* Get successful control from form and assemble into object
* @see {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.2}
* @module FormSerialization
// types which indicate a submit action and are not successful controls
// these will be ignored
const kRSubmitter = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i;
// node names which could be successful controls
const kRSuccessContrls = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i;
// Matches bracket notation.
const brackets = /(\[[^[\]]*\])/g;
* @callback module:FormSerialization.Serializer
* @param {PlainObject|string|*} result
* @param {string} key
* @param {string} value
* @returns {PlainObject|string|*} New result
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:FormSerialization.Options
* @property {boolean} [hash] Configure the output type. If true, the
* output will be a JavaScript object.
* @property {module:FormSerialization.Serializer} [serializer] Optional
* serializer function to override the default one. Otherwise, hash
* and URL-encoded string serializers are provided with this module,
* depending on the setting of `hash`.
* @property {boolean} [disabled] If true serialize disabled fields.
* @property {boolean} [empty] If true serialize empty fields
* Serializes form fields.
* @function module:FormSerialization.serialize
* @param {HTMLFormElement} form MUST be an `HTMLFormElement`
* @param {module:FormSerialization.Options} options is an optional argument
* to configure the serialization.
* @returns {*|string|PlainObject} Default output with no options specified is
* a url encoded string
export function serialize (form, options) {
if (typeof options !== 'object') {
options = {hash: Boolean(options)};
} else if (options.hash === undefined) {
options.hash = true;
let result = options.hash ? {} : '';
const serializer = options.serializer ||
(options.hash ? hashSerializer : strSerialize);
const elements = form && form.elements ? [...form.elements] : [];
// Object store each radio and set if it's empty or not
const radioStore = Object.create(null);
elements.forEach((element) => {
// ignore disabled fields
if ((!options.disabled && element.disabled) || !element.name) {
// ignore anything that is not considered a success field
if (!kRSuccessContrls.test(element.nodeName) ||
kRSubmitter.test(element.type)) {
const {name: key, type, name, checked} = element;
let {value} = element;
// We can't just use element.value for checkboxes cause some
// browsers lie to us; they say "on" for value when the
// box isn't checked
if ((type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') && !checked) {
value = undefined;
// If we want empty elements
if (options.empty) {
// for checkbox
if (type === 'checkbox' && !checked) {
value = '';
// for radio
if (type === 'radio') {
if (!radioStore[name] && !checked) {
radioStore[name] = false;
} else if (checked) {
radioStore[name] = true;
if (value === undefined) {
} else if (!value) {
// value-less fields are ignored unless options.empty is true
// multi select boxes
if (type === 'select-multiple') {
value = [];
let isSelectedOptions = false;
[...element.options].forEach((option) => {
const allowedEmpty = options.empty && !option.value;
const hasValue = (option.value || allowedEmpty);
if (option.selected && hasValue) {
isSelectedOptions = true;
// If using a hash serializer be sure to add the
// correct notation for an array in the multi-select
// context. Here the name attribute on the select element
// might be missing the trailing bracket pair. Both names
// "foo" and "foo[]" should be arrays.
if (options.hash && key.slice(key.length - 2) !== '[]') {
result = serializer(result, key + '[]', option.value);
} else {
result = serializer(result, key, option.value);
// Serialize if no selected options and options.empty is true
if (!isSelectedOptions && options.empty) {
result = serializer(result, key, '');
result = serializer(result, key, value);
// Check for all empty radio buttons and serialize them with key=""
if (options.empty) {
Object.entries(radioStore).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (!value) {
result = serializer(result, key, '');
return result;
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string[]}
function parseKeys (string) {
const keys = [];
const prefix = /^([^[\]]*)/;
const children = new RegExp(brackets);
let match = prefix.exec(string);
if (match[1]) {
while ((match = children.exec(string)) !== null) {
return keys;
* @param {PlainObject|Array} result
* @param {string[]} keys
* @param {string} value
* @returns {string|PlainObject|Array}
function hashAssign (result, keys, value) {
if (keys.length === 0) {
return value;
const key = keys.shift();
const between = key.match(/^\[(.+?)\]$/);
if (key === '[]') {
result = result || [];
if (Array.isArray(result)) {
result.push(hashAssign(null, keys, value));
} else {
// This might be the result of bad name attributes like "[][foo]",
// in this case the original `result` object will already be
// assigned to an object literal. Rather than coerce the object to
// an array, or cause an exception the attribute "_values" is
// assigned as an array.
