declare namespace FomanticUI { interface Flyout { settings: FlyoutSettings; /** * Attaches flyout action to given selector. * Default event if none specified is toggle. */ (behavior: 'attach events', selector: JQuery, event: Function): JQuery; /** * Shows the flyout. */ (behavior: 'show'): JQuery; /** * Hides the flyout. */ (behavior: 'hide'): JQuery; /** * Toggles the flyout. */ (behavior: 'toggle'): JQuery; /** * Hides all other displayed flyouts. */ (behavior: 'hide others'): JQuery; /** * Returns whether the flyout is visible. */ (behavior: 'is visible'): boolean; /** * Returns whether the flyout is hidden. */ (behavior: 'is hidden'): boolean; /** * Returns direction of current flyout. */ (behavior: 'get direction'): string; /** * Returns current flyout's settings. */ (behavior: 'get settings'): FlyoutSettings; (behavior: 'destroy'): JQuery; (behavior: 'setting', name: K, value?: undefined, ): Partial>; (behavior: 'setting', name: K, value: FlyoutSettings[K]): JQuery; (behavior: 'setting', value: Partial>): JQuery; (settings?: Partial>): JQuery; } /** * @see {@link} */ interface FlyoutSettings { // region Accordion Settings /** * Selector or jquery object specifying the area to dim. * @default 'body' */ context: string | JQuery; /** * Opening another flyout will dismiss the one displayed. * Set to 'true' to allow multiple flyout at the same time. * @default false */ exclusive: boolean; /** * Setting to 'false' will not allow you to close the flyout by clicking on the dimmer. * @default true */ closable: boolean; /** * Whether to dim 'context' contents when flyout is visible. * @default true */ dimPage: boolean; /** * If dimmer should blur background. * @default false */ blurring: boolean; /** * When 'true', the first form input inside the flyout will receive focus when shown. * Set this to 'false' to prevent this behavior. * @default true */ autofocus: boolean; /** * When 'false', the last focused element, before the flyout was shown, will not get refocused again when the flyout hides. * This could prevent unwanted scrolling behaviors after closing a flyout. * @default true */ keyboardShortcuts: boolean; /** * Whether to automatically bind keyboard shortcuts. * This will close the flyout when the 'ESC-key' is pressed. * @default true */ restoreFocus: boolean; /** * Whether to lock page scroll when flyout is visible. * @default false */ scrollLock: boolean; /** * Whether to return to original scroll position when flyout is hidden. * @default false */ returnScroll: boolean; /** * When flyout is initialized without the proper HTML, using this option will defer creation of DOM to use 'requestAnimationFrame'. * @default false */ delaySetup: boolean; /** * When 'true', immediately shows the flyout at instantiation time. * @default false */ autoShow: boolean; // endregion // region Config Template Settings /** * Content of the flyout header. * @default '' */ title: boolean; /** * Content of the flyout content. * @default '' */ content: boolean; /** * Can hold a string to be added to the flyout class to control its appearance. * @default '' */ class: boolean; /** * Can hold a string to be added to the title class to control its appearance. * @default '' */ classTitle: boolean; /** * Can hold a string to be added to the content class to control its appearance. * @default '' */ classContent: boolean; /** * Can hold a string to be added to the actions class to control its appearance. * @default '' */ classActions: boolean; /** * Can hold a string to be added to the actions class to control its appearance. * @default false */ closeIcon: boolean; /** * An array of objects. Each object defines an action with properties `text`, `class`, `icon` and `click`. * @default false */ actions: false | object[]; /** * Whether HTML included in given title, content or actions should be preserved. * Set to `false` in case you work with untrusted 3rd party content. * @default true */ preserveHTML: boolean; // endregion // region Callbacks /** * Is called when a flyout is either shown or hidden. */ onChange(this: JQuery): void; /** * Is called when a flyout starts to show. */ onShow(this: JQuery): void; /** * Is called after a flyout starts to hide. */ onHide(this: JQuery): void; /** * Is