import * as React from "react" import { EventEmitter } from "events" import { WindowLocation } from "@reach/router" export { default as Link, GatsbyLinkProps, navigate, navigateTo, push, replace, withPrefix, withAssetPrefix, } from "gatsby-link" export interface StaticQueryProps { query: any render?: RenderCallback children?: RenderCallback } export const useStaticQuery: (query: any) => TData export const parsePath: (path: string) => WindowLocation export interface PageRendererProps { location: WindowLocation } /** * PageRenderer's constructor [loads the page resources]( for the path. * * On first load though, these will have already been requested from the server by `` in the page's original HTML (see [Link Preloads]( in HTML Generation Docs). * The loaded page resources includes the imported component, with which we create the actual page component using [React.createElement()]( This element is returned to our RouteHandler which hands it off to Reach Router for rendering. * * @see */ export class PageRenderer extends React.Component {} type RenderCallback = (data: any) => React.ReactNode export interface StaticQueryProps { query: any render?: RenderCallback children?: RenderCallback } /** * StaticQuery can do most of the things that page query can, including fragments. The main differences are: * * - page queries can accept variables (via `pageContext`) but can only be added to _page_ components * - StaticQuery does not accept variables (hence the name "static"), but can be used in _any_ component, including pages * - StaticQuery does not work with raw React.createElement calls; please use JSX, e.g. `` * * @see */ export class StaticQuery extends React.Component {} /** * graphql is a tag function. Behind the scenes Gatsby handles these tags in a particular way * * During the Gatsby build process, GraphQL queries are pulled out of the original source for parsing. * * @see */ export const graphql: (query: TemplateStringsArray) => void /** * Gatsby configuration API. * * @see */ export interface GatsbyConfig { /** When you want to reuse common pieces of data across the site (for example, your site title), you can store that here. */ siteMetadata?: Record /** Plugins are Node.js packages that implement Gatsby APIs. The config file accepts an array of plugins. Some plugins may need only to be listed by name, while others may take options. */ plugins?: Array< | string | { resolve: string options: Record } > /** It’s common for sites to be hosted somewhere other than the root of their domain. Say we have a Gatsby site at ``. In this case, we would need a prefix (`/blog`) added to all paths on the site. */ pathPrefix?: string /** Gatsby uses the ES6 Promise API. Because some browsers don't support this, Gatsby includes a Promise polyfill by default. If you'd like to provide your own Promise polyfill, you can set `polyfill` to false.*/ polyfill?: boolean mapping?: Record /** * Setting the proxy config option will tell the develop server to proxy any unknown requests to your specified server. * @see * */ proxy?: { prefix: string url: string } /** Sometimes you need more granular/flexible access to the development server. Gatsby exposes the Express.js development server to your site’s gatsby-config.js where you can add Express middleware as needed. */ developMiddleware?(app: any): void } /** * Gatsby API for Node.js. * * @see */ export interface GatsbyNode { /** * Tell plugins to add pages. This extension point is called only after the initial * sourcing and transformation of nodes plus creation of the GraphQL schema are * complete so you can query your data in order to create pages. * * @see */ createPages?( args: CreatePagesArgs & { traceId: "initial-createPages" }, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** * Like `createPages` but for plugins who want to manage creating and removing * pages themselves in response to changes in data *not* managed by Gatsby. * Plugins implementing `createPages` will get called regularly to recompute * page information as Gatsby's data changes but those implementing * `createPagesStatefully` will not. * * An example of a plugin that uses this extension point is the plugin * [gatsby-plugin-page-creator]( * which monitors the `src/pages` directory for the adding and removal of JS * pages. As its source of truth, files in the pages directory, is not known by * Gatsby, it needs to keep its own state about its world to know when to * add and remove pages. */ createPagesStatefully?( args: CreatePagesArgs & { traceId: "initial-createPagesStatefully" }, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** * Let plugins extend/mutate the site's Babel configuration. * This API will change before 2.0 as it needs still to be converted to use * Redux actions. */ onCreateBabelConfig?