import { DocumentNode, DirectiveNode } from 'graphql'; import { getInclusionDirectives } from 'apollo-utilities'; import { graphql, VariableMap, ExecInfo, ExecContext } from './graphql'; import { invariant } from 'ts-invariant'; const { hasOwnProperty } = Object.prototype; export function filter( doc: DocumentNode, data: D, variableValues: VariableMap = {}, ): FD { if (data === null) return data; const resolver = ( fieldName: string, root: any, args: Object, context: ExecContext, info: ExecInfo, ) => { return root[info.resultKey]; }; return Array.isArray(data) ? => graphql(resolver, doc, dataObj, null, variableValues)) : graphql(resolver, doc, data, null, variableValues); } // TODO: we should probably make check call propType and then throw, // rather than the other way round, to avoid constructing stack traces // for things like oneOf uses in React. At this stage I doubt many people // are using this like that, but in the future, who knows? export function check( doc: DocumentNode, data: any, variables: VariableMap = {}, ): void { const resolver = ( fieldName: string, root: any, args: any, context: any, info: any, ) => { // When variables is null, fields with @include/skip directives that // reference variables are considered optional. invariant(, info.resultKey) || (!variables && hasVariableInclusions(info.field.directives)), `${info.resultKey} missing on ${JSON.stringify(root)}`, ); return root[info.resultKey]; }; graphql(resolver, doc, data, {}, variables, { fragmentMatcher: () => false, }); } function hasVariableInclusions( directives: ReadonlyArray, ): boolean { return getInclusionDirectives(directives).some( ({ ifArgument }) => ifArgument.value && ifArgument.value.kind === 'Variable', ); } // Lifted/adapted from // const ANONYMOUS = '<>'; function PropTypeError(message) { this.message = message; this.stack = ''; } // Make `instanceof Error` still work for returned errors. PropTypeError.prototype = Error.prototype; const reactPropTypeLocationNames = { prop: 'prop', context: 'context', childContext: 'child context', }; function createChainableTypeChecker(validate) { function checkType( isRequired, props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, ) { componentName = componentName || ANONYMOUS; propFullName = propFullName || propName; if (props[propName] == null) { const locationName = reactPropTypeLocationNames[location]; if (isRequired) { if (props[propName] === null) { return new PropTypeError( `The ${locationName} \`${propFullName}\` is marked as required ` + `in \`${componentName}\`, but its value is \`null\`.`, ); } return new PropTypeError( `The ${locationName} \`${propFullName}\` is marked as required in ` + `\`${componentName}\`, but its value is \`undefined\`.`, ); } return null; } else { return validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName); } } const chainedCheckType = checkType.bind(null, false); chainedCheckType.isRequired = checkType.bind(null, true); return chainedCheckType; } export function propType( doc: DocumentNode, mapPropsToVariables = props => null, ) { return createChainableTypeChecker((props, propName) => { const prop = props[propName]; try { if (!prop.loading) { check(doc, prop, mapPropsToVariables(props)); } return null; } catch (e) { // Need a much better error. // Also we aren't checking for extra fields return e; } }); }