/// import { Point, PvjsonNode, AttachablePoint, Orientation, PvjsonEdge, StartSegmentDetailsMap, Side } from "./gpml2pvjson"; export declare const START_SIDE_TO_ORIENTATION_MAP: { right: number[]; bottom: number[]; left: number[]; top: number[]; }; export declare const START_SIDE_TO_EMANATION_ANGLE_MAPPINGS: import("lodash").Dictionary; export declare const EMANATION_ANGLE_TO_START_SIDE_MAPPINGS: Map; export declare const START_SEGMENT_DETAILS_MAPS: StartSegmentDetailsMap[]; export interface ISmartPoint { x: number; y: number; curve?: any; moveTo?: any; orientation?: Orientation; } export declare class SmartPoint implements ISmartPoint { x: number; y: number; curve?: any; moveTo?: any; orientation?: Orientation; constructor(point: ISmartPoint); angle: () => number; fromArray: ([x, y]: [number, number]) => void; toArray: () => number[]; } export declare class SmartVector { angle: number; p0: SmartPoint; p1: SmartPoint; constructor(p0: ISmartPoint, p1: ISmartPoint); angleDistance: (vector2: any) => number; } export declare class SmartPath { points: SmartPoint[]; sum: SmartVector; path: any; constructor(points: ISmartPoint[], edge?: any); position: (scalar: number, accuracy?: number) => { x: any; y: any; angle: number; }; } export declare function addAngles(angle1: number, angle2: number): number; export declare function crossProduct(u: [number, number], v: [number, number]): number; export declare function flipOrientation(orientation: Orientation): Orientation; export declare function flipSide(side: Side): Side; export declare function getMinimumAngleBetweenVectors(vectorDirectionAngle1: number, vectorDirectionAngle2: number): number; export declare function getAngleOfEmanationFromPoint(point: AttachablePoint): number; export declare function reverseAngle(angle: any): number; export declare function getAngleAtPoint(edge: PvjsonEdge, positionX: number): number; export declare function getAngleFromPointToPoint({ x: x0, y: y0 }: { x: any; y: any; }, { x: x1, y: y1 }: { x: any; y: any; }): number; export declare function getStartSideByOrientation([orientationX, orientationY]: Orientation): Side; /** * Calculate the inverse matrix. * @returns {Matrix} */ export declare function invertMatrix(M: any): any[]; export declare function multiplyMatrices(m1: any, m2: any): any[]; /** * rotate * * @param theta (float): rotation angle in radians, measured clockwise * @return transformation matrix for rotation * * Note that for Canvas and SVG, the y axis points down: * * *---------> x * | * | * | * v * * y * * The transformation matrix returned takes this into account and is intentionally * different from the transformation matrix that would be returned if the y-axis * pointed up, as is common in many math classes. */ export declare function rotate(theta: number): [[number, number, 0], [number, number, 0], [0, 0, 1]]; export declare function scale([xScale, yScale]: [number, number]): [[number, 0, 0], [0, number, 0], [0, 0, 1]]; export declare function translate([xTranslation, yTranslation]: [number, number]): [[1, 0, number], [0, 1, number], [0, 0, 1]]; export declare function getTransformationMatrix(transformationSequence: any): number[][]; export declare function multiplyMatrixByVector(transformationMatrix: any, vector: any): number[][]; /** * sameSide * * Calculate whether the current edge's second point, a, (end of first segment) * and its final point, b, are both on the same side of the referenced edge. * * current edge: pipes/hyphens * referenced edge: dots * * Example of True * * p1 * . * . * *------------a * . | * . | * . | * . | * . | * . | * . | * . | * . | * . | * . *-----b * . * . * p2 * * * Example of False * * p1 * . * *------------a * . | * . | * . | * . | * . | * .| * |. * | . * | . * | . * *-----b . * . * p2 * * * @param {Object} p1 - first point of the referenced edge * @param {Object} p2 - last point of the referenced edge * @param {Object} a - last point of the first segment of the current edge (the point following the start point) * @param {Object} b - point where the current edge ends * @return {Boolean) - whether the last point of the first segment of the current edge is on the same side as the last point of the current edge */ export declare function sameSide(p1: Point, p2: Point, a: Point, b: Point): boolean; export declare function transform({ element, transformOrigin, transformationSequence }: { element: PvjsonNode; transformOrigin?: string; transformationSequence?: any[]; }): PvjsonNode;