( args: CreateBabelConfigArgs, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** * Run when gatsby develop server is started, its useful to add proxy and middleware * to the dev server app * @param {object} $0 * @param {Express} $ The [Express app]( used to run the dev server * * @example * * exports.onCreateDevServer = ({ app }) => { * app.get('/hello', function (req, res) { * res.send('hello world') * }) * } */ onCreateDevServer?( args: CreateDevServerArgs, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** * Called when a new node is created. Plugins wishing to extend or * transform nodes created by other plugins should implement this API. * * See also the documentation for `createNode` * and [`createNodeField`]( * @example * exports.onCreateNode = ({ node, actions }) => { * const { createNode, createNodeField } = actions * // Transform the new node here and create a new node or * // create a new node field. * } */ onCreateNode?( args: CreateNodeArgs, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** * Called when a new page is created. This extension API is useful * for programmatically manipulating pages created by other plugins e.g. * if you want paths without trailing slashes. * * See the guide [Creating and Modifying Pages]( * for more on this API. */ onCreatePage?( args: CreatePageArgs, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** * Let plugins extend/mutate the site's webpack configuration. * @see */ onCreateWebpackConfig?( args: CreateWebpackConfigArgs, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** Called at the end of the bootstrap process after all other extension APIs have been called. */ onPostBootstrap?( args: ParentSpanPluginArgs, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** The last extension point called after all other parts of the build process are complete. */ onPostBuild?( args: BuildArgs, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** Called at the end of the bootstrap process after all other extension APIs have been called. */ onPreBootstrap?( args: ParentSpanPluginArgs, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** The first extension point called during the build process. Called after the bootstrap has completed but before the build steps start. */ onPreBuild?( args: BuildArgs, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** Called once Gatsby has initialized itself and is ready to bootstrap your site. */ onPreExtractQueries?( args: ParentSpanPluginArgs, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** The first API called during Gatsby execution, runs as soon as plugins are loaded, before cache initialization and bootstrap preparation. */ onPreInit?( args: ParentSpanPluginArgs, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** * Ask compile-to-js plugins to process source to JavaScript so the query * runner can extract out GraphQL queries for running. */ preprocessSource?( args: PreprocessSourceArgs, options?: PluginOptions, callback?: PluginCallback ): void /** * Lets plugins implementing support for other compile-to-js add to the list of "resolvable" file extensions. Gatsby supports `.js` and `.jsx` by default. */ resolvableExtensions?( args: ResolvableExtensionsArgs, options: PluginOptions, callback: PluginCallback ): any[] | Promise /** * Called during the creation of the GraphQL schema. Allows plugins * to add new fields to the types created from data nodes. It will be called * separately for each type. * * This function should return an object in the shape of * [GraphQLFieldConfigMap]( * which will be appended to fields inferred by Gatsby from data nodes. * * *Note:* Import GraphQL types from `gatsby/graphql` and don't add the `graphql` * package to your project/plugin dependencies to avoid Schema must * contain unique named types but contains multiple types named errors. * `gatsby/graphql` exports all builtin GraphQL types as well as the `graphQLJSON` * type. * * Many transformer plugins use this to add fields that take arguments. * * @see */ setFieldsOnGraphQLNodeType?( args: SetFieldsOnGraphQLNodeTypeArgs, options: PluginOptions ): any setFieldsOnGraphQLNodeType?( args: SetFieldsOnGraphQLNodeTypeArgs, options: PluginOptions ): Promise setFieldsOnGraphQLNodeType?( args: SetFieldsOnGraphQLNodeTypeArgs, options: PluginOptions, callback: PluginCallback ): void /** * Extension point to tell plugins to source nodes. This API is called during * the Gatsby bootstrap sequence. Source plugins use this hook to create nodes. * This API is called exactly once per plugin (and once for your site's * `gatsby-config.js` file). If you define this hook in `gatsby-node.js` it * will be called exactly once after all of your source plugins have finished * creating nodes. * * @see */ sourceNodes?