default 'opposite' */ prefer: string; /** * @default false */ hideOnScroll: boolean; } interface Texts { /** * @default ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'] */ days: string[]; /** * @default ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] */ months: string[]; /** * @default ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] */ monthsShort: string[]; /** * @default 'Today' */ today: string; /** * @default 'Now' */ now: string; /** * @default 'AM' */ am: string; /** * @default 'PM' */ pm: string; /** * @default 'Week' */ weekNo: string; } interface Selectors { /** * @default '.ui.popup' */ popup: string; /** * @default 'input' */ input: string; /** * @default 'input' */ activator: string; /** * @default '.inline.field,.inline.fields' */ append: string; } interface ClassNames { /** * @default 'calendar' */ calendar: string; /** * @default 'active' */ active: string; /** * @default 'ui popup' */ popup: string; /** * @default 'ui equal width grid' */ grid: string; /** * @default 'column' */ column: string; /** * @default 'ui celled center aligned unstackable table' */ table: string; /** * @default 'inverted' */ inverted: string; /** * @default 'prev link' */ prev: string; /** * @default 'next link' */ next: string; /** * @default 'chevron left icon' */ prevIcon: string; /** * @default 'chevron right icon' */ nextIcon: string; /** * @default 'link' */ link: string; /** * @default 'link' */ cell: string; /** * @default 'disabled' */ disabledCell: string; /** * @default 'disabled' */ weekCell: string; /** * @default 'adjacent' */ adjacentCell: string; /** * @default 'active' */ activeCell: string; /** * @default 'range' */ rangeCell: string; /** * @default 'focus' */ focusCell: string; /** * @default 'today' */ todayCell: string; /** * @default 'today link' */ today: string; /** * @default 'disabled' */ disabled: string; } interface RegExps { /** * @default /[^A-Za-z\u00C0-\u024F]+/g */ dateWords: RegExp; /** * @default /[^\d:]+/g */ dateNumbers: RegExp; /** * @default /d{1,4}|D{1,2}|M{1,4}|YY(?:YY)?|([Hhmsw])\1?|[ASYa]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g */ token: RegExp; } interface Metadatas { /** * @default 'date' */ date: string; /** * @default 'focusDate' */ focusDate: string; /** * @default 'startDate' */ startDate: string; /** * @default 'endDate' */ endDate: string; /** * @default 'minDate' */ minDate: string; /** * @default 'maxDate' */ maxDate: string; /** * @default 'mode' */ mode: string; /** * @default 'type' */ type: string; /** * @default 'monthOffset' */ monthOffset: string; /** * @default 'message' */ message: string; /** * @default 'class' */ class: string; /** * @default 'inverted' */ inverted: string; /** * @default 'variation' */ variation: string; /** * @default 'position' */ position: string; /** * @default 'month' */ month: string; /** * @default 'year' */ year: string; /** * @default 'hours' */ hours: string; /** * @default 'days' */ days: string; } interface Errors { /** * @default 'UI Popup, a required component is not included in this page.' */ popup: string; /** * @default 'The method you called is not defined.' */ method: string; } } } }