import * as pathUtil from "path"; import { expect } from "chai"; import * as jetpack from ".."; describe("path", () => { it("if no parameters passed returns same path as cwd()", () => { expect(jetpack.path()).to.equal(jetpack.cwd()); expect(jetpack.path("")).to.equal(jetpack.cwd()); expect(jetpack.path(".")).to.equal(jetpack.cwd()); }); it("is absolute if prepending slash present", () => { expect(jetpack.path("/blah")).to.equal(pathUtil.resolve("/blah")); }); it("resolves to CWD path of this jetpack instance", () => { const a = pathUtil.join(jetpack.cwd(), "a"); // Create jetpack instance with other CWD const jetpackSubdir = jetpack.cwd("subdir"); const b = pathUtil.join(jetpack.cwd(), "subdir", "b"); expect(jetpack.path("a")).to.equal(a); expect(jetpackSubdir.path("b")).to.equal(b); }); it("can take unlimited number of arguments as path parts", () => { const abc = pathUtil.join(jetpack.cwd(), "a", "b", "c"); expect(jetpack.path("a", "b", "c")).to.equal(abc); }); });