export interface GenerateOptions { /** * Length of the generated password. * @default 10 */ length?: number; /** * Should the password include numbers * @default false */ numbers?: boolean; /** * Should the password include symbols, or symbols to include * @default false */ symbols?: boolean | string; /** * Should the password include lowercase characters * @default true */ lowercase?: boolean; /** * Should the password include uppercase characters * @default true */ uppercase?: boolean; /** * Should exclude visually similar characters like 'i' and 'I' * @default false */ excludeSimilarCharacters?: boolean; /** * List of characters to be excluded from the password * @default "" */ exclude?: string; /** * Password should include at least one character from each pool * @default false */ strict?: boolean; } /** * Generate one password with the given options. */ export function generate(options?: GenerateOptions): string; /** * Bulk generate multiple passwords at once, with the same options for all. */ export function generateMultiple(count: number, options?: GenerateOptions): string[];