import { Kind, ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, SchemaDefinitionNode, InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode, DocumentNode} from 'graphql' import { getNamedType, getOperationFieldDefinition, getNonNullType, getInputValueDefinition, getTypeDefinition, getFieldDefinition, getDirectiveNode, getOperationTypeDefinition } from './RelationalDBSchemaTransformerUtils' import {RelationalDBParsingException} from './RelationalDBParsingException' import { IRelationalDBReader } from './IRelationalDBReader'; import { toUpper } from 'graphql-transformer-common' /** * This class is used to transition all of the columns and key metadata from a table for use * in generating appropriate GraphQL schema structures. It will track type definitions for * the base table, update mutation inputs, create mutation inputs, and primary key metadata. */ export class TableContext { tableTypeDefinition: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode createTypeDefinition: InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode updateTypeDefinition: InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode // Table primary key metadata, to help properly key queries and mutations. tableKeyField: string tableKeyFieldType: string stringFieldList: string[] intFieldList: string[] constructor(typeDefinition: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, createDefinition: InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode, updateDefinition: InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode, primaryKeyField: string, primaryKeyType: string, stringFieldList: string[], intFieldList: string[]) { this.tableTypeDefinition = typeDefinition this.tableKeyField = primaryKeyField this.createTypeDefinition = createDefinition this.updateTypeDefinition = updateDefinition this.tableKeyFieldType = primaryKeyType this.stringFieldList = stringFieldList this.intFieldList = intFieldList } } /** * This class is used to transition all of the information needed to generate the * CloudFormation template. This is the class that is outputted by the SchemaTransformer and the one that * RelationalDBTemplateGenerator takes in for the constructor. It tracks the graphql schema document, * map of the primary keys for each of the types. It is also being used to track the CLI inputs needed * for DataSource Creation, as data source creation is apart of the cfn template generation. */ export default class TemplateContext { schemaDoc: DocumentNode typePrimaryKeyMap: Map stringFieldMap: Map intFieldMap: Map secretStoreArn: string rdsClusterIdentifier: string databaseName: string databaseSchema: string region: string constructor(schemaDoc: DocumentNode, typePrimaryKeyMap: Map, stringFieldMap: Map, intFieldMap: Map) { this.schemaDoc = schemaDoc this.typePrimaryKeyMap = typePrimaryKeyMap this.stringFieldMap = stringFieldMap this.intFieldMap = intFieldMap } } export class RelationalDBSchemaTransformer { dbReader: IRelationalDBReader database: string constructor(dbReader: IRelationalDBReader, database: string) { this.dbReader = dbReader this.database = database } public introspectDatabaseSchema = async (): Promise => { // Get all of the tables within the provided db let tableNames = null try { tableNames = await this.dbReader.listTables() } catch (err) { throw new RelationalDBParsingException(`Failed to list tables in ${this.database}`, err.stack) } let typeContexts = new Array() let types = new Array() let pkeyMap = new Map() let stringFieldMap = new Map() let intFieldMap = new Map() for (const tableName of tableNames) { let type: TableContext = null try { type = await this.dbReader.describeTable(tableName) } catch (err) { throw new RelationalDBParsingException(`Failed to describe table ${tableName}`, err.stack) } // NOTE from @mikeparisstuff. The GraphQL schema generation breaks // when the table does not have an explicit primary key. if (type.tableKeyField) { typeContexts.push(type) // Generate the 'connection' type for each table type definition // TODO: Determine if Connection is needed as Data API doesn't provide pagination // TODO: As we add different db sources, we should conditionally do this even if we don't for Aurora serverless. //types.push(this.getConnectionType(tableName)) // Generate the create operation input for each table type definition types.push(type.createTypeDefinition) // Generate the default shape for the table's structure types.push(type.tableTypeDefinition) // Generate the update operation input for each table type definition types.push(type.updateTypeDefinition) // Update the field map with the new field lists for the current table stringFieldMap.set(tableName, type.stringFieldList) intFieldMap.set(tableName, type.intFieldList) pkeyMap.set(tableName, type.tableKeyField) } else { console.warn(`Skipping table ${} because it does not have a single PRIMARY KEY.