/** * Copyright (c) 2021 GraphQL Contributors. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /** * GraphiQL */ import { GraphiQL } from './components/GraphiQL'; export { GraphiQL }; export default GraphiQL; /** * Definitions */ export type { GraphiQLProps } from './components/GraphiQL'; export type { Fetcher, FetcherOpts, FetcherParams, FetcherResult, FetcherReturnType, Observable, Storage, SyncFetcherResult, } from '@graphiql/toolkit'; /** * Components */ export { QueryEditor } from './components/QueryEditor'; export { VariableEditor } from './components/VariableEditor'; export { DocExplorer } from './components/DocExplorer'; /** * Toolbar */ export { ToolbarMenu, ToolbarMenuItem } from './components/ToolbarMenu'; export { ToolbarButton } from './components/ToolbarButton'; export { ToolbarGroup } from './components/ToolbarGroup'; export { ToolbarSelect, ToolbarSelectOption } from './components/ToolbarSelect'; /** * Legacy exports */ import { onHasCompletion as _onHasCompletion } from '@graphiql/react'; import { fillLeafs as _fillLeafs, getSelectedOperationName as _getSelectedOperationName, mergeAst as _mergeAst, } from '@graphiql/toolkit'; export const onHasCompletion: typeof _onHasCompletion = function onHasCompletion(...args) { console.warn( 'Importing `onHasCompletion` from `graphiql` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. Please switch to importing the `onHasCompletion` function provided by the `@graphiql/react` package.', ); return _onHasCompletion(...args); }; export const fillLeafs: typeof _fillLeafs = function fillLeafs(...args) { console.warn( 'Importing `fillLeafs` from `graphiql` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. Please switch to importing the `fillLeafs` function provided by the `@graphiql/toolkit` package.', ); return _fillLeafs(...args); }; export const getSelectedOperationName: typeof _getSelectedOperationName = function getSelectedOperationName(...args) { console.warn( 'Importing `getSelectedOperationName` from `graphiql` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. Please switch to importing the `getSelectedOperationName` function provided by the `@graphiql/toolkit` package.', ); return _getSelectedOperationName(...args); }; export const mergeAst: typeof _mergeAst = function mergeAst(...args) { console.warn( 'Importing `mergeAst` from `graphiql` is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. Please switch to importing the `mergeAst` function provided by the `@graphiql/toolkit` package.', ); return _mergeAst(...args); };