import gql from 'graphql-tag'; import { Resolver, ExecInfo } from '..'; const execute = (graphql, r) => () => { it('does basic things', async () => { const resolver = (_, root) => r(root + 'fake'); const query = gql` { a { b ...frag } } fragment frag on X { c } `; const result = await graphql(resolver, query, '', null, null); expect(result).toEqual({ a: { b: 'fakefake', c: 'fakefake', }, }); }); it('works with enum args', async () => { const resolver = (fieldName, root, args) => r(args.value); const query = gql` { a(value: ENUM_VALUE) } `; const result = await graphql(resolver, query); expect(result).toEqual({ a: 'ENUM_VALUE' }); }); it('works with null args', async () => { const resolver = (fieldName, root, args) => r(args.value); const query = gql` { a(value: null) } `; const result = await graphql(resolver, query); expect(result).toEqual({ a: null }); }); it('traverses arrays returned from the resolver', async () => { const resolver = () => r([1, 2]); const query = gql` { a { b } } `; const result = await graphql(resolver, query); expect(result).toEqual({ a: [{ b: [1, 2] }, { b: [1, 2] }] }); }); it('can traverse an object', async () => { const obj = { a: { b: 'fun', c: ['also fun', 'also fun 2'], d: 'not fun', }, }; const resolver = (fieldName, root) => r(root[fieldName]); const query = gql` { a { b c } } `; const result = await graphql(resolver, query, obj, null, null); expect(result).toEqual({ a: { b: 'fun', c: ['also fun', 'also fun 2'], }, }); }); it('can traverse nested arrays', async () => { const obj = { a: [{ b: [[{ c: 1 }, { c: 2 }], [{ c: 3 }, { c: 4 }]] }] }; const resolver = (fieldName, root) => r(root[fieldName]); const query = gql` { a { b { c } } } `; const result = await graphql(resolver, query, obj, null, null); expect(result).toEqual({ a: [{ b: [[{ c: 1 }, { c: 2 }], [{ c: 3 }, { c: 4 }]] }], }); }); it('can use arguments, both inline and variables', async () => { const resolver = (fieldName, _, args) => r(args); const query = gql` { inline(int: 5, float: 3.14, string: "string") variables(int: $int, float: $float, string: $string) } `; const variables = { int: 6, float: 6.28, string: 'varString', }; const result = await graphql(resolver, query, null, null, variables); expect(result).toEqual({ inline: { int: 5, float: 3.14, string: 'string', }, variables: { int: 6, float: 6.28, string: 'varString', }, }); }); it('will tolerate missing variables', async () => { const resolver = (fieldName, _, args) => r(args); const query = gql` { variables(int: $int, float: $float, string: $string, missing: $missing) } `; const variables = { int: 6, float: 6.28, string: 'varString', }; const result = await graphql(resolver, query, null, null, variables); expect(result).toEqual({ variables: { int: 6, float: 6.28, string: 'varString', missing: undefined, }, }); }); it('can use skip and include', async () => { const resolver = fieldName => r(fieldName); const query = gql` { a { b @skip(if: true) c @include(if: true) d @skip(if: false) e @include(if: false) } } `; const result = await graphql(resolver, query, null, null); expect(result).toEqual({ a: { c: 'c', d: 'd', }, }); }); it('can use inline and named fragments', async () => { const resolver = fieldName => r(fieldName); const query = gql` { a { ... on Type { b c } ...deFrag } } fragment deFrag on Type { d e } `; const result = await graphql(resolver, query, null, null, null); expect(result).toEqual({ a: { b: 'b', c: 'c', d: 'd', e: 'e', }, }); }); it('can resolve deeply nested fragments', async () => { const resolver = (fieldName, root) => { return r(root[fieldName]); }; const query = gql` { stringField numberField nullField ... on Item { nestedObj { stringField nullField deepNestedObj { stringField nullField } } } ... on Item { nestedObj { numberField nullField deepNestedObj { numberField nullField } } } ... on Item { nullObject } nestedObj { inlinedObjectStringField } } `; const result: any = { id: 'abcd', stringField: 'This is a string!', numberField: 5, nullField: null, nestedObj: { id: 'abcde', stringField: 'This is a string too!', numberField: 6, nullField: null, deepNestedObj: { stringField: 'This is a deep string', numberField: 7, nullField: null, }, inlinedObjectStringField: 'This is a string of an inlined object', }, nullObject: null, }; const queryResult = await graphql(resolver, query, result); // The result of the query shouldn't contain __data_id fields expect(queryResult).toEqual({ stringField: 'This is a string!', numberField: 5, nullField: null, nestedObj: { stringField: 'This is a string too!', numberField: 6, nullField: null, deepNestedObj: { stringField: 'This is a deep string', numberField: 7, nullField: null, }, inlinedObjectStringField: 'This is a string of an inlined object', }, nullObject: null, }); }); it('can resolve deeply nested fragments with arrays', async () => { const resolver = (fieldName, root) => { return r(root[fieldName]); }; const query = gql` { ... on Item { array { id field1 } } ... on Item { array { id field2 } } ... on Item { array { id field3 } } } `; const result: any = { array: [ { id: 'abcde', field1: 1, field2: 2, field3: 3, }, ], }; const queryResult = await graphql(resolver, query, result); expect(queryResult).toEqual({ array: [ { id: 'abcde', field1: 1, field2: 2, field3: 3, }, ], }); }); it('passes info including isLeaf, resultKey, directives, and field', async () => { const leafMap: { [s: string]: ExecInfo } = {}; const resolver: Resolver = (fieldName, root, args, context, info) => { leafMap[fieldName] = info; return r('continue'); }; const query = gql` { alias: a { b hasDirective @skip(if: false) @otherDirective(arg: $x) } } `; await graphql(resolver, query, null, null, { x: 'argument' }); expect(leafMap).toEqual({ a: { directives: null, isLeaf: false, resultKey: 'alias', field: expect.any(Object), }, b: { directives: null, isLeaf: true, resultKey: 'b', field: expect.any(Object), }, hasDirective: { directives: { skip: { if: false }, otherDirective: { arg: 'argument' }, }, isLeaf: true, resultKey: 'hasDirective', field: expect.any(Object), }, }); }); it('can filter GraphQL results', async () => { const data = { alias: 'Bob', name: 'Wrong', height: 1.89, avatar: { square: 'abc', circle: 'def', triangle: 'qwe', }, }; const fragment = gql` fragment PersonDetails on Person { alias: name height(unit: METERS) avatar { square ... on Avatar { circle } } } `; const resolver: Resolver = (fieldName, root, args, context, info) => { return r(root[info.resultKey]); }; const filtered = await graphql(resolver, fragment, data); expect(filtered).toEqual({ alias: 'Bob', height: 1.89, avatar: { square: 'abc', circle: 'def', }, }); }); it('can handle mutations', async () => { const resolver = (fieldName, root, args) => { let value; if (fieldName === 'operateOnNumbers') { value = args; } else if (fieldName === 'add') { value = root.a + root.b; } else if (fieldName === 'subtract') { value = root.a - root.b; } else if (fieldName === 'multiply') { value = root.a * root.b; } else if (fieldName === 'divide') { value = root.a / root.b; } return r(value); }; const query = gql` mutation { operateOnNumbers(a: 10, b: 2) { add subtract multiply divide } } `; const result = await graphql(resolver, query, '', null, null); expect(result).toEqual({ operateOnNumbers: { add: 12, subtract: 8, multiply: 20, divide: 5, }, }); }); it('does not error on subscriptions', async () => { const data = { user: { id: 1, name: 'Some User', height: 1.89, }, }; const resolver = (fieldName, root) => r(root[fieldName]); const query = gql` subscription { user { id name height } } `; const result = await graphql(resolver, query, data); expect(result).toEqual({ user: { id: 1, name: 'Some User', height: 1.89, }, }); }); it('can handle documents with multiple fragments', async () => { const data = { user: { id: 1, name: 'Some User', height: 1.89, }, }; const resolver = (fieldName, root) => r(root[fieldName]); const query = gql` fragment A on User { name } fragment B on User { height } query { user { id ...A ...B } } `; const result = await graphql(resolver, query, data); expect(result).toEqual({ user: { id: 1, name: 'Some User', height: 1.89, }, }); }); describe('examples', () => { it('readme example', async () => { // I don't need all this stuff! const gitHubAPIResponse = { url: '', title: 'Found a bug', body: "I'm having a problem with this.", user: { login: 'octocat', avatar_url: '', url: '', }, labels: [ { url: '', name: 'bug', color: 'f29513', }, ], }; // Write a query that gets just the fields we want const query = gql` { title user { login } labels { name } } `; // Define a resolver that just returns a property const resolver = (fieldName, root) => root[fieldName]; // Filter the data! const result = await graphql(resolver, query, gitHubAPIResponse); expect(result).toEqual({ title: 'Found a bug', user: { login: 'octocat' }, labels: [{ name: 'bug' }], }); }); it('readme example 2', async () => { // Write a query where the fields are types, but we alias them const query = gql` { author { name: string age: int address { state: string } } } `; // Define a resolver that uses the field name to determine the type // Note that we get the actual name, not the alias, but the alias // is used to determine the location in the response const resolver = fieldName => ({ string: 'This is a string', int: 5 }[fieldName] || 'continue'); // Generate the object! const result = await graphql(resolver, query); expect(result).toEqual({ author: { name: 'This is a string', age: 5, address: { state: 'This is a string' }, }, }); }); it('read from Redux normalized store', async () => { const data = { result: [1, 2], entities: { articles: { 1: { id: 1, title: 'Some Article', author: 1 }, 2: { id: 2, title: 'Other Article', author: 1 }, }, users: { 1: { id: 1, name: 'Dan' } }, }, }; const query = gql` { result { title author { name } } } `; const schema = { articles: { author: 'users' } }; // This resolver is a bit more complex than others, since it has to // correctly handle the root object, values by ID, and scalar leafs. const resolver = (fieldName, rootValue, args, context): any => { if (!rootValue) { return => { return { ...context.entities.articles[id], __typename: 'articles', }; }); } const typename = rootValue.__typename; // If this field is a reference according to the schema if (typename && schema[typename] && schema[typename][fieldName]) { // Get the target type, and get it from entities by ID const targetType: string = schema[typename][fieldName]; return { ...context.entities[targetType][rootValue[fieldName]], __typename: targetType, }; } // This field is just a scalar return rootValue[fieldName]; }; const result = await graphql( resolver, query, null, data, // pass data as context since we have to access it all the time ); // This is the non-normalized data, with only the fields we asked for in our query! expect(result).toEqual({ result: [ { title: 'Some Article', author: { name: 'Dan' }, }, { title: 'Other Article', author: { name: 'Dan' }, }, ], }); }); }); }; describe('basic operations done sync', execute(require('../').default, x => x)); describe( 'basic operations done async', execute(require('../async').graphql, x => Promise.resolve(x)), );