import { BaseExternalAccountClient, BaseExternalAccountClientOptions } from './baseexternalclient'; import { AuthClientOptions } from './authclient'; /** * Defines the credential source portion of the configuration for PluggableAuthClient. * *

Command is the only required field. If timeout_millis is not specified, the library will * default to a 30-second timeout. * *

 * Sample credential source for Pluggable Auth Client:
 * {
 *   ...
 *   "credential_source": {
 *     "executable": {
 *       "command": "/path/to/get/ --arg1=value1 --arg2=value2",
 *       "timeout_millis": 5000,
 *       "output_file": "/path/to/generated/cached/credentials"
 *     }
 *   }
 * }
*/ export interface PluggableAuthClientOptions extends BaseExternalAccountClientOptions { credential_source: { executable: { /** * The command used to retrieve the 3rd party token. */ command: string; /** * The timeout for executable to run in milliseconds. If none is provided it * will be set to the default timeout of 30 seconds. */ timeout_millis?: number; /** * An optional output file location that will be checked for a cached response * from a previous run of the executable. */ output_file?: string; }; }; } /** * Error thrown from the executable run by PluggableAuthClient. */ export declare class ExecutableError extends Error { /** * The exit code returned by the executable. */ readonly code: string; constructor(message: string, code: string); } /** * PluggableAuthClient enables the exchange of workload identity pool external credentials for * Google access tokens by retrieving 3rd party tokens through a user supplied executable. These * scripts/executables are completely independent of the Google Cloud Auth libraries. These * credentials plug into ADC and will call the specified executable to retrieve the 3rd party token * to be exchanged for a Google access token. * *

To use these credentials, the GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_ALLOW_EXECUTABLES environment variable * must be set to '1'. This is for security reasons. * *

Both OIDC and SAML are supported. The executable must adhere to a specific response format * defined below. * *

The executable must print out the 3rd party token to STDOUT in JSON format. When an * output_file is specified in the credential configuration, the executable must also handle writing the * JSON response to this file. * *

 * OIDC response sample:
 * {
 *   "version": 1,
 *   "success": true,
 *   "token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token",
 *   "id_token": "HEADER.PAYLOAD.SIGNATURE",
 *   "expiration_time": 1620433341
 * }
 * SAML2 response sample:
 * {
 *   "version": 1,
 *   "success": true,
 *   "token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2",
 *   "saml_response": "...",
 *   "expiration_time": 1620433341
 * }
 * Error response sample:
 * {
 *   "version": 1,
 *   "success": false,
 *   "code": "401",
 *   "message": "Error message."
 * }
* *

The "expiration_time" field in the JSON response is only required for successful * responses when an output file was specified in the credential configuration * *


Please see this repositories README for a complete executable request/response specification. */ export declare class PluggableAuthClient extends BaseExternalAccountClient { /** * The command used to retrieve the third party token. */ private readonly command; /** * The timeout in milliseconds for running executable, * set to default if none provided. */ private readonly timeoutMillis; /** * The path to file to check for cached executable response. */ private readonly outputFile?; /** * Executable and output file handler. */ private readonly handler; /** * Instantiates a PluggableAuthClient instance using the provided JSON * object loaded from an external account credentials file. * An error is thrown if the credential is not a valid pluggable auth credential. * @param options The external account options object typically loaded from * the external account JSON credential file. * @param additionalOptions **DEPRECATED, all options are available in the * `options` parameter.** Optional additional behavior customization options. * These currently customize expiration threshold time and whether to retry * on 401/403 API request errors. */ constructor(options: PluggableAuthClientOptions, additionalOptions?: AuthClientOptions); /** * Triggered when an external subject token is needed to be exchanged for a * GCP access token via GCP STS endpoint. * This uses the `options.credential_source` object to figure out how * to retrieve the token using the current environment. In this case, * this calls a user provided executable which returns the subject token. * The logic is summarized as: * 1. Validated that the executable is allowed to run. The * GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_ALLOW_EXECUTABLES environment must be set to * 1 for security reasons. * 2. If an output file is specified by the user, check the file location * for a response. If the file exists and contains a valid response, * return the subject token from the file. * 3. Call the provided executable and return response. * @return A promise that resolves with the external subject token. */ retrieveSubjectToken(): Promise; }