(args: SourceNodesArgs, options: PluginOptions): any sourceNodes?(args: SourceNodesArgs, options: PluginOptions): Promise sourceNodes?( args: SourceNodesArgs, options: PluginOptions, callback: PluginCallback ): void /** * Add custom field resolvers to the GraphQL schema. * * Allows adding new fields to types by providing field configs, or adding resolver * functions to existing fields. * * Things to note: * * Overriding field types is disallowed, instead use the `createTypes` * action. In case of types added from third-party schemas, where this is not * possible, overriding field types is allowed. * * New fields will not be available on `filter` and `sort` input types. Extend * types defined with `createTypes` if you need this. * * In field configs, types can be referenced as strings. * * When extending a field with an existing field resolver, the original * resolver function is available from `info.originalResolver`. * * The `createResolvers` API is called as the last step in schema generation. * Thus, an intermediate schema is made available on the `schema` property. * In resolver functions themselves, it is recommended to access the final * built schema from `info.schema`. * * Gatsby's data layer, including all internal query capabilities, is * exposed on [`context.nodeModel`](/docs/node-model/). The node store can be * queried directly with `getAllNodes`, `getNodeById` and `getNodesByIds`, * while more advanced queries can be composed with `runQuery`. Note that * `runQuery` will call field resolvers before querying, so e.g. foreign-key * fields will be expanded to full nodes. The other methods on `nodeModel` * don't do this. * * It is possible to add fields to the root `Query` type. * * When using the first resolver argument (`source` in the example below, * often also called `parent` or `root`), take care of the fact that field * resolvers can be called more than once in a query, e.g. when the field is * present both in the input filter and in the selection set. This means that * foreign-key fields on `source` can be either resolved or not-resolved. * * For fuller examples, see [`using-type-definitions`]( * * @see */ createResolvers?(args: CreateResolversArgs, options: PluginOptions): any createResolvers?( args: CreateResolversArgs, options: PluginOptions ): Promise createResolvers?( args: CreateResolversArgs, options: PluginOptions, callback: PluginCallback ): void } /** * Gatsby browser API. * * @see */ export interface GatsbyBrowser { disableCorePrefetching?(args: BrowserPluginArgs, options: PluginOptions): any onClientEntry?(args: BrowserPluginArgs, options: PluginOptions): any onInitialClientRender?(args: BrowserPluginArgs, options: PluginOptions): any onPostPrefetchPathname?( args: PrefetchPathnameArgs, options: PluginOptions ): any onPreRouteUpdate?(args: RouteUpdateArgs, options: PluginOptions): any onPrefetchPathname?(args: PrefetchPathnameArgs, options: PluginOptions): any onRouteUpdate?(args: RouteUpdateArgs, options: PluginOptions): any onRouteUpdateDelayed?( args: RouteUpdateDelayedArgs, options: PluginOptions ): any onServiceWorkerActive?(args: ServiceWorkerArgs, options: PluginOptions): any onServiceWorkerInstalled?( args: ServiceWorkerArgs, options: PluginOptions ): any onServiceWorkerRedundant?( args: ServiceWorkerArgs, options: PluginOptions ): any onServiceWorkerUpdateFound?( args: ServiceWorkerArgs, options: PluginOptions ): any registerServiceWorker?(args: BrowserPluginArgs, options: PluginOptions): any replaceComponentRenderer?( args: ReplaceComponentRendererArgs, options: PluginOptions ): any replaceHydrateFunction?(args: BrowserPluginArgs, options: PluginOptions): any shouldUpdateScroll?(args: ShouldUpdateScrollArgs, options: PluginOptions): any wrapPageElement?( args: WrapPageElementBrowserArgs, options: PluginOptions ): any wrapRootElement?( args: WrapRootElementBrowserArgs, options: PluginOptions ): any } /** * Gatsby server-side rendering API. * * @see */ export interface GatsbySSR { /** * Called after every page Gatsby server renders while building HTML so you can * replace head components to be rendered in your `html.js`. This is useful if * you need to reorder scripts or styles added by other plugins. * @example * // Move Typography.js styles to the top of the head section so they're loaded first. * exports.onPreRenderHTML = ({ getHeadComponents, replaceHeadComponents }) => { * const headComponents = getHeadComponents() * headComponents.sort((x, y) => { * if (x.key === 'TypographyStyle') { * return -1 * } else if (y.key === 'TypographyStyle') { * return 1 * } * return 0 * }) * replaceHeadComponents(headComponents) * } */ onPreRenderHTML?(args: PreRenderHTMLArgs, options: PluginOptions): any onPreRenderHTML?( args: PreRenderHTMLArgs, options: PluginOptions ): Promise onPreRenderHTML?