import * as fse from "fs-extra"; import { expect } from "chai"; import path from "./assert_path"; import helper from "./helper"; import * as jetpack from ".."; import { InspectResult, Checksum } from "../types"; describe("inspect", () => { beforeEach(helper.setCleanTestCwd); afterEach(helper.switchBackToCorrectCwd); describe("can inspect a file", () => { const preparations = () => { fse.outputFileSync("dir/file.txt", "abc"); }; const expectations = (data: InspectResult) => { expect(data).to.eql({ name: "file.txt", type: "file", size: 3 }); }; it("sync", () => { preparations(); expectations(jetpack.inspect("dir/file.txt")); }); it("async", done => { preparations(); jetpack.inspectAsync("dir/file.txt").then(data => { expectations(data); done(); }); }); }); describe("can inspect a directory", () => { const preparations = () => { fse.mkdirsSync("empty"); }; const expectations = (data: InspectResult) => { expect(data).to.eql({ name: "empty", type: "dir" }); }; it("sync", () => { preparations(); expectations(jetpack.inspect("empty")); }); it("async", done => { preparations(); jetpack.inspectAsync("empty").then(data => { expectations(data); done(); }); }); }); describe("returns undefined if path doesn't exist", () => { const expectations = (data: InspectResult) => { expect(data).to.equal(undefined); }; it("sync", () => { expectations(jetpack.inspect("nonexistent")); }); it("async", done => { jetpack.inspectAsync("nonexistent").then(data => { expectations(data); done(); }); }); }); describe("can output file times (ctime, mtime, atime)", () => { const preparations = () => { fse.outputFileSync("dir/file.txt", "abc"); }; const expectations = (data: InspectResult) => { expect(typeof data.accessTime.getTime).to.equal("function"); expect(typeof data.modifyTime.getTime).to.equal("function"); expect(typeof data.changeTime.getTime).to.equal("function"); }; it("sync", () => { preparations(); expectations(jetpack.inspect("dir/file.txt", { times: true })); }); it("async", done => { preparations(); jetpack.inspectAsync("dir/file.txt", { times: true }).then(data => { expectations(data); done(); }); }); }); describe("can output absolute path", () => { const preparations = () => { fse.outputFileSync("dir/file.txt", "abc"); }; const expectations = (data: InspectResult) => { expect(data.absolutePath).to.equal(jetpack.path("dir/file.txt")); }; it("sync", () => { preparations(); expectations(jetpack.inspect("dir/file.txt", { absolutePath: true })); }); it("async", done => { preparations(); jetpack .inspectAsync("dir/file.txt", { absolutePath: true }) .then(data => { expectations(data); done(); }); }); }); describe("respects internal CWD of jetpack instance", () => { const preparations = () => { fse.outputFileSync("a/b.txt", "abc"); }; const expectations = (data: InspectResult) => { expect("b.txt"); }; it("sync", () => { const jetContext = jetpack.cwd("a"); preparations(); expectations(jetContext.inspect("b.txt")); }); it("async", done => { const jetContext = jetpack.cwd("a"); preparations(); jetContext.inspectAsync("b.txt").then(data => { expectations(data); done(); }); }); }); describe("reports symlink by default", () => { const preparations = () => { fse.outputFileSync("dir/file.txt", "abc"); fse.symlinkSync("dir/file.txt", "symlinked_file.txt"); }; const expectations = (data: InspectResult) => { expect(data).to.eql({ name: "symlinked_file.txt", type: "symlink", pointsAt: helper.osSep("dir/file.txt") }); }; it("sync", () => { preparations(); expectations(jetpack.inspect("symlinked_file.txt")); // implicit expectations( jetpack.inspect("symlinked_file.txt", { symlinks: "report" }) ); // explicit }); it("async", done => { preparations(); jetpack .inspectAsync("symlinked_file.txt") // implicit .then(data => { expectations(data); return jetpack.inspectAsync("symlinked_file.txt", { symlinks: "report" }); // explicit }) .then(data => { expectations(data); done(); }) .catch(done); }); }); describe("follows symlink if option specified", () => { const preparations = () => { fse.outputFileSync("dir/file.txt", "abc"); fse.symlinkSync("dir/file.txt", "symlinked_file.txt"); }; const expectations = (data: InspectResult) => { expect(data).to.eql({ name: "symlinked_file.txt", type: "file", size: 3 }); }; it("sync", () => { preparations(); expectations( jetpack.inspect("symlinked_file.txt", { symlinks: "follow" }) ); }); it("async", done => { preparations(); jetpack .inspectAsync("symlinked_file.txt", { symlinks: "follow" }) .then(data => { expectations(data); done(); }) .catch(done); }); }); if (process.platform !