`) } } // Generate the mutations and queries based on the table structures types.push(this.getMutations(typeContexts)) types.push(this.getQueries(typeContexts)) types.push(this.getSubscriptions(typeContexts)) types.push(this.getSchemaType()) let context = this.dbReader.hydrateTemplateContext(new TemplateContext({kind: Kind.DOCUMENT, definitions: types}, pkeyMap, stringFieldMap, intFieldMap)) return context } /** * Creates a schema type definition node, including operations for each of query, mutation, and subscriptions. * * @returns a basic schema definition node. */ getSchemaType(): SchemaDefinitionNode { return { kind: Kind.SCHEMA_DEFINITION, operationTypes: [ getOperationTypeDefinition('query', getNamedType('Query')), getOperationTypeDefinition('mutation', getNamedType('Mutation')), getOperationTypeDefinition('subscription', getNamedType('Subscription')) ] } } /** * Generates the basic mutation operations, given the provided table contexts. This will * create a create, delete, and update operation for each table. * * @param types the table contexts from which the mutations are to be generated. * @returns the type definition for mutations, including a create, delete, and update for each table. */ private getMutations(types: TableContext[]): ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { const fields = [] for (const typeContext of types) { const type = typeContext.tableTypeDefinition fields.push( getOperationFieldDefinition(`delete${toUpper(}`, [getInputValueDefinition(getNonNullType(getNamedType(typeContext.tableKeyFieldType)), typeContext.tableKeyField)], getNamedType(`${}`), null) ) fields.push( getOperationFieldDefinition(`create${toUpper(}`, [getInputValueDefinition(getNonNullType(getNamedType(`Create${}Input`)), `create${}Input`)], getNamedType(`${}`), null) ) fields.push( getOperationFieldDefinition(`update${toUpper(}`, [getInputValueDefinition(getNonNullType(getNamedType(`Update${}Input`)), `update${}Input`)], getNamedType(`${}`), null) ) } return getTypeDefinition(fields, 'Mutation') } /** * Generates the basic subscription operations, given the provided table contexts. This will * create an onCreate subscription for each table. * * @param types the table contexts from which the subscriptions are to be generated. * @returns the type definition for subscriptions, including an onCreate for each table. */ private getSubscriptions(types: TableContext[]): ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { const fields = [] for (const typeContext of types) { const type = typeContext.tableTypeDefinition fields.push( getOperationFieldDefinition(`onCreate${toUpper(}`, [], getNamedType(`${}`), [getDirectiveNode(`create${toUpper(}`)]) ) } return getTypeDefinition(fields, 'Subscription') } /** * Generates the basic query operations, given the provided table contexts. This will * create a get and list operation for each table. * * @param types the table contexts from which the queries are to be generated. * @returns the type definition for queries, including a get and list for each table. */ private getQueries(types: TableContext[]): ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { const fields = [] for (const typeContext of types) { const type = typeContext.tableTypeDefinition fields.push( getOperationFieldDefinition(`get${toUpper(}`, [getInputValueDefinition(getNonNullType(getNamedType(typeContext.tableKeyFieldType)), typeContext.tableKeyField)], getNamedType(`${}`), null) ) fields.push( getOperationFieldDefinition(`list${toUpper(}s`, [], getNamedType(`[${}]`), null) ) } return getTypeDefinition(fields, 'Query') } /** * Creates a GraphQL connection type for a given GraphQL type, corresponding to a SQL table name. * * @param tableName the name of the SQL table (and GraphQL type). * @returns a type definition node defining the connection type for the provided type name. */ getConnectionType(tableName: string): ObjectTypeDefinitionNode { return getTypeDefinition( [ getFieldDefinition('items', getNamedType(`[${tableName}]`)), getFieldDefinition('nextToken', getNamedType('String')) ], `${tableName}Connection`) } }