import { promises as fs } from 'fs' import { resolve } from 'path' const _memo = { _pid: } const defaults = { dir: __dirname, name: '.fs-memo' } type MemoOptions = Partial export async function getMemo (options: MemoOptions): Promise { const { file } = getOptions(options) // Try to load latest memo try { const memo = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(file, 'utf-8')) || {} if (!memo._pid) { throw new Error('InvalidMemo') } if ( memo._pid === _memo._pid || // fs is more reliable than require cache !isAlive( // RIP ) { Object.assign(_memo, memo) _memo._pid = } } catch (e) { // Ignore } return _memo } export async function setMemo (memo: object, options: MemoOptions): Promise { const { file } = getOptions(options) // Set local memo Object.assign(_memo, memo) _memo._pid = // Try to persist try { await fs.writeFile(file, JSON.stringify(_memo), 'utf-8') } catch (e) { // Ignore } } function getOptions (options: MemoOptions): typeof defaults & { file: string } { const opts: any = { ...defaults, options } opts.file = resolve(opts.dir, return opts } function isAlive (pid: number): Boolean { try { process.kill(pid, 0) return true } catch (e) { return e.code === 'EPERM' } }