# Used by docker-compose.yml to deploy the formio application # (When modified, you must include `--build` ) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Use Node image, maintained by Docker: # hub.docker.com/r/_/node/ FROM node:lts-alpine WORKDIR /app # "bcrypt" requires python/make/g++, all must be installed in alpine # (note: using pinned versions to ensure immutable build environment) RUN apk update && \ apk upgrade && \ apk add python=2.7.16-r1 && \ apk add make=4.2.1-r2 && \ apk add g++=8.3.0-r0 # Using an alternative package install location # to allow overwriting the /app folder at runtime # stackoverflow.com/a/13021677 ENV NPM_PACKAGES=/.npm-packages \ PATH=$NPM_PACKAGES/bin:$PATH \ NODE_PATH=$NPM_PACKAGES/lib/node_modules:$NODE_PATH RUN echo "prefix = $NPM_PACKAGES" >> ~/.npmrc # Include details of the required dependencies COPY ./package.json $NPM_PACKAGES/ COPY ./package-lock.json $NPM_PACKAGES/ # Use "Continuous Integration" to install as-is from package-lock.json RUN npm ci --prefix=$NPM_PACKAGES # Link in the global install because `require()` only looks for ./node_modules # WARNING: This is overwritten by volume-mount at runtime! # See docker-compose.yml for instructions RUN ln -sf $NPM_PACKAGES/node_modules node_modules # Set this to inspect more from the application. Examples: # DEBUG=formio:db (see index.js for more) # DEBUG=formio:* ENV DEBUG="" # This will initialize the application based on # some questions to the user (login email, password, etc.) ENTRYPOINT [ "node", "main" ]