#!/bin/bash generate_config() { echo "* generating config" local device_type="$1" meshblu-util register --legacy -t "$device_type" --url http://meshblu.octoblu.dev:80 > meshblu.json } get_uuid() { cat meshblu.json | jq '.uuid' --raw-output } get_name() { cat package.json | jq '.name' --raw-output } update_device_schemas() { echo "* update device schemas" npm run generate:schema meshblu-util update -f schemas.json } add_name_to_device() { local name="$(get_name)" add_value_to_key "name" "Test $name" } add_owner_to_key() { local key="$1" local owner="$2" meshblu-util update -d "{\"$key\": [\"$owner\"]}" } add_value_to_key() { local key="$1" local owner="$2" meshblu-util update -d "{\"$key\": \"$owner\"}" } open_in_browser() { local uuid="$(get_uuid)" echo "* opening $uuid in browser" open "http://app.octoblu.dev/device/$uuid" } claim_device() { echo "* claim device" local owner="$1" add_owner_to_key "discoverWhitelist" "$owner" || exit 1 add_owner_to_key "configureWhitelist" "$owner" || exit 1 add_owner_to_key "sendWhitelist" "$owner" || exit 1 add_owner_to_key "receiveWhitelist" "$owner" || exit 1 add_owner_to_key "owner" "$owner" || exit 1 } main() { if [ ! -f "./package.json" ]; then echo "Are you running this inside a connector?" exit 1 fi local owner="$1" local device_type="$2" if [ -z "$owner" ]; then echo "Missing owner as the 1 argument" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$device_type" ]; then echo "Missing device type as the 2 argument" exit 1 fi echo "* generating" generate_config "$device_type" || exit 1 add_name_to_device || exit 1 update_device_schemas || exit 1 claim_device "$owner" || exit 1 open_in_browser || exit 1 echo "* done" } main "$@"