( args: PreRenderHTMLArgs, options: PluginOptions, callback: PluginCallback ): void /** * Called after every page Gatsby server renders while building HTML so you can * set head and body components to be rendered in your `html.js`. * * Gatsby does a two-pass render for HTML. It loops through your pages first * rendering only the body and then takes the result body HTML string and * passes it as the `body` prop to your `html.js` to complete the render. * * It's often handy to be able to send custom components to your `html.js`. * For example, it's a very common pattern for React.js libraries that * support server rendering to pull out data generated during the render to * add to your HTML. * * Using this API over `replaceRenderer` is preferable as * multiple plugins can implement this API where only one plugin can take * over server rendering. However, if your plugin requires taking over server * rendering then that's the one to use * @example * const { Helmet } = require("react-helmet") * * exports.onRenderBody = ( * { setHeadComponents, setHtmlAttributes, setBodyAttributes }, * pluginOptions * ) => { * const helmet = Helmet.renderStatic() * setHtmlAttributes(helmet.htmlAttributes.toComponent()) * setBodyAttributes(helmet.bodyAttributes.toComponent()) * setHeadComponents([ * helmet.title.toComponent(), *, * helmet.meta.toComponent(), * helmet.noscript.toComponent(), * helmet.script.toComponent(), *, * ]) * } */ onRenderBody?(args: RenderBodyArgs, options: PluginOptions): any onRenderBody?(args: RenderBodyArgs, options: PluginOptions): Promise onRenderBody?( args: RenderBodyArgs, options: PluginOptions, callback: PluginCallback ): void /** * Replace the default server renderer. This is useful for integration with * Redux, css-in-js libraries, etc. that need custom setups for server * rendering. * @example * // From gatsby-plugin-glamor * const { renderToString } = require("react-dom/server") * const inline = require("glamor-inline") * * exports.replaceRenderer = ({ bodyComponent, replaceBodyHTMLString }) => { * const bodyHTML = renderToString(bodyComponent) * const inlinedHTML = inline(bodyHTML) * * replaceBodyHTMLString(inlinedHTML) * } */ replaceRenderer?(args: ReplaceRendererArgs, options: PluginOptions): any replaceRenderer?( args: ReplaceRendererArgs, options: PluginOptions ): Promise replaceRenderer?( args: ReplaceRendererArgs, options: PluginOptions, callback: PluginCallback ): void /** * Allow a plugin to wrap the page element. * * This is useful for setting wrapper component around pages that won't get * unmounted on page change. For setting Provider components use `wrapRootElement`. * * _Note:_ [There is equivalent hook in Browser API]( * @example * const React = require("react") * const Layout = require("./src/components/layout") * * exports.wrapPageElement = ({ element, props }) => { * // props provide same data to Layout as Page element will get * // including location, data, etc - you don't need to pass it * return {element} * } */ wrapPageElement?(args: WrapPageElementNodeArgs, options: PluginOptions): any wrapPageElement?( args: WrapPageElementNodeArgs, options: PluginOptions ): Promise wrapPageElement?( args: WrapPageElementNodeArgs, options: PluginOptions, callback: PluginCallback ): void /** * Allow a plugin to wrap the root element. * * This is useful to setup any Providers component that will wrap your application. * For setting persistent UI elements around pages use `wrapPageElement`. * * _Note:_ [There is equivalent hook in Browser API]( * @example * const React = require("react") * const { Provider } = require("react-redux") * * const createStore = require("./src/state/createStore") * const store = createStore() * * exports.wrapRootElement = ({ element }) => { * return ( * * {element} * * ) * } */ wrapRootElement?(args: WrapRootElementNodeArgs, options: PluginOptions): any wrapRootElement?( args: WrapRootElementNodeArgs, options: PluginOptions ): Promise wrapRootElement?( args: WrapRootElementNodeArgs, options: PluginOptions, callback: PluginCallback ): void } export interface PluginOptions { plugins: unknown[] [key: string]: unknown } export type PluginCallback = (err: Error | null, result?: any) => void export interface CreatePagesArgs extends ParentSpanPluginArgs { graphql: Function traceId: string waitForCascadingActions: boolean } type GatsbyStages = | "develop" | "develop-html" | "build-javascript" | "build-html" export interface CreateBabelConfigArgs extends ParentSpanPluginArgs { stage: GatsbyStages } export interface CreateDevServerArgs extends ParentSpanPluginArgs { app: any } export interface CreateNodeArgs extends ParentSpanPluginArgs { node: Node traceId: string traceTags: { nodeId: string nodeType: string } } export interface CreatePageArgs extends ParentSpanPluginArgs { page: Node