declare namespace FomanticUI { interface Visibility { settings: VisibilitySettings; /** * Disable callbacks temporarily. * This is useful if you need to adjust scroll position and do not want to trigger callbacks during the position change. */ (behavior: 'disable callbacks'): JQuery; /** * Re-enable callbacks. */ (behavior: 'enable callbacks'): JQuery; /** * Returns whether element is on screen. */ (behavior: 'is on screen'): boolean; /** * Returns whether element is off screen. */ (behavior: 'is off screen'): boolean; /** * Returns number of pixels passed in current element from top of element. */ (behavior: 'get pixels passed'): number; /** * Returns element calculations as object. */ (behavior: 'get element calculations'): object; /** * Returns screen calculations as object. */ (behavior: 'get screen calculations'): object; /** * Returns screen size as object. */ (behavior: 'get screen size'): object; (behavior: 'destroy'): JQuery; (behavior: 'setting', name: K, value?: undefined, ): Partial>; (behavior: 'setting', name: K, value: VisibilitySettings[K]): JQuery; (behavior: 'setting', value: VisibilitySettings): JQuery; (settings?: VisibilitySettings): JQuery; } /** * @see {@link} */ interface VisibilitySettings { // region Visibility Settings /** * When set to 'false' a callback will occur each time an element passes the threshold for a condition. * @default true */ once: boolean; /** * When set to 'true' a callback will occur anytime an element passes a condition not just immediately after the threshold is met. * @default false */ continuous: boolean; /** * Set to 'image' to load images when on screen. Set to 'fixed' to add class name 'fixed' when passed. * @default false */ type: false | 'image' | 'fixed'; /** * Whether visibility conditions should be checked immediately on init. * @default true */ initialCheck: boolean; /** * The scroll context visibility should use. * @default window */ context: Window | string | JQuery; /** * Whether visibility conditions should be checked on window load. * This ensures that after images load content positions will be updated correctly. * @default true */ refreshOnLoad: boolean; /** * Whether visibility conditions should be checked on window resize. * Useful when content resizes causes continuous changes in position. * @default true */ refreshOnResize: boolean; /** * Whether visibility conditions should be checked on calls to refresh. * These calls can be triggered from either resize, load or manually calling. * @default true */ checkOnRefresh: boolean; /** * Specify a z-index when using type: 'fixed'. * @default 10 */ zIndex: number; /** * Value that context 'scrollTop' should be adjusted in pixels. * Useful for making content appear below content fixed to the page. * @default 0 */ offset: number; /** * Whether element calculations should include its margin. * @default false */ includeMargin: boolean; /** * When set to an 'integer', scroll position will be debounced using this ms value. * 'false' will debounce with requestAnimationFrame. * @default false */ throttle: boolean | number; /** * Whether to automatically refresh content when changes are made to the element's DOM subtree. * @default true */ observeChanges: boolean; /** * When using type: image allows you to specify transition when showing a loaded image. * @default false */ transition: false | string; /** * When using type: image allows you to specify transition duration. * @default 1000 */ duration: number; // endregion // region Callbacks /** * Any part of element is in current scroll viewport. */ onOnScreen(this: JQuery): void; /** * No part of element is in current scroll viewport. */ onOffScreen(this: JQuery): void; /** * No part of element is in current scroll viewport. */ onOffScreen(this: JQuery): void; /** * Element's top edge has passed bottom of screen. */ onTopVisible(this: JQuery): void; /** * Element's top edge has passed top of the screen. */ onTopPassed(this: JQuery): void; /** * Element's bottom edge has passed bottom of screen. */ onBottomVisible(this: JQuery): void; /** * Any part of an element is visible on screen. */ onPassing(this: JQuery): void; /** * Element's bottom edge has passed top of screen. */ onBottomPassed(this: JQuery): void; /** * Element's top edge has not passed bottom of screen. */ onTopVisibleReverse(this: JQuery): void; /** * Element's top edge has not passed top of the screen. */ onTopPassedReverse(this: JQuery): void; /** * Element's bottom edge has not passed bottom of screen. */ onBottomVisibleReverse(this: JQuery): void; /** * Element's top has not passed top of screen but bottom has. */ onPassingReverse(this: JQuery): void; /** * Element's bottom edge has not passed top of screen. */ onBottomPassedReverse(this: JQuery): void; /** * Occurs after an image has completed loading. */ onLoad(this: JQuery): void; /** * Occurs after all 'img' initialized at the same time have loaded. */ onAllLoaded(this: JQuery): void; /** * Occurs after element has been assigned position fixed. */ onFixed(this: JQuery): void; /** * Occurs after element has been removed from fixed position. */ onUnfixed(this: JQuery): void; /** * Occurs each time an elements calculations are updated. */ onUpdate(this: JQuery, calculations: object): void; /** * Occurs whenever element's visibility is refreshed. */ onRefresh(this: JQuery, calculations: object): void; // endregion // region DOM Settings /** * Metadata used internally. */ metadata: Visibility.MetadataSettings; /** * Class names used to determine element state. */ className: Visibility.ClassNameSettings; // endregion // region Debug Settings /** * Name used in log statements * @default 'Visibility' */ name: string; /** * Event namespace. Makes sure module teardown does not effect other events attached to an element. * @default 'visibility' */ namespace: string; /** * Silences all console output including error messages, regardless of other debug settings. * @default false */ silent: boolean; /** * Debug output to console * @default false */ debug: boolean; /** * Show console.table output with performance metrics * @default true */ performance: boolean; /** * Debug output includes all internal behaviors * @default false */ verbose: boolean; error: Visibility.ErrorSettings; // endregion } namespace Visibility { type ClassNameSettings = Partial>; type MetadataSettings = Partial>; type ErrorSettings = Partial>; namespace Settings { interface Metadatas { /** * @default 'src' */ src: string; } interface ClassNames { /** * @default 'fixed' */ fixed: string; /** * @default 'constraint' */ placeholder: string; /** * @default 'visible' */ visible: string; } interface Errors { /** * @default 'The method you called is not defined.' */ method: string; /** * @default 'Element is hidden, you must call refresh after element becomes visible' */ visible: string; } } } }