import { GaxiosError, GaxiosOptions, GaxiosResponse } from './common'; /** * Interceptors that can be run for requests or responses. These interceptors run asynchronously. */ export interface GaxiosInterceptor { /** * Function to be run when applying an interceptor. * * @param {T} configOrResponse The current configuration or response. * @returns {Promise} Promise that resolves to the modified set of options or response. */ resolved?: (configOrResponse: T) => Promise; /** * Function to be run if the previous call to resolved throws / rejects or the request results in an invalid status * as determined by the call to validateStatus. * * @param {GaxiosError} err The error thrown from the previously called resolved function. */ rejected?: (err: GaxiosError) => void; } /** * Class to manage collections of GaxiosInterceptors for both requests and responses. */ export declare class GaxiosInterceptorManager extends Set | null> { }