traceId: string } export interface CreateWebpackConfigArgs extends ParentSpanPluginArgs { getConfig: Function stage: GatsbyStages rules: WebpackRules loaders: WebpackLoaders plugins: WebpackPlugins } export interface PreprocessSourceArgs extends ParentSpanPluginArgs { filename: string contents: string } export interface ResolvableExtensionsArgs extends ParentSpanPluginArgs { traceId: "initial-resolvableExtensions" } export interface SetFieldsOnGraphQLNodeTypeArgs extends ParentSpanPluginArgs { type: { name: string nodes: any[] } traceId: "initial-setFieldsOnGraphQLNodeType" } export interface SourceNodesArgs extends ParentSpanPluginArgs { traceId: "initial-sourceNodes" waitForCascadingActions: boolean } export interface CreateResolversArgs extends ParentSpanPluginArgs { schema: object createResolvers: Function traceId: `initial-createResolvers` } export interface PreRenderHTMLArgs extends NodePluginArgs { getHeadComponents: any[] replaceHeadComponents: Function getPreBodyComponents: any[] replacePreBodyComponents: Function getPostBodyComponents: any[] replacePostBodyComponents: Function } export interface RenderBodyArgs extends NodePluginArgs { pathname: string setHeadComponents: Function setHtmlAttributes: Function setBodyAttributes: Function setPreBodyComponents: Function setPostBodyComponents: Function setBodyProps: Function } export interface ReplaceRendererArgs extends NodePluginArgs { replaceBodyHTMLString: Function setHeadComponents: Function setHtmlAttributes: Function setBodyAttributes: Function setPreBodyComponents: Function setPostBodyComponents: Function setBodyProps: Function } export interface WrapPageElementNodeArgs extends NodePluginArgs { element: object props: object pathname: string } export interface WrapRootElementNodeArgs extends NodePluginArgs { element: object } export interface ParentSpanPluginArgs extends NodePluginArgs { parentSpan: object } export interface NodePluginArgs { pathPrefix: string boundActionCreators: Actions actions: Actions loadNodeContent: Function store: Store emitter: EventEmitter getNodes: Function getNode: Function getNodesByType: Function hasNodeChanged: Function reporter: Reporter getNodeAndSavePathDependency: Function cache: Cache createNodeId: Function createContentDigest: Function tracing: Tracing [key: string]: unknown } interface ActionPlugin { name: string } interface DeleteNodeArgs { node: Node } interface CreateNodeFieldArgs { node: Node name: string value: string /** * @deprecated */ fieldName?: string /** * @deprecated */ fieldValue?: string } interface ActionOptions { [key: string]: unknown } export interface BuildArgs extends ParentSpanPluginArgs { graphql: Function } export interface Actions { /** @see */ deletePage(args: { path: string; component: string }): void /** @see */ createPage( args: { path: string; component: string; context: Record }, plugin?: ActionPlugin, option?: ActionOptions ): void /** @see */ deleteNode( options: { node: Node }, plugin?: ActionPlugin, option?: ActionOptions ): void /** * @deprecated * @see */ deleteNodes(nodes: string[], plugin?: ActionPlugin): void /** @see */ createNode(node: Node, plugin?: ActionPlugin, options?: ActionOptions): void /** @see */ touchNode(node: { nodeId: string; plugin?: ActionPlugin }): void /** @see */ createNodeField( args: { node: Node fieldName?: string fieldValue?: string name?: string value: any }, plugin?: ActionPlugin, options?: ActionOptions ): void /** @see */ createParentChildLink( args: { parent: Node; child: Node }, plugin?: ActionPlugin ): void /** @see */ setWebpackConfig(config: object, plugin?: ActionPlugin): void /** @see */ replaceWebpackConfig(config: object, plugin?: ActionPlugin): void /** @see */ setBabelOptions(options: object, plugin?: ActionPlugin): void /** @see */ setBabelPlugin( config: { name: string; options: object }, plugin?: ActionPlugin ): void /** @see */ setBabelPreset( config: { name: string; options: object }, plugin?: ActionPlugin ): void /** @see */ createJob( job: Record & { id: string }, plugin?: ActionPlugin ): void /** @see */ setJob( job: Record & { id: string }, plugin?: ActionPlugin ): void /** @see */ endJob(job: { id: string }, plugin?: ActionPlugin): void /** @see */ setPluginStatus(status: Record, plugin?: ActionPlugin): void /** @see */ createRedirect( redirect: { fromPath: string isPermanent: boolean toPath: string redirectInBrowser: boolean force: boolean statusCode: number }, plugin?: ActionPlugin ): void /** @see */ addThirdPartySchema( args: { schema: object }, plugin: ActionPlugin, traceId?: string ): void /** TODO create jsdoc on */ createTypes( types: string | object | Array, plugin: ActionPlugin, traceId?: string ): void } export interface Store { dispatch: Function subscribe: Function getState: Function replaceReducer: Function } type logMessageType = (format: string, ...args: any[]) => void export interface Reporter { stripIndent: Function format: object setVerbose(isVerbose: boolean): void setNoColor(isNoColor: boolean): void panic(...args: any[]): void panicOnBuild(...args: any[]): void error(message: string, error: Error): void uptime(prefix: string): void success: logMessageType verbose: logMessageType info: logMessageType warn: logMessageType log: logMessageType activityTimer( name: string, activityArgs: { parentSpan: object } ): { start: () => void status(status: string): void end: () => void span: object } } export interface Cache { name: string store: { create: Function } cache: { getAndPassUp: Function wrap: Function set: Function mset: Function get: Function mget: Function del: Function reset: Function } } export interface Tracing { tracer: object parentSpan: object startSpan: Function } export interface PackageJson { name?: string description?: string version?: string main?: string author?: | string | { name: string email: string } license?: string dependencies?: Array> devDependencies?: Array> peerDependencies?: Array> optionalDependecies?: Array> bundledDependecies?: Array> keywords?: string[] } export interface WebpackRules { js: Function mjs: Function eslint: Function yaml: Function fonts: Function images: Function media: Function miscAssets: Function css: Function cssModules: Function postcss: Function [key: string]: Function } export interface WebpackLoaders { json: Function yaml: Function null: Function raw: Function style: Function miniCssExtract: Function css: Function postcss: Function file: Function url: Function js: Function eslint: Function imports: Function exports: Function [key: string]: Function } export interface WebpackPlugins { normalModuleReplacement: Function contextReplacement: Function ignore: Function watchIgnore: Function banner: Function prefetch: Function automaticPrefetch: Function define: Function provide: Function hotModuleReplacement: Function sourceMapDevTool: Function evalSourceMapDevTool: Function evalDevToolModule: Function cache: Function extendedAPI: Function externals: Function jsonpTemplate: Function libraryTemplate: Function loaderTarget: Function memoryOutputFile: Function progress: Function setVarMainTemplate: Function umdMainTemplate: Function noErrors: Function noEmitOnErrors: Function newWatching: Function environment: Function dll: Function dllReference: Function loaderOptions: Function namedModules: Function namedChunks: Function hashedModuleIds: Function moduleFilenameH: Function aggressiveMerging: Function aggressiveSplitting: Function splitChunks: Function chunkModuleIdRange: Function dedupe: Function limitChunkCount: Function minChunkSize: Function occurrenceOrder: Function moduleConcatenation: Function minifyJs: Function minifyCss: Function extractText: Function moment: Function [key: string]: Function } export interface PrefetchPathnameArgs extends BrowserPluginArgs { pathname: string } export interface RouteUpdateArgs extends BrowserPluginArgs { location: Location } export interface ReplaceComponentRendererArgs extends BrowserPluginArgs { props: { path: string "*": string uri: string location: object navigate: Function children: undefined pageResources: object data: object pageContext: object } loader: object } export interface ShouldUpdateScrollArgs extends BrowserPluginArgs { prevRouterProps?: { location: Location } pathname: string routerProps: { location: Location } getSavedScrollPosition: Function } export interface WrapPageElementBrowserArgs extends BrowserPluginArgs { element: object props: object } export interface WrapRootElementBrowserArgs extends BrowserPluginArgs { element: object pathname: string } export interface BrowserPluginArgs { getResourcesForPathnameSync: Function getResourcesForPathname: Function getResourceURLsForPathname: Function [key: string]: unknown } export interface RouteUpdateDelayedArgs extends BrowserPluginArgs { location: Location } export interface ServiceWorkerArgs extends BrowserPluginArgs { serviceWorker: ServiceWorkerRegistration } export interface Node { path?: string id: string parent: string children: Node[] fields?: Record internal: { type: string mediaType: string content: string contentDigest: string owner: string description?: string } resolve?: string name?: string version?: string pluginOptions?: PluginOptions nodeAPIs?: any[] browserAPIs?: any[] ssrAPIs?: any[] pluginFilepath?: string packageJson?: PackageJson siteMetadata?: Record port?: string host?: string pathPrefix?: string polyfill?: boolean buildTime?: string jsonName?: string internalComponentName?: string matchPath?: unknown component?: string componentChunkName?: string context?: Record pluginCreatorId?: string componentPath?: string [key: string]: unknown }