== "win32") { describe("can output file mode (unix only)", () => { const preparations = () => { fse.outputFileSync("dir/file.txt", "abc", { mode: 0o511 }); }; const expectations = (data: InspectResult) => { expect(helper.parseMode(data.mode)).to.equal("511"); }; it("sync", () => { preparations(); expectations(jetpack.inspect("dir/file.txt", { mode: true })); }); it("async", done => { preparations(); jetpack.inspectAsync("dir/file.txt", { mode: true }).then(data => { expectations(data); done(); }); }); }); } describe("checksums", () => { const testsData = [ { name: "md5", type: "md5", content: "abc", expected: "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72" }, { name: "sha1", type: "sha1", content: "abc", expected: "a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d" }, { name: "sha256", type: "sha256", content: "abc", expected: "ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad" }, { name: "sha512", type: "sha512", content: "abc", expected: "ddaf35a193617abacc417349ae20413112e6fa4e89a97ea20a9eeee64b55d39a2192992a274fc1a836ba3c23a3feebbd454d4423643ce80e2a9ac94fa54ca49f" }, { name: "calculates correctly checksum of an empty file", type: "md5", content: "", expected: "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" } ]; testsData.forEach(test => { describe(, () => { const preparations = () => { fse.outputFileSync("file.txt", test.content); }; const expectations = (data: InspectResult) => { expect(data[test.type as Checksum]).to.eql(test.expected); }; it("sync", () => { preparations(); expectations( jetpack.inspect("file.txt", { checksum: test.type as Checksum }) ); }); it("async", done => { preparations(); jetpack .inspectAsync("file.txt", { checksum: test.type as Checksum }) .then(data => { expectations(data); done(); }) .catch(done); }); }); }); }); describe("input validation", () => { const tests = [ { type: "sync", method: jetpack.inspect as any, methodName: "inspect" }, { type: "async", method: jetpack.inspectAsync as any, methodName: "inspectAsync" } ]; describe('"path" argument', () => { tests.forEach(test => { it(test.type, () => { expect(() => { test.method(undefined); }).to.throw( `Argument "path" passed to ${ test.methodName }(path, [options]) must be a string. Received undefined` ); }); }); }); describe('"options" object', () => { describe('"checksum" argument', () => { tests.forEach(test => { it(test.type, () => { expect(() => { test.method("abc", { checksum: 1 }); }).to.throw( `Argument "options.checksum" passed to ${ test.methodName }(path, [options]) must be a string. Received number` ); }); it(test.type, () => { expect(() => { test.method("abc", { checksum: "foo" }); }).to.throw( `Argument "options.checksum" passed to ${ test.methodName }(path, [options]) must have one of values: md5, sha1, sha256` ); }); }); }); describe('"mode" argument', () => { tests.forEach(test => { it(test.type, () => { expect(() => { test.method("abc", { mode: 1 }); }).to.throw( `Argument "options.mode" passed to ${ test.methodName }(path, [options]) must be a boolean. Received number` ); }); }); }); describe('"times" argument', () => { tests.forEach(test => { it(test.type, () => { expect(() => { test.method("abc", { times: 1 }); }).to.throw( `Argument "options.times" passed to ${ test.methodName }(path, [options]) must be a boolean. Received number` ); }); }); }); describe('"absolutePath" argument', () => { tests.forEach(test => { it(test.type, () => { expect(() => { test.method("abc", { absolutePath: 1 }); }).to.throw( `Argument "options.absolutePath" passed to ${ test.methodName }(path, [options]) must be a boolean. Received number` ); }); }); }); describe('"symlinks" argument', () => { tests.forEach(test => { it(test.type, () => { expect(() => { test.method("abc", { symlinks: 1 }); }).to.throw( `Argument "options.symlinks" passed to ${ test.methodName }(path, [options]) must be a string. Received number` ); }); it(test.type, () => { expect(() => { test.method("abc", { symlinks: "foo" }); }).to.throw( `Argument "options.symlinks" passed to ${ test.methodName }(path, [options]) must have one of values: report, follow` ); }); }); }); }); }); });