result._values = result._values || [];
result._values.push(hashAssign(null, keys, value));
return result;
// Key is an attribute name and can be assigned directly.
if (!between) {
result[key] = hashAssign(result[key], keys, value);
} else {
const string = between[1];
// +var converts the variable into a number
// better than parseInt because it doesn't truncate away trailing
// letters and actually fails if whole thing is not a number
const index = Number(string);
// If the characters between the brackets is not a number it is an
// attribute name and can be assigned directly.
if (isNaN(index)) {
result = result || {};
result[string] = hashAssign(result[string], keys, value);
} else {
result = result || [];
result[index] = hashAssign(result[index], keys, value);
return result;
* Object/hash encoding serializer.
* @param {PlainObject} result
* @param {string} key
* @param {string} value
* @returns {PlainObject}
function hashSerializer (result, key, value) {
const hasBrackets = key.match(brackets);
// Has brackets? Use the recursive assignment function to walk the keys,
// construct any missing objects in the result tree and make the assignment
// at the end of the chain.
if (hasBrackets) {
const keys = parseKeys(key);
hashAssign(result, keys, value);
} else {
// Non bracket notation can make assignments directly.
const existing = result[key];
// If the value has been assigned already (for instance when a radio and
// a checkbox have the same name attribute) convert the previous value
// into an array before pushing into it.
// NOTE: If this requirement were removed all hash creation and
// assignment could go through `hashAssign`.
if (existing) {
if (!Array.isArray(existing)) {
result[key] = [existing];
} else {
result[key] = value;
return result;
* URL form encoding serializer.
* @param {string} result
* @param {string} key
* @param {string} value
* @returns {string} New result
function strSerialize (result, key, value) {
// encode newlines as \r\n cause the html spec says so
value = value.replace(/(\r)?\n/g, '\r\n');
value = encodeURIComponent(value);
// spaces should be '+' rather than '%20'.
value = value.replace(/%20/g, '+');
return result + (result ? '&' : '') + encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + value;
* @function module:FormSerialization.deserialize
* @param {HTMLFormElement} form
* @param {PlainObject} hash
* @returns {void}
export function deserialize (form, hash) {
// input(text|radio|checkbox)|select(multiple)|textarea|keygen
Object.entries(hash).forEach(([name, value]) => {
let control = form[name];
let hasBrackets = false;
if (!control) { // Try again for jsdom
control = form.querySelector(`[name="${name}"]`);
if (!control) {
// We want this for `RadioNodeList` so setting value
// auto-disables other boxes
control = form[name + '[]'];
if (!control || typeof control !== 'object' || !('length' in control)) {
// The latter query would only get a single
// element, so if not a `RadioNodeList`, we get
// all values here
control = form.querySelectorAll(`[name="${name}[]"]`);
if (!control) {
throw new Error(`Name not found ${name}`);
hasBrackets = true;
const {type} = control;
if (type === 'checkbox') {
control.checked = value !== '';
if (type === 'radio' || (control[0] && control[0].type === 'radio')) {
`[name="${name + (hasBrackets ? '[]' : '')}"]`
)].forEach((radio) => {
radio.checked = value === radio.value;
if (control[0] && control[0].type === 'select-multiple') {
[...control[0].options].forEach((o) => {
if (value.includes(o.value)) {
o.selected = true;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
if (type === 'select-multiple') {
[...control.options].forEach((o) => {
if (value.includes(o.value)) {
o.selected = true;
value.forEach((v, i) => {
const c = control[i];
if (c.type === 'checkbox') {
const isMatch = c.value === v || v === 'on';
c.checked = isMatch;
if (c.type === 'select-multiple') {
[...c.options].forEach((o) => {
if (v === o.value) {
o.selected = true;
c.value = v;
} else {
control.value = value;