called after a flyout has finished showing animating. */ onVisible(this: JQuery): void; /** * Is called after a flyout has finished hiding animation. */ onHidden(this: JQuery): void; /** * Is called after a positive, approve or ok button is pressed. * If the function returns 'false', the flyout will not hide. */ onApprove(this: JQuery): void; /** * Is called after a negative, deny or cancel button is pressed. * If the function 'returns' false, the flyout will not hide. */ onDeny(this: JQuery): void; // endregion // region DOM Settings /** * DOM Selectors used internally. * Selectors used to find parts of a module. */ selector: Flyout.SelectorSettings; /** * Class names used to determine element state. */ className: Flyout.ClassNameSettings; /** * */ regExp: Flyout.RegExpSettings; // endregion // region Config Template Settings // endregion // region Debug Settings /** * Name used in log statements * @default 'Flyout' */ name: string; /** * Event namespace. Makes sure module teardown does not effect other events attached to an element. * @default 'flyout' */ namespace: string; /** * Silences all console output including error messages, regardless of other debug settings. * @default false */ silent: boolean; /** * Debug output to console * @default false */ debug: boolean; /** * Show console.table output with performance metrics * @default true */ performance: boolean; /** * Debug output includes all internal behaviors * @default false */ verbose: boolean; error: Flyout.ErrorSettings; // endregion } namespace Flyout { type SelectorSettings = Partial>; type ClassNameSettings = Partial>; type RegExpSettings = Partial>; type ErrorSettings = Partial>; namespace Settings { interface Selectors { /** * @default '.fixed' */ fixed: string; /** * @default 'script, link, style, .ui.modal, .ui.dimmer, .ui.nag, .ui.fixed' */ omitted: string; /** * @default '.pusher' */ pusher: string; /** * @default '.ui.flyout' */ flyout: string; /** * @default '.ui.header' */ header: string; /** * @default '.content' */ content: string; /** * @default '.actions' */ actions: string; /** * @default '.close' */ close: string; /** * @default '.actions .positive, .actions .approve, .actions .ok' */ approve: string; /** * @default '.actions .negative, .actions .deny, .actions .cancel' */ deny: string; } interface ClassNames { /** * @default 'ui flyout' */ flyout: string; /** * @default 'close icon' */ close: string; /** * @default 'ui header' */ header: string; /** * @default 'content' */ content: string; /** * @default 'actions' */ actions: string; /** * @default 'active' */ active: string; /** * @default 'animating' */ animating: string; /** * @default 'dimmed' */ dimmed: string; /** * @default 'ios' */ ios: string; /** * @default 'pushable' */ pushable: string; /** * @default 'pushed' */ pushed: string; /** * @default 'right' */ right: string; /** * @default 'top' */ top: string; /** * @default 'left' */ left: string; /** * @default 'bottom' */ bottom: string; /** * @default 'visible' */ visible: string; /** * @default 'overlay' */ overlay: string; /** * @default 'fullscreen' */ fullscreen: string; /** * @default 'ui flyout' */ template: string; /** * @default 'ui button' */ button: string; /** * @default 'positive' */ ok: string; /** * @default 'negative' */ cancel: string; /** * @default 'ui fluid input' */ prompt: string; } interface RegExps { /** * @default /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g */ ios: RegExp; /** * @default /(CriOS)/g */ mobileChrome: RegExp; /** * @default /Mobile|iP(hone|od|ad)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Kindle|NetFront|Silk-Accelerated|(hpw|web)OS|Fennec|Minimo|Opera M(obi|ini)|Blazer|Dolfin|Dolphin|Skyfire|Zune/g */ mobile: RegExp; } interface Errors { /** * @default 'The method you called is not defined.' */ method: string; /** * @default 'Had to add pusher element. For optimal performance make sure body content is inside a pusher element' */ pusher: string; /** * @default 'Had to move flyout. For optimal performance make sure flyout and pusher are direct children of your body tag' */ movedFlyout: string; /** * @default 'There were no elements that matched the specified selector' */ notFound: string; } } } }